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09:31, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Siobhan Ryan

Name: Siobhan Ryan
Nickname: The Banshee (not something she likes)
Age:   Appears around 30, born 1880

Member of House Ashby: Not even a little

How long has the character known Archer/been a member of his family: She’s known Archer since the 1950s.

Supernatural Abnormality: Blessed or Cursed, Siobhan was but a hedge witch back in the First World War until she tried to help an actual bean si and failed.

Strengths: Siobhan has, over the years, amassed a substantial amount of magical knowledge and is a relatively power witch

The Blessing: Siobhan does not know what her lifespan may be as she has nearly stopped aging.
She also can sense both the supernatural and those who are destined to die soon.

The Curse: Siobhan never really wanted to be immortal, never sought it out and watching her family grow old and die was beyond painful.
When she senses someone will soon die she is compelled to scream. She can make it so this can only be heard by the one who will die and their family or everyone. Those whom Siobhan has seen fated to die she also becomes their psychopomp, their spirits passing through her to wherever they may end up and she experiences their last moments as this happens.

Weakness: Siobhan can be hurt as a normal woman but she heals as spirits pass on through her. Maybe, some day, she can find a way to pass herself.

Faceclaim: Felicia Day
Physical Description: Siobhan is around 5’5’ and weighs a bit over 120 lb. She wears her hair cropped and has for the past few years, it used to be quite long. Many describe her as cute with her slight figure and hair that brings a bit of youth to her world weary expression.

She tends to wear jeans and cute tops or sundresses. Her feet, unless there’s a reason, are in converse or the like. Something about modern clothing fascinate her and not a Victorian era outfit is always a plus.

Distinguishing Features: There’s something of death that clings to her. Most only can get a sense, like something on the edge of their periphery. Those with supernatural sight can get a deeper look at her connection to the spirit realm.

Personality Description: There was a time where Siobhan was wide eyed and idealistic. Then her world changed and life became darker. To experience death while seeing it was horrible, the war, the mustard gas, she saw so much but could heal it. Then true death came to her and her world became bigger and darker all at once.

Still, she tries to push through and be the young woman she once was. It works sometimes, but often it’s more of a mask than a reality. Especially when she has to see multiple deaths in a day that are horrific. A woman or man dying at 88 surrounded by family is one thing, the woman who dies in childbirth and then a boy who falls off the roof after a challenge from his younger sister. It is hard to keep that smile and she can have periods of darkness, angst, anger.

What are some of your character's likes and dislikes? Siobhan loves novelty. And distraction. No, mainly distraction. A nice wine, a fine cigar, a perfect amuse-bouche, a new song. She is constantly seeking something that keeps her mind off the death.

She is a constant concert goer, especially festivals.

History: Born in the heart of Dublin, Siobhans family owned a small shop where her father, Sean, was an pharmacist of sorts and her mother, in the back, was providing less scientific concoctions. This is where Siobhan learned the basics of magic, mostly potion making and various salves. She became quite an adept healer, even better than her mother, and started to take business from the front. This was all good for the household as it meant more money which they needed.

Then the war broke out. The war to end all wars. Siobhan saw her friends, sometimes lovers, go off to war and come back hurt if they came back. And that was in the first 6 months. So, of course, she had to go to the front. Worst decision of her life. Honestly, she thrived as she arrived as a nurse. People were saved, limbs not lost because of her abilities that she kept hidden using modern medical techniques along with certain magical additives. She wasn’t a terribly powerful witch but she was good at what she became an expert in.

All was going well until a young woman, or old woman she couldn’t tell under the blood. Or maybe she couldn’t tell because the patient was both. No magic was working. She was going to die. In those throws, in that death rattle, the strange woman grabbed Siobhans face and thanked her for trying. Power passed between them and Siobhans life changed completely.

Eventually the war ended, the last year after that incident became a living hell. Death, so much death. When she got home the sanitarium was the only place for her. She spent a decade trying to deal with what shed seen and, getting more of a drip of death learned how to, well deal isn’t the right word but function.

In the 30s she moved back home, her siblings starting to look older than her even as she was the eldest. Her parents got old, she remained the same. This was when she realized what had happened in a deeper way. She was changed completely, not a powers but no longer human. Or was she?

That’s when the travel started. Going many places to find out what had happened. She knew the mythology. The Banshees. And she looked for them all over Ireland. Finding none she moved on the the other island and then to the continent. It was when the next war came that she felt a pull back to home. Her family was different. So many nieces and nephews, her parents had passed and her sibilants were the way she remembered her parents.

The war was hard. People died, she felt a compulsion to go to the front again. To help. To witness the deaths. To help the people pass. It was so much worse than the last. So many more. So many new ways. So much hate.

Eventually the war ended and travel again happened. She visited the US, New Orleans for a time. The voodoo priestesses helped her realize the true nature of her being. This was when she met a coven of vampires. There may have been a bit of something between she and a few of the members. Fascinated by the dead but not. Curious if they still had the soul to pass or if it already had.

After learning what she could, though, she left again and travelled the world. Or, more precisely, she is traveling the world. Things were getting bad in NOLA, though, and she got a random message. How did someone get her number? Regardless, seemed she was going back to that city and that coven. And maybe to see some of the people she enjoyed.