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Welcome to ~~ DRAGONGUARDS vs THE DARK REGIME ~~ {Adult}

10:54, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

DR Sakr ~ The Giantkin

CHARACTER NAME: Sakr the Giantkin

DESCRIPTION: Sakr is a massive man nearly 7 foot tall with a powerful build. He wears heavy armor with a red cloak depicting his family crest and carries a greatsword.

SKILLS: Sakr is a skilled warrior. He's also a talented painter, horsemen, and he's an excellent strategists in the heat of battle. His most important skill however is being under estimated. Everyone assumes he is a big dumb brute, but he's cunning in ways only a few know.


Sakr is inhumanly strong and durable able to perform feats of strength that have given him his nickname. He once threw a knight and his horse from a mountain pass.


Sakr grew up to petty nobility. Trained to be a knight he took to combat quickly. His mother however made sure his nights were spent learning the finer side of nobility as well. When the rebellion happened his parents sided with the drakelords so he did as well though he really didn't care one way or another.

Arylyss is his dragon to be his companion he has been trained to fight along side one. While not particularly evil Sakr only really cares about fighting he has an almost insatiable blood lust when sword are drawn. Since meeting Tonya however he cares about her and knows she can easily calm him down. It's done wonders for his career since he has an easier time dealing with his fellow drakelords now that his mind isn't always seeing a red cloud around people.