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Welcome to The Fruition Trials

15:57, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Raine Kempt

Name: Raine Kempt
Nickname (if any): Many said behind her back and under breath.
Age: 38
Theme Song:
Class: Mentor

Character Visual: Savannah Welch

Appearance/Distinguishing Features:

Raine is not glamourous or even "beautiful" not in the glorious sense some of the winners embrace.  While she is beautiful in an every day person's sense, she avoids enhancing herself.  Raine wears what can be loosely called casual clothing.  Those journalists who still stalk her tend to refer to her style as that of a long shoreman.  She wears knit caps, comfortable shirts, jeans.  She is rarely seen in anything other than her older brother's military jacket for warmth.

Her most significant feature is the fact that she is missing her right leg.  It was crushed sometime during the mid-point of the games, and Raine managed to not only tourniquet her leg, remove it, and cauterize it, she finished the game as the only survivor.  The scar is jagged and any physician could tell at a glance that it was not done by a professional.  While some basic surgery was done, she hasn't employed plastic surgery to fix it cosmetically, nor has she utilized traditional surgeons to fix the fact that she is pained by it fairly chronically.

She has the name of every player she killed tattooed on the inside of her right arm, and the names of her three brothers on her left.

When mentoring in the games, she's forced into putting some effort into her appearance, but still makeup is the bare minimum required by the powers that be, her hair styled to it's very minimal need, and unless forced into wearing some sort of track warm up suit, she wears her jeans, shirt, an knit cap from the streets.  (Most of the time they require a track suit)

Raine uses a chair to get around the halls and her own rooms.  There is no question that it is a relief to be in it.  Her prosthesis is not high tech.  It contains no computerized pieces, but it is well made and allows her to move, climb, and run better than any average citizen, and most athletes.  The pain she endures is internal most likely caused because the bone was not professionally severed.

Raine before the games was a happy, bubbly student.  She enjoyed pets, cooking, art, playing light sports, and hanging out with her friends.  She had an idea that she wanted to become a English Teacher.

The Raine post game is much different.  She is quiet, hardly talking except when giving instruction.  She suffers from survivor's guilt and PTSD- but she refuses to call it that.  She's the first person to say she should be on death row. She is angry, and if allowed will sink her demons into a glass of whisky until she can pass out.

She still hates cameras and is known as the spider crusher.  She has been known to take dumbbells, barbells, and when that fails her own prosthetic leg to destroy their lens.  Because of this, all the physical trainings are usually filmed from far away and high vantage points.

If she wasn't so good the government probably wouldn't put up with her.  There is no question she knows how to train teams.  And while she is doing so, she tends to stay sober.  Contestants do not usually experience the wrath she deals out on the cameras.  Whether Zander is bothered by her destructive behavior- she certainly doesn't care.  She would have no problem going back to the slums and her slow drowning her way to death.

Only when all the cameras are gone- do the contestants see her true personality.  It is a shallow reflection of what she was in her youth, but she can be warm and supportive.  She keeps the cameras far enough away that for all the public knows is that she is a very talented trainer with a drinking problem and mental health issues that she refuses to get help for.  Only the contestants she's trained over the years know that there is a hidden view that is only for them- because she was once them.

Occupation: Mentor

Special Talents: Athletic prowess.  She's a runner using a prosthetic limb.  She rock climbs, wrestles, boxes, cross fit, and MMA.  Anything her brothers loved- she does it three times harder- for them.

Fifteen years ago, Raine was a happy middle child of a Prominent family.  Her father was in the military.  Her mother had retired from service to raise her and her three brothers.  Consequently she was raised in the military lifestyle.  Despite the obvious options, Raine was not particularly athletic.  She did help her brothers train, but being the smallest and weakest of the family, it was impossible for her to keep up.  She settled for watching the stop watch, helping with the stretches, being the fan club.

The family always talked about one of them being called into the Trials.  No one expected it to be Raine.  When she was chosen her brothers aggressively tried to protect their sister with devastating consequences.   She hasn't been able to face her mother or father since.

Raine is most recognized as the contestant that no one knows much about what happened in the game.  She made a point to destroy every camera she came across in the games.  There is little known about how she survived to the end.  She was not known as a team player- somehow she did it on her own.  Most of her kills were never recorded on the monitors, and those times she was on camera- because of her knowledge of military tactics they were swift and practically instant.  She has refused to talk about any thing that happened to anyone.

Before Raine became a mentor, she spent most of her free time in seedy bars in the Ignoble areas.  Those who experienced her presence would usually find her getting into a fight with the biggest brutes in the bar and then just letting the person pummel her until someone stopped them.  She ended up in the hospital several times.

When she was finally tapped to become a mentor- things shifted.  Raine felt completely unprepared for the games, much like everyone else, but she survived.  It took her leg, but the girl who was shoved into the games was a vastly different person than the woman who exited the games.  She now mentors contestants giving them the physical conditioning they'll need to survive.  She trains the contestants like she trained her brothers, making them better than she was.

She's hard.  Unrelenting.  But she will always push herself beyond what she asks the contestants to do.  She's often seen in the rain long after they've gone inside doing the same drills until she collapses.


Jolyn Kempt (Mother)- Alive

Sgt. Benjamin Kempt (Father)- Alive

Bradly Kempt (Brother)- Dead

Jeff Kempt (Brother)- Dead

Andrew Kempt (Brother)- Dead

Likes and Dislikes:
It's hard to say what Raine likes any more other than getting drunk and punishing herself for her history.  Her road to self destruction has included removing any joys from her previous life.

She dislikes cameras, interviews, microphones, reporters- God she hates reporters.  She hates looking at a monitor let alone being on one.  She's as close to a luddite as one can be in this society.

Perhaps it could be said that she enjoys camping.  When allowed to- she lives in a tent forgoing the luxuries given her by winning.

She hates psychiatrists, she hates being asked about what happened in the games, she hates thinking about her life.

Worst Fears:

Most people would assume that her worst fear would be being back in the games- they'd be wrong.  Her worst fear is that she'll live to see the next cycle of contestants, and the next, and the next, and the next...

Second on the list- being put at the damn table with reporters for an interview.