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13:02, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Faith Chambers

The Basics

Name: Faith Chambers

Gender: Female

Age: 26

The Physical

Height & Weight: 5'5 : 123 pounds

Hair & Eye Color: Brunette : Blue

Physical Description:
Faith dresses like a normal mid-20 year old in NYC. Casual jeans and a top during the day. Risque nightclub clothes when she goes out. A cosy sweater and comfortable boots when it gets chilly.

However, beneath the clothing, Faith has a swirling of mandala and partial mandala tattoos. It traces her shoulder blades and spine, then across her chest into her cleavage. A similar tattoo runs down her right hand to the edge of her nail, the spiritual tie to commitment and faithfulness.

Alternate Form:
Faith does not change physically into a metamorphosis. Instead, her eyes turn fully white, no color present. The mandalas on her hand lifts and turn a sickly green, the image of it hazing and becoming dizzily hypnotic and hard to look at directly.


Faith works as a free-lance consult to the Archives. Mainly because her connection with them can help appease the thing inside her that thrives on the aftershocks and devours them.

Her Connections to the Entities is broad:

     The Spiral - They opened her eyes. Gave her visions of the second dimension that lapped their own. Blessed her with that uncomputable comprehension no mortal was ever meant to have.

     The Stranger - The Stranger haunts her. Those fraying thoughts see the macabre in things that aren't real. Paintings that follow with eyes. Statues that twist grins with sharp teeth and drag limbs across the floor when she is alone. Scratching. Hunting. Wanting.

After her brush with The Spiral, she went to seek answers. As the voices continued in her ears, as the world warped in a bubble, she became another file for the Archives. As the Spiral expanded, as it became more and more real, she started to see the things at the fringe. It became an obsession, marking down those faces. Journalling the way they moved and devoured prey. This need to know more brought her back to the Archives, working beside the manipulated of The Beholding in a tentative way to keep her from falling too far into the brink of endless monsters that fractured her reality.


Education: Bachelor's degree in dramatic arts.

Skills: Charasmatic. Her mundane abilities include a great sense of direction, and a wiz at making pancakes, muffins, and baked desserts.


Madness: Can warp the reality of beings around her to instil feelings of paranoia and the glimpse of things just out of the corner of your eyes. The whispers of something inhuman, the cries of a language not intended for human minds to comprehend.

She devours the fractures of delusion, allowing the mortals to separate from their witness into something that seems like it was just an odd warp of the imagination or a waking nightmare.

Hallucinatory Illusions: The ability to deceive senses. It can trick the mind into a warp of their reality. Taste, Touch, Smell, Feeling, and Sight, can all be lied to and manipulated.

Under The Hood


Faith was always a joyful and happy person. Not the smartest, she got through life by charm alone. Highly extroverted, she was the girl that was on cheer. That got nominated for Homecoming and made people twitch at how she allowed insults just wash off her back.

Fears: Enclosed spaces and pure darkness.

Faith was hired because she was pretty. Pure and simple. Not because her acting talent was really great, but because she could make a fantastic face with wide-eyed terror.

She started on a YouTube video channel called Proving the Paranormal with Tony Wolfe and Sam Washington. It became quickly popular and made itself into prime-time television, competing in the same block as most of the other ghost hunting shows, though they also chased the myths of eye-witness testimonies of the cryptid, demons, and horror creatures.

They were filming in a house in Virginia that was supposed to be cursed. The tales behind it ranged in events from a few months a few years, but every time someone had lived in it, there had been a violent crime. One man went crazy and murdered his entire family with rat poison. Another hung themselves from the second story balcony. Similar stories filtered out, though most of them couldn't be collaborated.

Sitting in the dark, Faith had turned off the lights. A faint sliver of the moon shone through the windows, the night vision camera set up on its tripod just feet away. With the recorder in her lap, Faith asked the traditional questions. 'Is anyone here? Do you have a name? Can you give me a sign?'

Something moved, coming from the edge of her vision. Turning her head, nothing was there. Settling again, shaken, her questions rambled out. The sound of whispering came in response. Swallowing, Faith repeated her questions louder, though there was no answer. Then, the room began to undulate, swirl a little to the left, then swirl a little to the right. A pale white figure crawled from the hall doorway. It skittered on six limbs, two similar to arms and hands with long claws, the back pair a set of legs that had the knees bent the wrong way. The sound it let out hurt her ears, made a trickle of blood run from her nose.

It came for her then, jaws opening wide, sitting on the ceiling in front of her where she could not look away. Larger and larger, unhinging beyond what its head could handle, the depth of a void within. Faith was pulled to a place of endless darkness, surrounded by cascading and rotating lights. They got brighter and brighter until her form was bathed in a kaleidoscope that strobed into the room.

Faith could not move, drawn in, the edges of her mind slipping away. They fractured, shattered, became jagged and resorted. In the back of her mind, the whispering became more clear. Death. Harm. Hurt. Chanting in a language she should not know yet could understand.

When it was over, it passed like a dream. A blink and the monster was gone.

The crew found her, sitting and staring at the wall. Faith was non-responsive, and they ended shooting to take her to the hospital. She was diagnosed with dehydration and a stress break. Reviewing the footage, nothing seemed amiss. Her questions were right, then she looked up at the ceiling. Fear crossed her face, but she remained that way for five minutes until her walkie had not had a response and they found her. Static filled her recorder, a warp in the tape that could not give anything conclusive no matter what mixer they ran it through.

She was released, sent home, and a few days later Faith quit the program. She blamed too much stress and a bad experience, though Tony and Sam weren't too upset. Faith was getting too old anyway. It was a great time to pull in new talent.