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Welcome to The Adventurers' Rapture

08:03, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Jamina Lazuli

Guild Records
Unknown Non-member
Half Elf
24 Years Old
Homeland: Dene

Standing at a height of roughly five feet and eight inches tall. bright crimson hair, almost with a orange-hue would extend towards the middle of the back, but seems styled in a neatly pulled together bun, on occasion, with only a few loose strands of hair forming two bangs left and right from a young half-elven face. Of course she always wear her hair straight, displaying the red hair she has with flair. She only ties it up when on the job since its stands out a lot. She has a distinctive sharp nose and chin, with softer edges to her cheeks and jawline, giving her a handsome but pretty look under the right light.

Like her ancestry, she possesses semi-tipped ears that lay back against her head, barely revealed by the long length off her hair, which curls at the end in gentle, delicate ringlets. High cheeks give a hint of nobility, perhaps the only angular, hash feature of her otherwise soft disposition. Her lips are a soft, unpainted mauve, slightly tipped into an ever constant smile. Her voice is soft, almost always at a whisper with a resonating tone, but it is her eyes that speak volumes, for they express a wealth of joy, sadness, and despair that her lips never utter, she always asks jovial despite the story hidden behind her eyes. She has a delicate frame, rather on the tall side with a long waist and slender features.

Guild Records according to findings and investigation:
Suspected to falsify their name, no further records on individual so far.