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Welcome to The Devil's Dirtiest Trick [CONCLUDED]

11:49, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Katherine Windslow

Name: Katherine Windslow

Nickname: None- Always Katherine

Age: 34

Occupation: Owner of Elevate Lounge, Drug Dealer on the side

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Kinks/Style: Katherine's Dislike is simple- Boring. She is a tad bit of a Sadist, preferring her partners to enjoy a little bit of pain. She also is very into Voyeurism, especially if she can command them to do the act. But just watching is fine by her.

Personality: Katherine knows what she likes, and will get it, any way she can. No is not in her vocabulary. She is smart, crafty, and a bit cutthroat, viewing all relations as more of a business transaction, be it actual business, casual meetings, or sexual partners. She doesn't believe in friends. She also is not very trusting, and rarely deals in favors. She expects all interactions to be upfront and straight forward. She is easily annoyed when people try to sugarcoat something, or talk needlessly. Katherine has been known to swing when someone goes too far, but normally gives some sort of warning.
She has two main quotes- "Don't fuck with me, or I will fuck you. And trust me, my strap on is bigger than anything hanging between your legs."
"Play with fire and you will be burned."

Interests/Hobbies: Katherine mostly enjoys staying inside, as her business is her domain. It actually takes a lot to get her off the premises- a party where she MUST go, a business dinner, or to pick up a restock. Other than that, she lives at her business. When not working, Katherine enjoys playing video games, normally the Switch, or working out. She prefers to swim in her pool, lap after lap, or just lounging, waiting for the next phone call for work.
She does have a bad habit of smoking, and tends to be found on the Roof of her Lounge smoking when she is in a bad mood.

Appearance: At 34 years old, Katherine is beginning to feel her age. Luckily, her age hasn't caught up with her looks. Standing at 5 foot, 4 inches, Katherine often wears heels when in the Main Room, working the bar, to give her a bit more height. She tends to wear business casual outfits- button ups, slacks, skirts. She isn't the biggest fan of dresses, but will wear them on occasion- enough parties over her life have taught her when to dress up. She has a modest body, 34 DD, about 140, not overly muscular, but still quite strong. She swims a lot, her preferred exercise, though doesn't own many swimsuits. Her hair is blonde with brown low-lights, a natural hair color many others attempt to imitate. When she is in her Back rooms, she normally kicks off her shoes, and may dress down. Tank tops, shorts. Even less. Depends on the company. She doesn't have a 6 pack, but she is decently toned. She also wears light makeup, so when she does go swimming, there isn't much change.

History: Life was not easy for Miss Windslow. Born to a woman who never wanted children, Katherine watched as her mother prostituted herself, to make some money but mostly for drugs. Being introduced to the lifestyle young, Katherine didn't realize love was anything other than a transaction, a means to an end. That twisted understanding of life continued. She went to school, focused, made decent grades, and left the house when she was 14, finding work any way she could. She began to make connections, started selling, and rarely backing down. Life was not easy, and she quickly learned it was a dog eat dog world, and she wanted to be top dog.
  Now she is comfortable in her life, running a legit business in the front, and supporting her vices in the back. She does have a bad habit of finding interesting playthings on her drug runs, and will take them back until they break, or become a staff member. She never forces anyone to stay, and often grows bored with them and moves on to the next entertainment.