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Welcome to DELETED ~~ HIGHLANDER ~~ {Adult}

16:10, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Styrbjorn Sterki ~ The Mercenary

Styrbjǫrn Sterki is a giant of a man. While not tall enough to see exactly eye-to-eye with Shaquille O'Neal, he's certainly tall enough to give him a headbutt if he wanted too. That great physical size is coupled with a physique that can best be described as "brick shithouse." And not that sexy, magazine cover bodybuilder body either, but a working man's body. Which means corded muscles over a thick trunk. Which is a fancy way of saying that Styrbjǫrn looks like he enjoys beer and burgers, even while he's dead-lifting the back end of a pickup truck. Which, to be fair, he does. Grease stains and other less wholesome fluids often stain his clothing, which is more often than not more ruggedly functional than stylish.

His personal grooming matches his clothing choice. For the most part, his long hair and beard are wild and unkempt. However, as such things can often get caught or otherwise hinder, Styrbjǫrn will usually either tie it back, or if he is feeling bored and wants something to do, braid it. This, along with his other obvious physical attributes make him look like a wild mountain man, which he is.

Kind of.

The unusual accessories that mark him as an oddity besides his above average height and weight are the leather cut he keeps on his person at all time, and the heavy pouches and holsters that sit on his waist. Sometimes they are filled with mundane items like keys and money. Other times they hold automotive tools. And sometimes they hold weapons that would definitely raise and eyebrow or two from law enforcement, which is why he goes out of his way to only carry those items during times of extreme need, or at night.

Or if it's Thursday.

Really, he doesn't need that much provocation to come out dressed for war.

Styrbjǫrn is a man of extremes in all things. Which is partially not his fault. Either way, when the big man is in the room, you know it. Loud, boisterous, and unwilling to be cowed, his forceful personality serves him well in most situations. Whether he is fighting some wicked nasty from beyond, or cancelling his cable subscription. Which isn't to say that the man is uncaring or incapable of subtlety. It's just that he's lived a hard life, and doesn't have time to mess about. He has little patience for bullshit. Lies, senseless cruelty, and disloyalty are the holy trinity of pet peeves that can send him over the edge.

Which isn't that hard to do. Because Styrbjǫrn's...temper is legendary. As a warrior with anger issues and a truckload of daddy issues, rage is his constant companion. It usually takes all his self control to maintain a semblance of normalcy. So when he let's himself off the chain, its not so much that he has to work himself up, but simply let go. He is terrifying when under the effects of the berserkergang. More a mindless force of nature than a man. That dark aspect of himself has frightened away friends and lovers in the past, and he has a complicated relationship with his anger. On the one hand it gives him strength, and he has used it for good ends in the past. On the other, it frightens him too. There is always the danger of him hurting someone innocent by accident.

But Styrbjǫrn isn't all booming voice and fury. His tactless directness also makes him fall in love fast, and hard. He often jokes that if he gets to know a woman long enough, the chances of him proposing to her goes up by the hour. That self-deprecating humor hides a kernel of truth. His passions run strong, and deep. Considering his almost chronic inability to maintain a relationship, it is a strength and a weakness. Just as often as his heart is filled with joy and love, it is just as often filled with sorrow and a frat-house worth of empty whiskey bottles.