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13:11, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Archer Ashby

". . .Come meet my monsters. . ."
Name:  Archer Ashby
Nickname: None. Archer was raised in a different time when given names were commonly used and nicknames were not typically heard. He doesn’t like any shortened versions of his name.
Age: He appears to be in his early to mid-30s but was born in the early 1600s, so he has walked the earth for a lot longer than that.
Abnormality:  Vampire
Theme song: Daylight, Freak

Strengths: Over the years, Archer has discovered he has many strengths that his human mind would have never comprehended before becoming a vampire. The weaknesses are typical for most vampires, but the longer he is around, the sharper those strengths become. Enhanced strength, agility, and speed all came with his transition, and they are only heightened after he consumes the blood of mortals.

His eyesight is sharper, his sense of smell more sensitive, and his hearing heightened compared to a mortal. The e attributes are with him regardless of his blood consumption. In his earlier years, these were the ones that plagued him the most, but the longer he has learned to control them, the easier it has become to focus and not let every noise or smell pull his attention.

Death may call for him like a siren, but it can’t entice him easily. Since his body is already dead, human sicknesses and diseases can’t harm him. He is also immune to old age and remains frozen, appearing the same age he was when he was turned all those years ago.

Archer is an amazing businessman. This is an attribute that he carried with him from his previous life. He is attentive to details, persuasive, disciplined, and always one step ahead in business. These are skills that not everyone possesses and skills that he has used over the years when people come into his home.

Weaknesses: Even though he is capable of living forever, that doesn’t make him immune to death.  He can still die, but it is a difficult task, and can only happen if his head is removed his body or he is burned to nothing but ashes.

Sunlight is another weakness that vampires possess. He will not combust if he enters the sun, but it is uncomfortable for him, either. As the rays reach him, it causes significant pain that leads to agony if he stays within the reach of the rays for longer than necessary.

Human blood is another weakness that he is plagued with. He can’t go forever without consuming it. He can live on animal blood and donated human blood, but over time, he will get weaker, and the cravings will get stronger until his humanity slowly shuts off. He maintains control, but he is a slave to feedings, and he has to drink straight from the source to keep his body from getting brittle and weak.  As vampires get older, they can longer between source feedings, but typically, they don’t want to – the high is just too euphoric.

His biggest weakness is how he cares for others. He loves the people he considers family and harming them is the quickest way to bring Archer Ashby down.  A lot of vampires don’t form the same kind of bonds that he has over the year and, rumor has it, they will eventually bring him to his end.

Faceclaim: Daniel Gillies

Physical Description: No one alive today knew his father personally, but he is a replica of Alden Ashby and just as handsome, if not more so. From his raven-colored hair, styled perfectly on his head, to his dark, abysmal eyes that seem to peer into the depths of the soul. There is no hint of the blonde hair or blue eyes that his mother and siblings had – no, from the beginning, Archer was destined to be just like his father.

His skin tone once kissed softly by the sun from time outdoors, and his heritage is ashen from his death all those years ago. The color fits perfectly with his dark hair and eyes, which he is thankful. He is afraid that if he had the white hair of his siblings and mother, he would have appeared washed out and colorless.

Usually, Archer’s face is set in a stoic mask. His emotions and thoughts are rarely readable. This gives him an ageless appearance and makes him look older than the 34 years he was when he was turned into a vampire. When he does smile, it changes his entire appearance and makes him appear youthful and welcoming. One side of his mouth usually moves up a little further than the other, a crooked smile that has been labeled ridiculously charming. Those dark eyes always seem to sparkle when this smile visits his face.

One thing he didn’t inherit from his father is his height. Alden Ashby towered over his business partners in an unsettling way, but Archer received an average stature from his grandfather. He stands right at 6 feet and maybe one inch tall. His frame is not bulky, but there is muscle definition, revealing that he did take care of himself and was in the prime of his life when he was turned into a vampire.

He is rarely seen in anything other than a well-tailored suit. This is the clothing he feels most comfortable in, especially since he is usually swamped with business meetings and other engagements that require him to be presentable. Occasionally, he does dress down in jeans and (even rarer occasions) t-shirts. He is seen not perfectly groomed only when he has spent time working on his cars, dons a jumpsuit, and has unkept hair (which will brush against his forehead, casting shadows over his eyes).

Distinguishing Features:   His voice - when Archer speaks, people listen. His tone can be smooth and welcoming, but he also knows how to demand attention. His words are often eloquent and reveal that he has been around for quite some time.  He rarely raises his voice because, honestly, he doesn't need to.

Personality Description: Initial impressions label Archer as stoic, but he is anything but unwelcoming or bothered by the presence of others. It is quite the opposite. He knows when to be serious and when to be personable; he enjoys laughing and the presence of others – thriving off the activity of a full house. This trait keeps bringing people back to his home years after they leave.  People find themselves enjoying conversation with him, and he welcomes it.

When it comes to conversation, Archer will talk about anything and everything. There is nothing beneath him (except crude humor). The more people engage him, the more obvious it is that he has both wisdom and knowledge that exceeds mere mortals. He uses both tools to help guide and counsel those who seek him out.

