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Welcome to All That Remains

12:16, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Riley

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Race: Human... tainted by magic

Physical Description:  Riley has a slender but athletic frame, one that has been performing on the stage for a while and knows image is everything. His skin is tanned but his hair is bleached white with the roots of darker hair starting to show through. Under the face of makeup are golden eyes that show the hint of something not completely human, though they could be contacts? But the real give away that more than mortal hands have been near him are the golden tattoos along his body that have been designed to look like cracks in his skin. They catch the light as though they have gold within them, though when he dances under the right lighting they are hypnotic.



Talents & Weaknesses

Skills: Despite not remembering those days Riley is good on the streets, he can be apt at pick-pocketing and slight of hand. He had a good stage presence and has learned to dance in different styles from his typical strip dancing designed to seduce to dances of expression of passion and grace, movement is something he prides above all as even if he is trapped in once place the ability to dance makes him feel free.

Powers: Although not a magic user he has been tainted by strong magic resulting in slower ageing and a more than human beauty. He was altered to gain attention, to bring in crowds.

He can dance for longer than the average human, having an increased stamina and less need for food, water and rest. He does not feel hunger or thirst the same as most people and his body does not show lack of food or water even when needed (This can be detrimental). His feet are always stable no matter what the state of his mind, as long as he is conscious his feet know how to move and keep him upright.

The tattoos on his body are not natural and have a hypnotic effect, while only minor it could catch those of lower will and draw them in to him. They were designed to keep an audience around while he performed and keep them coming back.

Vulnerabilities: Because of his lack of schooling he never learned to read or write, he has never had need of it until now and is finding the effects very distressing.

Although completely human there is an unnatural feel about him and as such can be shunned by some people, he keeps makeup and fancy clothes on as much as possible to make it more “his look” however it doesn't always do enough.

He has little memory of his past and even fewer of his life between the ages of 16-18, it has caused a strong loss in sense of self when he is not on stage or “performing”. He was used to being guided by a stronger power and now find himself without a history or past. It causes extreme anxiety and causes him to cling to whatever/whoever gives him a sense of purpose or something to follow. It also results in many issues with holding down any friendships.

He has an addiction to alcohol and any drug he can get in his system, there is possibly some addiction to the presence of magic but he is unsure of what that magic is or why it draws him in.

Under The Hood

abrasive and snarky, Riley has a rebellious streak that seems to have clung on through so much chaos. Although he seeks stability and leadership from others he can be a brat, he hates being held down and only feels right when he is moving or on his feet. Internally he fights to remember himself, causing emotional outbursts and to both push people away as well as bring them towards him. It can be seen as very toxic, usually only tolerated by those who are out to exploit him or those who stay long enough to see parts of the real him.

History: If you asked him he would avoid the question but truth be told he remembers very little of his life before the age of 18, he knows he had a family and a childhood but that is all he can recall. No friends, names or even faces come to his mind. His first clear memory is stepping onto the stage at the strip club he worked at for 3 years, he remembers the joy in the dancing the pleasure in the lust and cheer from the crowd and the love he had for the man who taught him everything he knew. Not that he even remembers the training. But since the club went under and his boss disappeared overnight he has been left wandering the streets, looking for where to go next. To follow someone new? Or carve a life of his own? he doesn't know

Clothing: He is always seen in dressy high gothic clothing, not clothing normally seen in every day but something worn to a show on on stage. The unfortunate result of his life being on the stage and then suddenly being without one is that he had had to wear such fancy clothes as everyday wear, they vary in how worn out they are, unwashed and some ripped but he has done his best to try and keep them in good condition.