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Welcome to Rosemont: Lords and Ladies

11:26, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Lord Aiden Arden

Name: Aiden Arden
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Sexual Preferences: Bi-sexual.

Appearance: What a pretty boy whispers the ladies of the court. Such a beautiful young man sings the sailor with an appetite. And nobody questions why. Aiden was blessed with delicate features set in a long, pretty face, with a warm full mouth made for secretive, shy smiles and large, arrestingly blue eyes framed by a fan of long dark lashes and hidden by heavy, sleepy eyelids. A dusting of freckles dapples his high cheeks and well shaped nose, a little band of grey against the otherwise starkly pale complexion.

Inkpot black hair tumbles freely down over his delicate shoulders and spills down the length of his back, and he is known to braid it, or tie it up when formal occasion demands it, but seems to have a preference for allowing it to hang loose. He dresses smartly, in loose shirts and tight trousers, all of which flatters his slim and slight frame.

Personality: Aiden is a serene, tranquil, quiet shy man. To those not familiar with his temperament he is often mistaken for distant and detached, when in truth he is a very caring and kind soul, only hampered by an awkward manner, and a lack of experience interacting with others after a life of seclusion and long stretches of solitude.

House (Minor House): House Arden holds no lands except for their Castle Key, and the family sports few members and few branches. They hail from an elevated knight, raised to nobility after long and loyal service as a long-ago kings jailor, a position he kept after his accent. The position has been hereditary ever since which earned them the nickname The Turnkey Lords. In this capacity, they have also acted as executioners, torturers, and vault keepers at the royal castle.

History: Aiden grew up within the vaults and narrow corridors of Castle Key, seldom leaving its tall dark walls or stark and dreary halls. a sickly child whose weak health meant many days, sometimes weeks of bed rest. If it was not a fever, it was a wracking cough or painful cramps that wracked the poor boy. In all those years, he swallowed enough potions and pills to cure an army of what might ail them and applied so many poultices and tonics that it was a wonder none of their coloring stuck to his paleness. With time he gained some strength, enough that the bouts that weakened him so grew fewer and further between, but he had been so sheltered, and so distant from his peers or any friends that he had grown fearful of the world outside the castle walls.

His only friend was his twin, his doting sister Ylana, the next, and first Duchess Arden. To him, she was the kindest friend and would return to him from the outside world with treats and gifts aplenty. When he was old enough to be presented at court, he did so while hiding behind his sisters' skirts, quaking like a leaf. He has since then earned a reputation as a silent, haunting ghost within the court, joining the other lords at their gatherings and games, but hardly ever speaking a word if he ever even deigns looks up from whatever book he is reading or his sketches. But he is mercifully spared the worst mockery of his peers. For there are very few who would like to end up on bad terms with his protective angel, the future mistress of the dungeons, who on more than one occasion has wielded pliers, firebrands, and chain in anger at those who would do her brother any harm.

It was for this reason, that it was decided that it was best that only one of the two were sent to Rosemont, and it is considered a blessing for all that it was the timid lord who went.