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Welcome to Magnus Institute

20:12, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Margarette Winter

The Basics

Name: Margarette Winter

Gender: Female

Age: 24

The Physical

Height & Weight: 5’10, 152 lbs

Hair & Eye Color: Greying\white (was blond), Pale blue

Physical Description: Margarette wasn’t a health buff before the incident. But it changed things for her. Physical fitness was suddenly important, in more ways than one, and she began a tight regiment of work outs, physical conditioning and training to keep her body at its strongest. So, she went from tall and soft, to swelt and sharp. Because she needed that level of control of her body.

Her face is all sharp angles, with cheekbones you could cut yourself on, a pointed chin and nose. The only soft features on her face are her eyes and mouth. The pale blue eyes look out from behind a curtain of heavy, dark lashes and from under an awning of sleepy eyelids, that often blink out of synch with one another. Her mouth’s big, soft, with full dark lips that often break into a wide slash of a languid grin or wolfish smile that show a lot of bright white teeth with sharp corners.

She dresses modestly, in what a fellow archivist once termed corporate-goth fashion. Lot’s of tall turtlenecks with long sleeves in black or grey, sometimes purple if she’s feeling colorful. High necked blouses or shirts, coats, jackets of tight cuts and fits, decorated with a tie or a cravat. She would prefer to wear long flouncy skirts, with volumes of lace and crinoline, but working in the field has her donning black jeans or leather if the more practical gear is in the washer.

She likes the tight fit, full cover, because it hides the prisoners from view, but also keeps them from looking out at the world. She can smother them in the dark and keep them ignorant of what is going on around her. Which seems to reduce the incidents of them trying to take over. For she is covered from neck to toes in tattoos, some of them her prisoners, some of them there from her previous life, while others are later additions in experiments to try to contain or limit the powers of her captives.


1. Do you work for the Magnus Institute, or do you simply work alongside it? If the former, state your current position at the Institute (Archive Assistant, Field Agent, Artifact Containment). If the latter, detail your relationship with the Institute, why you choose to help them and in what capacity you do so.

Answer: Field Agent, and prison.

2. Do you have any connections to the various Entities? Do you follow any of them out of respect, or due to religious reasons? Do you hate them all? Detail your feelings about the Entities below.

Answer: They’re gross, creepy, disgusting, manipulative monsters beyond our understanding…how exciting is that? I want to smack at least one of them in the mouth before I retire.

3. How long have you been working for or with the Magnus Institute? If you have worked for the Institute for longer than six months, state whether you consider being transferred to the smaller New York branch a punishment for past mistakes on the job, or an opportunity to further advance your career.

Answer: I mean, what is it now? Three years? Five? Time sure flies. Huh? How do I feel about the reassignment? Nothing. It’s work. I go where they need me to be. Anywhere I lay my head is home you know? Besides, what’s the option?


Education: Highschool, two years community college before the incident.


Skilled motorist: She’s an excellent driver. Growing up above a garage and with two older brothers who were real gear heads she had plenty of opportunity to absorb a base love for speedy vehicles through osmosis alone. But after getting behind the wheel and finding a love for pushing the speed limit the rest just came naturally to her. In a pinch Maggie is also a decent mechanic.

Combat training: Since her recruitment Maggie’s gone hard on the training to learned how to fight, she’s decent with a gun, lethal with a knife, but her specialty is grappling and submission holds.

Nimble in the kitchen: Mags is a wizard in the kitchen, able to whip up a meal from almost any odds and ends you might find in a fridge or pantry.

Queen with a tattoo gun: By far and away her greatest talent, and what she has poured most of her life in to, is the art of tattooing.


The Tattoo Gun: A rusted looking assembly of gears and springs that turn and whir with its own internal life to power the swift and precises hammering of a nest of sharp, and vicious looking needles. Attached to the opposite end of the needles is a small glass reservoir, that fills with a drop at random intervals during the machines use. If the piece can be finished before the vial fills up, nothing happens. But if the vial fills up before the piece is done, or the work is irrevocably interrupted, the canvas for the tattoo will vanish within the span of twenty-four hours.

