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03:41, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Sephiroth Daszuriel

Sephiroth Daszuriel

Daz (Only used by his best of friends)

138 (35 apparent)

Member of House Ashby:

How long has the character known Archer/been a member of his family:
Sef has known Oz for some time, and though he has no direct affiliation with House Archer, has become close with the prodigal son.

Supernatural Abnormality:
Nephilim (Line of Uriel Descendant)

Angelic Physiology: Let's get this out of the way - angels are different than humans. Like so many other supernaturals, they may take the guise of humans, but that is merely what it is; a facade. The Nephilim carry with them a pure physicality that no human can match. Speed, Power, Reflexes, Regenerative Capabilities, Enhanced Senses, Density of Structure, the ability to smell falsehoods, able to ferret out evil... an extensive list of abilities that by themselves are not horribly overpowered, but when put together simply make Nephilim better.

Fires of Purification: In their True Form the Nephilim are terrible foes. Even when in combat with demons, who themselves live within the fires of Hell, they can bring forth the Light of God. A Grace and Power that burns so bright and so hot that it sears the flesh of those even born unto fire. Any being that knows sin is burned by these flames. The depth to which they are burned depends on themselves for they burn according to the sins that they have committed, and the more numerous and deeper the transgressions then the hotter the Purification burns. The most vile of beings are simply immolated and turned to ash under the might of this Power. However, as might be expected, the use of this power is taxing and often leaves a Nephilim exhausted and fatigued.

Weaponmaster: Sef is a weaponmaster, having been trained in all the Old Ways. Well versed and trained in all forms of medieval weaponry, Sef is now also a gunman, taking great delight in firearms as well. There is nothing he cannot take up and use as a weapon.

Heavy: Though this might sound strange, Sef is simply heavy. His Density of Structure makes him so, as he weighs almost six hundred pounds. It helps him shake off a lot of damage, or even be immune to most, but it has its' own disadvantages. The biggest being his bone structure itself. In Layman's terms he carries a LPR5 mutation in his bones. Making them roughly eight times more dense than a humans. Almost unbreakable. At the expense of sinking like a stone in water. He cannot float. He cannot swim. He simply drowns. Ease of resuscitation notwithstanding, drowning sucks.

Magic: Nephilim are sturdy beings, to be sure, but all of their strength, for the most part, is wrapped up in the physical and mundane world. Save for a few exceptions in other bloodlines, the Uriel Bloodline is susceptible to magic. Magic is a construct of Satan, and of humans, and has no Heavenly ilk. It is anathema to those of Heaven.

Children and Animals: Though most goodly folk might not consider this a weakness, and in many ways it is not, the malicious harming of children or animals is one of the quickest ways to earn the wrath and ire of Sef. Such acts have been known to send the Nephilim into a righteous fury.

Theme song:
One Winged Angel (Remake Version)

Alan Ritchson

Physical Description:
As a human Sef is what most would consider imposing. Even his friend Oz is a bit smaller, as Sef stands at six feet and seven inches, though pushes the scales at almost six hundred pounds. His form is as one might expect for a warrior of heaven; statuesque and corded with muscle. He has fine features and many would consider him handsome, as one might expect with an angelic bloodline, though his looks tend to a rugged masculinity. Brown eyes and brown hair mean that, save for his prodigious size, he actually blends in about anywhere.

His body bears no marks of any kind. No scars, no tattoos, nothing, and is as pristine as the day he was born. Like Oz, the expression that Sef carries is often intense. Mayhap a shared feeling between the two man to carry burdens that they have despite the great disparity in where they come from. A common ground though dichotomous.

Sef is a man that likes to dress simply. Jeans and tees are the order of the day, along with boots and maybe a watch. Suits are worn when necessary, and Sef cleans up very well, though he finds the finery a bit swaddling. Because of his propensity to go shirtless his skin is well bronzed. Had he his own way then nude or a simple pair of shorts would suffice. Part of this is because his body puts off a high amount of heat. To fuel those muscles and the engine that is his body, great amounts of food are needed, and a metabolism that burns everything at an accelerated rate has been given to him. It's almost embarrassing really.

His true form is fearsome to behold. His physique becomes more chiseled and much larger. Though keeping a human aspect, his proportions grow to over thirteen feet in height, and electricity crackles along his body. He is adorned from head to foot in blood red armor, white avian wings spread from his back with a span of over thirty feet. A spear is his weapon, crackling with the energy of heaven.

Distinguishing Features:
Save for his size there is nothing that stands out about Sef overall. There are humans both taller and more muscled, even if he lies upon the farther end of that scale. However, his sheer weight one could consider distinguished, as well as his mass and toughness.

Personality Description:
Oh goodness! Sef is, in all things, a hedonist. He loves life. There are only five things in life to Sef - Feasting, Fighting, F*cking, Friends, Frolicking. 5F's. He strives to have a good time in all that he does, even when he is working or smiting. There are specific mopey sorts of angels (angel of death anyone?), and Sef does NOT fit that category. He is quick to smile, quick to make friends, quick to lust and the first at the dinner table.

