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Welcome to Life in Breckenridge

22:09, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

September Grey


Name: September Grey

Middle Name: Alexandra

Nickname: None as yet

Ethnicity: Scottish/Irish/American



Gender: Female

Age: 21

Hair: Red

Eyes: Blue-green

Distinguishing Marks: Thin scar on her right temple that goes back into her hairline, very faint, but there if someone wants to really look.

Description of General Appearance: Standing at 5'4", September is a little below average height but this is where average ends.  Her red hair catches the eye first but it is her overall appearance that tends to make a favorable impression.  A delicate, yet not weak, bone structure, fair, smooth, skin, eyes a captivating blue-green, lips full and curved with just a hint of seduction all set in a countenance that has unknowingly stolen many a heart.  She is lean, lithe, yet well-proportioned with the right amount of curve.  September has great spiritual strength within, moving with a preternatural grace.  She uses make-up sparingly and wears her long hair in various styles.



September tends to observe and listen more than speak but when she does speak, it is with intent.  While there is a streak of shyness within her, having felt rather the outcast most of her life, she is also oddly comfortable and confident in herself, just not in others or around most others.  She is curious and inquisitive, kind and generous, creative and artistic and yet, wary and cautious as well.  The Bohemian, or gypsy, of the old country, is in her soul, her grandfather used to say.  She enjoys her own company and is often found off by herself.  Can be rather bossy when necessary as she is a great organizer and planner of events.

Strengths:  She knows who and what she is, not easily swayed by others, applies logic as well as heart to all she does.

Weaknesses: She has a hard time trusting people, though she hides it pretty well.  Can be single-minded and stubborn.

Fears: Dying alone, never being fully loved and accepted for who, and what, she is or might become. Snakes, they just give her the heebie jeebies.



Education: Nothing special, public schools, followed by a community college associates degree in business management and hospitality.

Talents/Skills:  She plays the piano and harp, credibly, draws and paints and is quite crafty, sings and dances, tolerably well, writes poetry though not with much skill, she will admit, can ride very well, loves to cook and bake and has been told she has quite a knack for it, and, she seems to be sensitive to the spiritual world, though she’s certainly no Long Island Medium or Tyler Henry, at least not in as far as the notoriety and such.  It’s something she tends to keep on the down low as it tends to be something people are more skeptical about than anything.  Interest in the occult and the natural magic of the word around them, healing herbs, power stones and the like.



Occupation/Position in Society: She has recently inherited a great deal of money and the old family manor house in Breckenridge. Neither of which she had any idea exited until about a year ago.

Background/History:  September is the only child of Paul and Elizabeth Grey.  She was raised modestly. She was loved and cared for, and had a happy home life at least in the beginning.  Like most children she had her 'imaginary friends' only in her case they were not really imaginary, at least to her.  They say children are especially prone to seeing beyond the veil as their minds are far more open, more able to believe in what is possible because they have not had the impossible beat into their brains as yet.

Each year that passed, however, as she insisted things were real, her parents could not, or simply would not understand and accept.  They were convinced she was pretending for some reason and sought medical help.  First, they tried counseling, then medications, and finally even got the church involved.  She was told it was all in her head, to stop it, to grow up, to pray harder, basically shamed into keeping quiet and threatened to quit lying for attention.  Which all made for frustration and even physical discomfort on her part, not to mention a feeling of abandonment from her parents.

Luckily, she had Grandpapa who always treated her like a princess.  He seemed to understand her and told her a little bit about the family history and how they supposedly had an ancestor accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake, though he admitted he hadn’t much information, it was just a story he heard when he was a child.  Still, he at least made her feel like she was not just a troubled youth. He called her his little Bohemian.  When she was 13, her parents died in a car accident, one she miraculously survived with only minimal injury.  She was then raised by her grandfather and actually allowed her to explore the world of the occult and mysticism. Though he himself had only a limited knowledge of those things.

When he passed, she felt true grief, feeling as if she would never have anyone who truly loved her for her ever again.  It was also at this time she was approached by a lawyer who explained she was actually a descendant from an illustrious family, the Grey’s of Breckenridge.  Which thoroughly surprised her. She was the last of the line, apparently, and as such, was to be the recipient of a sizable inheritance and the family manor.

Why have you come to Breckenridge?  To find out if all this is just in my head or not, to learn more about my family and its secrets.  And to capitalize on the ‘spook’ market, as I like to say.  There are many people who are interested in the occult and ghosts and such, be it for novelty reasons or otherwise, why not capitalize on this fact?  Especially, when I have the place and the means to do so.