Only to appear as a living tattoo on the artist’s skin.

Under The Hood

Personality: Mag’s is an adrenaline junkie, she thrives on chaos and when things are going terribly, horribly wrong. Because in those moments she doesn’t have to think so much, she just has to act, she can roll and ride on instinct and so far, that has served her well.

When not in direct danger, or otherwise sparked to life by a spike of adrenaline, Mag’s is a bit of a sleepwalker. She’s languid, sluggish, and a bit slow. But she’s a friendly sort, who smiles easily and makes quick, deep, and devoted connections a bit too haphazardly for someone in her line of work.

Fears: That one of the tattoos will take control of her, and what they would do if they did. She’s terrified of Walter Croft and will go to great lengths to not have to see him, even going as far as smashing mirrors or constantly having her back against a wall if possible. She’s also a bit scared of needles.

Backstory: There isn’t much to rebel against growing up in a two-mom household in the suburbs of San Francisco, where everything was permitted (within reason). The youngest of Jane and Carols three kids, and the only one that wasn’t adopted, she grew up comfortably in a home that sought to nurture the kids and their interests. Well, her brothers were gear heads, and loved fast cars and motorcycles, and Mag’s was always eager to follow their much bigger shoes and early on developed an interesting in all things speedy.

But she had other hobbies too. She was a spooky little kid, she loved bats and black cats, Frankenstein’s monster and late-night reruns of Elvira on TV. She was the only goth kid in third grade, but she had found herself early, and wanted to live her truth from the start.

She was always a bit of a doodle bug. If she had a pen in her hand she’d draw on any blank surface that would take the ink. Note pads, books, table tops, even her arms, and really anywhere else she could take a pen to would get scrawled and drawn on until there wasn’t any space left to squeeze in another line. This obsession with drawing stayed with her, and together with her love for all things dark and macabre it quickly developed into a passion for tattoos. Before she was even out of high school she’d gotten started on her first sleeve, and before graduating she’d even managed to land herself an apprenticeship in a real studio!

It was mostly menial work. Clean out equipment, handle the register and bookings, take out the trash, you name it, she did it. But between all of that the shop’s owner taught her how to use the tattoo gun, and how to improve her art.

And so, time went by, she started taking some classes at the local community college, and worked at the shop. Now out of her apprenticeship and laying down tattoos of her own. Mag’s was living her best life. Until the day that Walter Croft showed up. A tall, handsome man, early thirties, with a voice like honey being poured into your ear and a way about him that was just magnetic. He was a friend of the shops owner, a guy who just blew in and out of town as he liked, with no commitment, and he seemed to like Mags. He seemed to like Mags A LOT.
So much so that one day he showed up at the shop, with a tattoo gun for her, just as a friendly gift. When she protested that it was too much, he said she could pay it off by giving him some ink with it. Hesitant at first, but intrigued, she accepted the gift, and gave Walter a tattoo on the inside of the wrist. He left, happy and smiling.

In the same day, Mags also tattooed Josephine Marks, and helped the shelter next door tattoo serial numbers on their three latest rescues, Rosco, Snuffle and Marly.

When she woke the next morning, and saw herself in the mirror. Mags screamed, and did not stop until they sedated her before taking her off to the psyche ward. For what she’d seen in the mirror had broken her. On her thigh, a three headed demonic looking dog, with the German shepherd head of Rosco, the Rottweiler head of Marly, and Snuffles fuzzy Chow Chow face paced back and forth, snarling, growling and barking had appeared. On her left arm, covering her from shoulder all the way down to her forearm, lounged Josie Mark’s in full pin-up glam lingerie, her make up ruined by the tears that just wouldn’t stop rolling down her face, while she bashed her fist against barrier of the inside of Mag’s own skin.

And while she had not seen him yet. Walter Croft had settled in on her back, seated in his ever shifting, ever changing throne.

It took the Institute two months to track her down, and to connect the dots between the two-missing people, and the three lost dogs. But they saw potential in Mags. With the gun in hand, and some proper training, they reckoned she could be useful, as a living prison for those people, avatars, or artifacts, that might be too dangerous or too hard to contain in any other way…

The Prisoners