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Welcome to All That Remains

02:38, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)


The Basics

Name: Ypoli (YIP oh'lee)

Gender: Female

Age: 473

Race: Wyldfae Little Folk (Brownie)

The Physical

Physical Description

Distinguishing Features: Her skin is covered in a variety of brown tattoos consisting of both linear and elaborate sigils. They are a mixture of tribal markings for identification purposes and what she believes to be powerful magical protection.

Physical Description: Yip stands 4 AND 9/16th inches. Yes! The 9/16th of an inch is a very important distinction to a person of her stature, and therefor she makes certain to quantify it should anybody ask. In regard to weight, she's a little more girly and generally will answer a little over a pound. Her hair is brown, long, and often untamed appearing as she doesn't like to bind it; preferring the sensation of wind whipping through it. Her dazzling mirth-filled eyes are a wild, forest green color. The skin that is visible to those who gaze upon her natural Little Fair Folk beauty is covered in both linear and elaborate sigils that are permanently tattooed in brown ink. It can be assumed her tattoos cover a good swathe of her body beneath her clothing. Her clothing choices prevent assured knowledge, but it's probably safe to speculate that she possesses an athletic, lithe, and petite body structure rather than a curvaceous, birth-mother build. She dresses in clothing made by her hands from bits and pieces she's scrounged. The coloring and overall appearance of the clothing she wears is entirely dependent upon the season and environment surrounding her, which she uses as extremely effective camouflage against the giants' rotten eyesight. She always carries a gypsy-style bag hung cross-torso, a bow and quiver of arrows, and a golden heavy-duty sewing needle slipped into the belt encircling her waist.

Alternate Form: None... she is what she is

Talents & Weaknesses


Talents: Excellent singer (she sings soprano), excellent instrument player (she plays the bodhrán), leadership (inspires through example), navigation (instinctively knows up from down and true north), empathy (she doesn't read thoughts, but her grasp of non-verbal cues and listening could make you swear she does), subterfuge (all the Fae know this art and she's really, really good at it

Mundane Skills: Master at picking mundane locks, master at stealth, master at searching for hidden things, excellent apothecary, excellent archer, excellent animal rider, excellent geographical knowledge, good seamstress, good healing knowledge, good cook, adequate with using her needle in fights.


Magic: Faeries are very magical creatures, so it only stands to reason that they are also able to enact that magic upon the world around them. While there is a great deal of magical affinity among the Fae and varying degrees of knowledge in its wielding, Yip has specifically shown an excellent grasp of her command of illusion magic. Yip is very strongly nature attuned and has an easy affinity toward charming animals.

Strong Senses: Yip has demonstrated the ability to be able to hear outside of normal human capacity. Yip's eyesight is extremely keen to the point that she can see great distances and very minute details.

Immortal: Faeries do not naturally die from the effects of age. This is not to be mistaken for invulnerability. While some Fae have demonstrated this ability (usually because of station within Fae society), this is not something that Yip possesses.

Power of the Promise Baby!: Yip's promise is her bond. She won't or can't break something she's given her word on. In any sort of deal making, this can be a very powerful benefit for both parties. The other side can trust that whatever exchange was made will be followed though on to her dying breath (which can literally mean an eternity), and she can be satisfied with the knowledge that she can't be held accountable if the other party breaks the deal somehow.


Size: Despite Yip seeming larger than life, she is very small. This disadvantage is not a complete hindrance because it allows her access to things most cannot get to. However, it's ultimately dangerous for her to be a small thing in a big, big world.

Moving Water: Water is an unsettling thing for Yip. She's already small, and to be lost within it is a concept that she can't wrap her head around. There's probably something much more deep-seated than that since all faeries typically eschew areas with a great deal of water, but for Yip the thought of being swallowed whole by a monster fish is enough for her to generally try to avoid it outright.

Iron: The dreaded metal of all Faeries. Iron is quite deadly to Faerie-kind and can cause harm by mere touch to flesh, let alone it being fashioned into a horrid weapon to be used against them.

Magic: Yip is a magical being, and it stands to reason it can be used against her. Her tattoos do provide a modicum of protection, but they're not impenetrable.

Under The Hood

Personality: Perhaps in an effort to make up for her size, Ypoli is an extroverted, larger than life, fearless little thing. She is the type of personality to willingly and unabashedly take the horns of life in both hands and wrestle with it if things aren't going her way. She is wild and free-spirited. She takes a great deal of pleasure in teasing others, and her capacity for ensnaring kin and humans alike in a wide variety of practical jokes is legendary. She is capable of being extremely serious if the need arises, but usually immediately will revert back to her care-free capriciousness as soon as able. She has a contagious merry laugh that she loves to share and approaches life with the knowledge that those who consider her a friend are better for it.

Backstory: Ypoli was born under an auspicious sign of the second full moon of the same month during the spring season (rebirth). She grew for many seasons with her tribe, but was soon called upon by the council of elders (representatives of each tribe) to accept a most important role as a scout for her people. She had already shown great aptitude with tracking and stealth, but a combination of a greater than norm curiosity and the protective magic believed surrounding her birth made her the perfect candidate for keeping an eye on new giants who freely roamed the land. The giants of old respected nature and its mysteries, worshiped them even in some cases. The new giants brought uncertainty and did not respect things in the same way, and it bode watching. She accepted the role with relish as it played into the adventurer within her soul and gave her word that she would watch these newcomers for possible trouble. She acted very well in her role by using her extremely keen eyesight and wherewithal to lead brownie raiding parties to unsuspecting giants who dared enter the Brownie realms. It was short work to put these giants to rest with sleeping poisons and then move them to places where they could pose no more harm.

Yip has been around for a very long time in human terms. She has watched the first giants duped and killed by second giants who arrived in vast wooden sailing boats. She's watched as small houses of a humble village boomed into a city that was fought over time and time again in terrible giant wars. Sometimes, she interceded, other times she opted to just monitor as was her wont. Though her woods have mostly been consumed by the giant city that is currently named New York City, still she stays. The Brownies need her, and though they are spread out and hiding, she did give her word she would always watch.

Already very strongly attuned with nature, Ypoli has an inordinate affinity with animal kind. Within the last half-year she happened upon a hawk in a vast preserve of nature (Central Park), which had a severely injured wing. She alone was able to console it enough for a Brownie healer of her tribe to help the poor animal. The hawk, which she aptly named Ackph! because it was the first noise she made when she encountered its strong animal smell, befriended her whilst mending. When he was able to fly, Ypoli was able to craft and place a riding harness upon his sturdy back and they have been an inseparable scouting team since. Yip has taken to the skies as a scout and has been seriously considering formally naming herself Ypoli the Hawk Rider. She's going to test it out a few times before she ultimately chooses of course.


Affiliates with the Fall Court. Associates with the Spring Court.

Carwyn Gramble <werewolf>: Hitched a ride in his medical bag and made his acquaintance with the business end of her rapier.
Leah Jaurens (Hexenbeast (wolf)>: Made her acquaintance courtesy of Carwyn.