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Welcome to Magnus Institute

03:41, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Ryan Davis

The Basics

Name: Ryan Davis

Gender: Male

Age: 22

The Physical

Height & Weight: 5 foot 9 inches, and weighs about 150 pounds

Hair & Eye Color: Very curly sandy brown hair, often falling in his face, with grayish blue eyes. More often than not he has a simple set of glasses on, especially if he is researching.

Physical Description: Physically, Ryan is built on the thinner side, most of his workout regimen being cardio verses muscle bulking. He is naturally tan, thanks to his bloodlines, but prefers to stay indoors doing research. His hair is always in a mess, the curls falling everywhere they want, and usually, when he is reading, they form a small curtain.
  Clotheswise, Ryan prefers layers, enjoying tees under long sleeved shirts under jackets. The more layers possible, the better. Wearing multiple jackets is not uncommon. For the bottom half, its similar but slightly different- loose cargo pants with pockets. One is never certain what someone needs, so the more pockets available to store things, the better. The amount of junk in his pockets is actually astounding sometimes.  He also normally has a set of glasses on, a simple black framed set.

Under The Hood

Personality: Like his clothing habits, Ryan's personality is a series of layers. Most people see is cold, standoffish side, preferring to stick to his research and avoid actually interacting with people. He prefers snark and biting comments to drive people away, or just put in headphones and ignoring them completely. What is really wild is when he interacts with others during investigations. He flips a complete 180 when talking with those that filed the case, all smiles and soft words. Comforting them if they seem distressed. Charismatic. Kind. Calming them and pulling as many details out of them as possible. The second they leave though, his walls are back up, and normally the headphones are back in.

  Ryan prefers to bounce around, and when he was offered New York, he went happily. He has a bit of a reputation as rude or being a loner, and his actions fully support that. Still, during investigations, he would not go off on his own, as it could put others in jeopardy.