Vampires are often considered creatures that thrive off solitude, but not Archer Ashby. He feels most like himself when his house is full of family and guests – the sound of laughing like music to his keen ears.  He is a family man at heart, which becomes evident the longer people are around him. It was that way before he was turned into a monster and followed him into this new life.

He is exceptionally patient, almost to a fault, but this has greatly helped him with others (from raising a demon boy to dealing with recently turned vampires and werewolves) throughout the years. It has also helped him establish his businesses and deal with other factions that are out there, such as covens, packs, and the Hunter society.

All that being said, Archer’s closest friends consider him ‘behind the times’, and he tends to hold to a lot of the more conservative values he was raised with, with exceptions.  He tries to embrace new cultures, but saggy pants, lack of manners, discipline, and rock music make it difficult. He does give it his best effort, though, and with the help of some friends and his son, he does better than he did.

What are some of your characters likes?

Reading and Studying: Archer has always had a thirst for knowledge. It is one positive he discovered about being a vampire and living forever - he had endless time to drink in as much information as he could. Whenever he is not working or instructing, he is in the library or on the veranda with a book in his hand. He does have electronic reading devices, but he prefers the weight and smell of real books. He has several degrees from his years on the earth. Most are in business, but he does have a few Psychology degrees that have benefitted him.

Learning different languages:  He doesn't necessarily 'like' learning new languages, but it comes with having businesses worldwide. He speaks French, Italian, Spanish, and Russian.

Cars: You cannot live as long as Archer Ashby and not have money. He has always been very careful when it comes to spending, but there are a few things he wilfully wastes his money on, and cars are one of them. He has built up quite a collection over the years. It is not just the outside that fascinates him; this is one of the few areas he gets his hands dirty. He spends massive amounts of time beneath the hoods and under them. This is an area he has used to bond with his son throughout the years.

Finely Tailored Suits: Archer believes that well-dressed people rule the world. His typical attire consists of expensive, tailored suits and shined shoes. His appearance means a lot to him, and he does everything he can to keep it up.

Cooking: Archer loves to cook for the family. He cannot indulge in food anymore since becoming a vampire, but there is nothing like preparing a meal for those who live in his house. Typically, he cooks every dinner, but if his day job requires more of his attention, he will order out or let someone else in his kitchen (he really isn't a fan of the latter since everything is organized exactly how he wants it).

Other Nice throw pillows, a clean home, spreadsheets, the fall season, kids (he would have had several of his own), spending one-on-one time with Oscar, playing the violin, listening to Emberlyn play the piano.

What are some of your characters dislikes?

Animals: He has never had a love for animals. He knows that the house would probably benefit from some kind of pet, but the idea of animal hair on his furniture bothers him. He also doesn’t like the smell or the idea of a litter box.  He would just rather not. He has enough 'children' to take care of - he doesn't need a pet too.

Laziness: Archer believes that there is a lack of work ethic in society. He has lived for hundreds of years, and he has seen the good and bad as the times fluctuate. While there are many good things about the times, he sees laziness in people who were not always there.

Indoctrination:Archer has a difficult time with indoctrination because it always has negative impacts. He likes to instruct and guide, then allow others to make their own decisions from there.  Because of this, he has issues with some factions (like the Hunters) that indoctrinate their youth and give them no freedom to think or feel for themselves.

Other: Modern-day music, unmade bed, contrasting colors, learning new technology (but he does anyway).


Archer Ashby was born in 16th-century France to business magnate Marquis Alden Ashby and his wife, Evelyn. He would go on to be the oldest of six children. Like his father before him, he was groomed from an early age to take over the family business. This business revolved around trade and industry, increasing during this time. Not long after Archer turned 24, his father passed away unexpectedly in his sleep, leaving the empire he had built to his oldest son. This also thrust Archer into a caretaker role for his mother and five younger siblings, which he embraced without murmuring.

With the aid of his father’s friends and colleagues, Archer managed not to run the company into the ground. Instead, the business blossomed under his care. Time marches on, empires fall and rise, and life happens, bringing joys and sorrows. All of this is familiar to Archer.  Two years after his father passed away, his mother followed him into the afterlife after contracting a respiratory illness. Archer became the main guardian for his siblings and did his best to balance his father’s booming business and tending to his three brothers and two sisters. He balanced it all well.

Archer was content with his life and hired the best tutors to help his siblings succeed as they grew.  He wasn’t even looking for a wife, but fate brought Gracelyn into his life. She came with a peace that he didn’t realize he was missing until he met her.   Not only did she love him, but she also loved the three remaining siblings in his care, and she brought the softness and femineity that the two girls needed.  Six months after they met, he asked Gracelyn to marry him, and she accepted. One year later, they welcomed their first (and would be their only) child -  his daughter, Elenore.  The love he felt for her was unlike anything he had ever experienced, and, in that instant, he knew he would do whatever he could to protect her.

