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Welcome to Magnus Institute

19:29, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Jase Hunt

The Basics

Name: Jase Hunt
Gender: Male
Age: 25

The Physical

Height & Weight: 5'11" & 167lbs

Hair & Eye Color: Brown & Grayish-Green

Physical Description: Clocking in at 5'11" and 160lbs, Jase is fairly tall with a runner's build- which has only been honed even further since being hired on at the Institute. Running for your life has a way of inspiring one to work on their cardio. Jase is the type of guy that finds it difficult to gain weight, regardless of what he eats. That said, he is rather thin for his height- most of the weight coming from lean muscles and his overall size.

Jase prefers to remain clean shaven, and tends to alternate between wearing his glasses and contacts. More often than not, Jase is dressed casually in a t-shirt, a pair of jeans and maybe a coat or jacket if it's chilly out.

Whether it is an effect of his patron or simple genetics, Jase looks young for his age, and always has.

Alternate Form: The only difference between Jase's original state and when he uses his powers is a slight glow to his eyes.


1. What is your reason for working with the Institute? Detail your relationship with the Institute, why you choose to help them and in what capacity you do so.
Answer: Why do I work with the Institute? Out of boredom, honestly. And for the money, of course. Technically, on paperwork, they consider me a consultant in paranormal matters. Although, I do spend a good deal of my time helping around the Institute, wherever they need it. Like I said... boredom.

2. Do you have any connections to the various Entities, excluding the one who has granted your powers? Do you follow any of them out of respect, or due to religious reasons? Do you hate them all? Detail your feelings about the Entities below.
Answer: The Eye, naturally. Working for the Institute has a way of bringing you closer to the Beholding. Not always in a good way. I can't say that I mind it, really, but simply knowing that you are always being watched can get to you sometimes.

3. You are working alongside the Institute, as a monster of sorts. Why does the Institute trust you enough to work with you, rather than attempting to destroy or incarcerate you?
Answer: I'm not sure if they trust me, or if it's just because I'm useful. I think the Institute keeps me around mostly so they can keep an eye on me, literally in their case, or maybe put me down if I ever become a nuisance.


Education: Unknown to him, Jase dropped out of high school and got his GED when he was 16, before he and his parents moved to London.

Skills: Jase is quite intelligent and, generally speaking, may be considered a jack of all trades- excluding anything that requires physical labor, of course. He's good at a lot of things, but hasn't spent the time to master any of them. That said, he's more than capable of filling in at the Institute, when someone calls in, or if they need an extra set of hands. Naturally, he's not paid unless he's helping on a case. But, he volunteers a good deal of his time there, simply to occupy himself and stave off the boredom.

Powers: Considering the other Avatars of the End, and just other Avatars of the Entities in general, Jase is rather weak and mundane. At least, physically. He's not some walking skeleton or some unkillable monstrosity. Really, he only has two powers. The first is the ability to put to sleep any living creature with a touch. This power can be combated through sheer willpower and stubbornness; however, those who do not succumb to sleep will suffer the effects of heavy exhaustion and drowsiness. The second is the ability to enter and control the dreams of the people he touches. Generally speaking, this is not a pleasant experience for those effected, as his powers stem from a literal manifestation of fear. Jase is capable of molding the dreamworld as he sees fit. More often than not, however, his presence in a dream, even if he does not mean to, has a negative effect- turning the most wholesome of dreams into a nightmare that one may not wake up from. In the past, some people have fallen into a coma after the fact, or had a heart attack in their sleep.

Being an avatar of the End, Jase is already dead, so killing him again is quite a chore. However, due to their innate abilities, an avatar of the Hunt could manage it with little difficulty, if they managed to get close to him. He can be incapacitated by mundane means, such as guns and other weaponry, but it doesn't actually kill him. Rather, he falls into a deep sleep until his body repairs itself- which can take minutes, hours, days or even weeks or months, depending on the injuries sustained. Although, if someone were to touch him, while he is in this state, he unknowingly feeds off of their life force in order to speed up the process.

Under The Hood

Personality: Jase is a warm soul, always happy to lend a helping hand, when he has the time to do so. He tends to hop the fence between optimist and pessimist, mostly depending on the situation or the topic. In general, he doesn't have a very strong outlook on the controversies that take place between humans and those effected by the Entities, being ever neutral, much like the End. Some called him a monster, some didn't. Either way, he didn't mind much. Such issues are simply beyond his understanding, or at least his interest.

Jase prefers to keep his thoughts to himself, unless they directly effect the situation he is currently in, or if he is specifically requested to give his thoughts on a certain matter. Not the type to monologue at the most inopportune time like some comic book villain, he prefers to keep his plans, fears and dreams to himself, unless he is presented with a good reason to share.

Jase does not care for violence, and abhors the thought of hurting another living being, but if forced to do so, he will defend himself through the use of his powers- although Jase isn't exactly a 'living being' even if he won't admit as much. He prides himself on having a very even temper, rarely allowing himself to get angry or hold a grudge. However, when he does lose his temper, it generally does not bode well for the one who forced him to lose control.

Fears: Death, naturally, though it isn't much of an issue these days. Other than that, Jase despises the Corruption, specifically, out of all of the Entities. Mostly due to the swarms of insects it often spawns and the diseases it spreads. Out of all of the fears, he considers that one to be the worst. The Web is a close second, but not due to the eight legged monstrosities it inspires. Rather, he fears the Web because he does not like to be controlled, and it is the definition of control.

Backstory: Death. That's what it took for Jase to 'ascend' to the position of an avatar of the End. He doesn't remember much of his life before that, but it comes back in flashes on occasion. However, he does remember his dreams. All of them, down to each and every little detail from the moment he started having them when he was a child. He can't remember the waking world from his past life, but the dreams remain.

Perhaps some of what they contain are pieces of his life in the real world, but it's difficult to separate them from the fiction of the dreamscape. Regardless, Jase was found by the institute after his death. At least, he thought they had found him, as he didn't recognize any of the people who came to claim him. However, they were retrieving him. Apparently, he had been working for the Institute in London as an Archive Assistant for three years before his death, and had gone missing a few days before his untimely demise.

Jase transferred from London to the New York branch, once it reopened in late 2022, and has been there ever since, working as a consultant- since management at the London branch didn't see fit to allow him to keep his job as an Archive Assistant, once he was technically no longer human.