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Welcome to Leather, Lace and Steam

22:12, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Leopold Jahn Olbrich the Fourth

Tall and square-shouldered, Leopold cuts a striking figure. Time spent working at sea has kept him trim and well-muscled, fighting fit despite not having been in the navy for some eight years. That same disciplined fitness extends to the rest of his appearance, sharply trimmed hair, precisely parted any time he is in public, and a meticulously groomed mustache and beard frame his narrow angular face. Grey eyes, marked by the crow's feet that come with staring too often into the sun peer out from beneath neat eyebrows, and a long aquiline nose gives him a memorable profile.

The son of a watchmaker, and a navigator by profession, Leopold's personality can best be described as 'precise'. He moves with care, thinking before every action, speaks clearly, especially when giving or receiving orders, and is fastidious about his appearance. Most who know him at least casually consider him quite dour and humorless, rarely joking or smiling until you truly get to know him. Pry open the watch's case though, and the ticking heart of Leopold is possessed of a wry, dry, acerbic humor, one he is willing to share with his few rare friends.

Königsberg is a city of harshness. Whipped by winter winds off the Baltic, a harbor often clogged with ice, and streets coated in snow, it breeds cold men and stiff dispositions. The eldest son of a watchmaker, Leopold was raised in his father's footsteps, learning from a young age the value of precision, steadiness, and reliability. Lessons the young Leopold took with him to the University of Königsberg, where he discovered the beauty of math. The numbers speak to Leopold, unlocking a world of exactingly precise answers, so different from the muddy complexity of people.

Unfortunately, mathematicians are not in high demand, and after his younger brother Siegfried took over the family business he had to find other work. A six-year stint with the Royal Prussian Navy turned his love of numbers into a practical skill, seeing him trained as a navigator, something he brought home with him, taking up a career as a junior Harbormaster, guiding ships through the often treacherous waters of Königsberg harbor. While his career is satisfactory, the math of it has become repetitive and staid, something that troubles the dour Leopold in his free hours. Silently he longs for new challenges, harder problems, to once more discover the joy hidden in the numbers.

Skill Sets:
Navigator: Leopold is trained in the arcane skills of navigating by sun and star, and over the years has collected a full set of the tools for his trade, all of the highest quality and carefully maintained. They are his livelihood, and he treats them with the respect that deserves.

Mathematician: Math is Leopold's first love, anything from simple calculations to esoteric calculus, the numbers sing to him. Almost never seen without his slide rule, he has been known to race against Difference Engines to see who can make complex calculations first.

Combat Competent: Leopold's first tour on the seas was with the Royal Prussian Navy, and while no master swordsman or expert marksman, he is competent and trained in both.
Muscial Themes