For a few years after his marriage and the birth of his daughter, Archer Ashby had it all: money, power, a beautiful wife, and a perfect daughter. His siblings were even prospering and making names for themselves, with two still residing beneath his roof but on their way to make waves in the world he knew would change.  The man wanted for nothing (except maybe more children), and his family wanted for nothing – they were untouchable.  His success called for a banquet to honor his rising company.

He didn’t realize the celebration would be his downfall.

During the event, Archer met with a few ‘businessmen’ who tried to persuade him to merge their companies, but something about the men made him uneasy, and their business plan was filled with holes that could sink the business he had worked hard to build. After much conversation and deliberation, he thanked them and refused the offer, something they didn’t appreciate. Archer Ashby made the wrong people angry, and they wanted him and his family to suffer.  Gracelyn and Elenore became their targets, along with Archer’s company.  Two of his siblings (his sisters) ended up collateral damage.

His entire life went up in flames – his family, home, trading vessels, and the building that housed his company records. It was all lost in a single night.

The memories he still holds onto are fuzzy, but he does remember waking up on his lawn, covered in blood, and seeing his home up in flames. It was seared in his memory that night, along with the guilt that he couldn’t do anything to save them.  The only thing that kept him from giving himself over and running into his burning home to save them was the arrival of his brother, who saw reason, knowing Archer’s attempt would be futile.  The days that followed were filled with darkness as he went in and out of consciousness from the wounds inflicted on him and the inhalation of the smoke.  Many times, when he came to, he wished he had died in the fire.  They couldn’t figure out why the pain was so significant or what was leaving him writhing in agony.

A few days later, the cravings started.  Blood on his hands – one of his brothers, the doctors, and a few others he didn’t know.

The years that followed were challenging, to put it lightly. The one that sired his vampire state didn’t stay to help him figure out the world he had been forced into. He knows it was one of the businessmen, Andrea Lorenzo.  No, he was left to figure it out all on his own. The negligence left Archer’s hands dripping with the blood of many innocent people, screams that will torment him until his days on earth are completed. It would take years for him to learn to control the bloodlust and erratic state he was in, consumed with vengeance for his family, and hating the monster he had become.

Eventually, he began to gain ground and could control his cravings. He was no longer the monster that was killed to fulfill his desire. Slowly, his humanity returned, and he learned more about the monster he was, gaining his footing and developing a new moral code that he would live by for years.  At times, it was difficult not to turn off the part of his brain where humanity lingered and allow the monster under the surface to take control. He only did this on one occasion when revenge presented itself, and he ended the life of the one who had taken his wife, daughter, and sisters from him.  More blood on his hand, fewer regrets.

Throughout the years, he met people who stepped into that family role he didn’t think would ever be fulfilled again. They had similar morals, ethics, and beliefs, and together, they left where they were and moved to the New World, ready to establish roots in a new area.  That area would eventually become Louisiana, New Orleans, to be exact. A place whose true history is not written in modern-day history books but has been told so others believe what the founders wanted them to.

For many years, Archer built his businesses, molding them and changing them as the world did, but he forever remained successful.  As he traveled, he learned as much as he could about the supernatural world, reading literature, talking to others, writing down as much information as he could, and storing it for future reference. He believed that was what he was meant to do with his life: build businesses and gain knowledge, until he met a young vampire named Aimee Claire. She had fallen victim to an uncontrollable vampire, and he wanted nothing more than to help her before she made the same mistakes he did. It took several years, trials and errors (which he notated), before she managed the same control he did, but with less blood on her hands than his.  That process taught him he wanted more out of the life he had been given than wealth. he wanted to make a difference in the supernatural world.

Aimee taught him that others didn’t have direction and guidance, just like he hadn’t when he was first turned into a vampire.  This realization began the journey to where he is today – a friend to the friendless, law to the lawless, a guide to the directionless, and family to those without.

Interesting facts not in rest of biography:

18 years ago, he made one of the best decisions he ever had - he brought Oscar into his home at the tender age of four. Oscar was the youngest to ever come into his care and one of the most difficult since Archer didn't have much experience with demons. For several years, his focus was just on the boy and meeting his needs/raising him the best he could. Eventually, Archer adopted Oscar. This made him an Ashby and heir to everything Archer has. This is a decision that Archer has never regretted, not for a moment, and seeing the boy grow and mature over the years has been Archer's biggest accomplishment and the one he is most proud of.

Archer may seem like a calm, content individual, but he still has the curse of a monster running through his veins. His temper is not easy to access, but woe to those who hurt the people he considers family. He will not hesitate to step up and use the abilities the curse gave him to lash out - no one intentionally hurts his family or those in his care and lives.

Archer is the CEO of a public investment banking firm. He is also a day trader and has real estate worldwide.

Most vampires tend to use their abilities to lure in partners. Archer Ashby is one of the few that hasn’t done this. Since he managed to get his life together he has dedicated everything he has to raising Oscar, helping those that need his help, and building his businesses. This reputation proceeds him. Some find it endearing, while others find it laughable, and some have made it a game to see if he will ever find anyone he desires enough.