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Welcome to Absolute

16:14, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Kim
Status: Submissive/Slave
Rank: Slave
Actual Age/Apparent Age: 23
Gender: female
Description: Kim stands around five foot three with long auburn hair and red-brown eyes with a very definite Asian appearance.  Her build is quite slender, though her breasts are larger than would be normal for a woman of her size.  She likes to wear tight fitting dresses, preferably in black or blue, that leave her legs and a fair amount of her cleavage bare when she wears anything at all.

Personality: Before she became a slave Kim was a bright, personable, and fun girl who wore her heart on her sleeve.  She was curious and enjoyed new experiences and it is that last that got her into her current situation.  Kim had been drawn to pleasure ever since she reached puberty and once she was out of it knew that one thing she wanted to do was experience being a sex slave.  She still is the nice girl, not one to be involved in "harem" politics and quickly found that she was happy being the most submissive little slut she could be.  She was far too trusting of her owners and now is paying the price, the enchantments on her and the drugs they had fed her have taken even the desire for for freedom from her and she willingly signed away her rights as a person to make her status permanent, even if she wasn't fully aware of what she was signing at the time.  Her fey heritage bound her to the agreement she signed and she will never be free now, nor does she want to be.
Occupation: Kim has been serving a six month contract as a slave for the resort.  She has not been able to keep coherent track of time and doesn’t realize that her service should have ended yesterday (day before game play commences).
Awareness: Full: Kim is aware of the other supernaturals and knows that, while her parents were both human they are part of a family of mixed demi-humans.  Her cousin Terrance, for example, is a kitsune.
History: Kim was born to a junior member of House Ackina her parents were both humans, Hojiro and Alara Akina, but somewhere in their past was a smattering of blood from a forest nymph on her mother's side. Even from an early age it was obvious that Kim had inherited some of her fey ancestor's beauty and willfulness and it led to her being well known in the family and more than a bit willful.

Kim grew up playing with one of her distant cousin, Terrance, who was a few years older than her and as they grew older and reached maturity he got sucked into his duties and Kim was left to entertain herself. Kim shortly matured into adult hood herself and found the pleasures of the flesh, she was quite promiscuous and took any number of lovers which made Terrance incredibly jealous. Terrance went from her friend to a demanding suitor and Kim rebuffed his advances cutting off as much of their contact as possible which would prove to be her undoing.

When she reached twenty-three Kim heard of a place for those interested in more...deviant forms of entertainment called The Absolute.  Kim served a six month stint as one of the slave girls of the establishment, wearing a hood with her hair in a ponytail out of the back of it, and little else.  She was kept in a semi enchanted state to keep her from realizing the true passage of time and so that she would greatly enjoy her time there and lower her resistance, or even awareness of, the fact she was being broken for service.

The Mistress of the place had been paid to keep Kim and break her by her cousin Terrance who fully planned to have her once she was unwilling to resist him any more.  She was unaware that Terrance had her parents sent far away on a business trip and made sure they would be assigned there permanently so that they would be unable to interfere with what he wanted of her.  He had Kim disinherited as an Ackina after her parents were gone and so the lovely young woman has no clue that she has no recourse to escape her predicament if she even realized that she was in one to begin with.
Sexual Orientation: Kim has always been a woman drawn to desire and sensation, largely due to her nymph heritage, and has had little preference between men, women, or more inventive genders though she does have a slight preference for women.  During her time as a short term slave she found a titillating delight in the life she had there finding a niche as a highly submissive slave girl with a near inexhaustible sex drive.
Kinks: Kim has found that she likes being used roughly and enjoys bondage and submission.
Limits: Beyond the standard site limits (some of which would not bother her) Kim is unwilling to do anything scat related.  Beyond that she hasn’t discovered them all yet.
Race: Either Human or a Race you can name and create yourself.
Abilities/Skills: Notable abilities (race) or skills (humans) your character has that is unique. Give only two examples, we don't want to go crazy with abilities here.
Culture: Kim grew up as the only child of a very junior line of the Akina's. This led to her having very few responsibilities growing up, the main one being able to make a good match for an alliance beneficial to her house.  She was encouraged to socialize and get to know men and women of other houses and prominent free men and women with the expectation of an arranged marriage to her kin's betterment.

Each member of her house was allowed a last grand hurrah before they settled in to their adult responsibilities and being such a junior member she was afford much leeway on when that would be.  This led to her deciding to do as her friend Jennifer had and become a short term slave at The Absolute, something that many of the children of the Dynasts were known to do.  It was always a risk but for her it would turn into the changing point of her entire life.