This does not mean that his good nature does not have limits, nor that he is a sap. With a  nose for falsehoods and a keen mind for duplicity, Sef usually recognizes insincerity. Though still, he feels much different if one tries to take advantage of him than the innocent.

There is also a marked naughty and playful side to Sef. He loves to flirt with females. He adores a good game of tag, and also Nerf wars. Sports also capture his attention. As such he loves anything competitive, though is himself only somewhat so. He loves to observe however.

Save for a few prime examples, Sef is slow to anger. He is patient and kind. Is warm and friendly. Until the time arises not to be. Then he is an intense and fearsome foe. 'Beware the fury of a patient man.' describes Sef very well.

The Five F's
Meting out Justice
The Arts of all kinds

MOST of the Seven Sins (Hehehe)
Cruelty and Maliciousness for the sake of it
Complete disregard for others

Any other information you would like to share:
To be discovered IG

Sephiroth was born in 1885 on the East Coast of the US. It was a time of great progress, and his youngest years helped to usher in some of the greatest technological advances of the time. Though his bloodline became known over time, his parents would have given no clue to such things; his dad was a butcher and his mother a nurse. Unusual for the time, he was raised as a single child, his parents having no other children. Despite the attention of his parents, Sef still had a knack for getting in trouble. The late 1800's was no easy time to live, and hoodlums as well as gangs abounded. Many tried to recruit the young man, but none ever succeeded. The exact reason for that was unclear at the time, but Sef simply never felt the temptation of it all.

After the turn of the century and with the introduction of cars, the United States flipped things into high gear. Automobiles saw the country truly begin to blossom, and the expansion West only expanded. By now Sef was coming into his own, and his powers began to manifest. He no longer got hurt as easily, his appetites grew to rapacious levels.

This was also the time that the dreams started and shortly thereafter that the Stranger arrived. The Stranger only spoke briefly with his parents, and soon Sef was taken from his home and apprenticed to the man. Or rather, that was how he began to find out what he really was and the error that had been overlooked. His mother had been with child before he even met his father, and had fled some strange land. To what ends were unknown, but Sephiroth had been given birth in a land that was only a second home. He had been meant for the land of Pulchra and now they were coming to collect their own.

Perhaps he should have been angry. Or disappointed. Or even sad. But Sef was none of these things. His arrival at Pulchra was heralded with great joy, but mixed feelings from his peers. Where they had been training now for years Sef took to things like it was ingrained in him. There was nothing more true than that. He soon outstripped his peers in form and understanding, taking to blade and war as one did to air.

This was also where he honed and learned about his other abilities. Ones which many of his kin had, but of which he seemed to possess in total. Research in to his bloodline showed him to be an Archangel Descendant, and his mentors began to work with him to unlock his true form. They helped him to do so, and taught him how best to use it, though he has had no occasion to.

Furthering his secular learning, Sef learned various human subjects to aid him in his time to come among them. By this time the first World War was being fought and Sef began to see what mankind could do to one another. By the time he made it 'home' his mortal parents his died of the Spanish Flu epidemic. Setting about his work Sef traveled along the East Coast, doing as much good as he could. In just four short years, according to Sephiroth's own measure of time, humankind was embroiled in World War II. If he had had any misgivings about the cruelties of man, this left no doubt. He fought for the United States and witnessed firsthand the horrors that mankind wrought.

He began to wonder if humanity was worth saving.

It was during this time however, that his love of children and animals fully blossomed, and just for those things in and of themselves he felt were worth saving.

Finding himself back in the States after the War he found that he had to start being more careful as he aged so slowly. He watched his comrades from the War grow old and die. It was saddening, but their lives burned very bright indeed.

Technology only improved, winding along on a blazing path. It made his own life both more and less difficult, and he found identity changes helped along the way. He doesn't change them often, as he's not immortal, but he's long lived enough that people notice.

In the last two years he found a stalwart companion in a dog he's named "Xolo". Short for Xoloitzcuintli, the breed. Xolo is friendly once you get to know him, but acts as a guard dog and advance scout when need be. Highly trained and intelligent, Xolo stays close by Sef. In addition, in the last month, Sef has taken another companion. This companion serves no purpose other than cuteness and companionship, as well as laughs and stress relief. He is no guardian beast, nor advance scout. Oh no... Mashed Potato is Mashed Potato.

Xolo and Mashed Potato

However, now he finds himself headed to New Orleans. He's only visited the city a handful of times, but never with anyone else in tow. No mere mortal either. Things should prove interesting. He has heard of House Asher only in whispers. Most bring news of such supernaturals to the Nephilim for summary destruction, though Sef has never been like his counterparts. Curiosity has always been a part of him rather than blindness. Besides, in the long run, true evil always has a tendency to destroy itself, it hardly needs a good smiting. Though sometimes it is morally satisfying.

True Form

In addition to his furry friends, Sef has one possession that he does treasure. His '71 Buick Riviera GS. Affectionately named of course.

Riviera GS "Betty"

Betty's Theme Song(s):
Highway Star
Black Betty
Born to Run