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10:42, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Aratiri

Occupation: Bounty Hunter

Actual Age/Apparent Age: Ari's actual age is somewhere in the early to mid thousands, but she lost track long ago when she went into stasis. Her apparent age shifts frequently, depending on her current form. The form she most often takes appears to be in its twenties, or maybe early thirties.

Gender: Primarily female, but changes frequently as Ari changes forms.

Sexuality: Asexual

Race/Species: Dûcar (Shapeshifter/Doppelganger/Skinwalker)

Appearance: Aratiri is a couple inches over average height, with an athletic build. Her arms and shoulders, in particular, are rather strong. That said, generally speaking, she can lift more, push further, and throw harder than one would assume based on her outward appearance.

Most often, Aratiri wears a set of leather armor, along with a sandy brown cloak, and she wields a longbow and has a quiver that holds thirty arrows.

Ari is rarely seen out of her armor, but when she is, one would note that she is fit and lean, and doesn't have the type of curvature that would draw an inordinate amount of attention. Although, it wouldn't be obvious if she did. She tends to use body wraps, to fit comfortably within her armor.

When performing physical labor outside of combat, she often wears a cropped shirt or just wraps over her chest, to deal with the heat- at which point one would easily note a well defined set of abs.

Personality: Ari has never been afraid to speak her mind, and she's certainly not the type to be walked on or taken advantage of. She is quite intelligent and is well aware of how the world and people work. One tends to get a solid grasp on things, after a few millennia. Unfortunately, knowledge also tends to lead to stubbornness, when the one with the knowledge feels that they know best. Aratiri is no exception to this rule.

Ari is quick with a joke, but even quicker with some solid advice, if she feels you need it. She has a good sense of humor, and doesn't generally sweat the small stuff. Looking back over the course of her life, there are few things that have truly bothered her enough to stick out. There were terrible moments, naturally. There was trauma, as all people suffer through at times. But, she intends to live for a long time, and actively tries to avoid lingering on unsavory experiences. That's not to say that she's incapable of holding a grudge, mind you. It simply means that if she does, she certainly intends to settle it at some point.

Abilities/Skills: Aratiri has lived for several thousand years, and she has picked up quite a few skills- mundane and otherwise. Generally speaking, she is a jack of all trades, and she is quite good at solving problems. Given enough time, she can generally figure out the best way to approach a problem or even an enemy.

Ari is of average skill in the use of a variety of weapons from swords to polearms and many thing in between. Notably, however, she is a master archer, and is second to none in accuracy with the longbow she carries. While she has a solid mastery over her chosen weapon, her hand to hand fighting capabilities are lacking- she's scrappy, and she can throw a decent punch, but she's no martial artist.

- Dûcarian Physiology: The Dûcar are beings constructed entirely of magic that was given sentience by whatever great power chose to create them. As such, in their natural state, they appear as orbs of radiant light. Eating, drinking and sleeping are not important to the Dûcar, and they do not require such sustenance to survive- though most still partake. While their constructs are generally not anymore physically durable than an average humanoid, and such constructs can be killed with a mortal blow, the radiant orbs that are the true 'body' of the Dûcar are impervious to physical damage- they are only able to be killed through the use of magic, much like ghosts and other incorporeal beings. A Dûcarian's constructed body can be destroyed entirely, but it will not kill the core. However, if the physical construct is destroyed, that is when the Dûcar will go into Stasis- a sort of hibernation that allows them to regenerate over time. How long this regeneration takes depends on the individual, as well as the damage taken.

- The Art Of Shifting: Countless people and creatures are capable of changing their shape, but none so easily or fluidly as the Dûcar. As beings made of magic, rather than physical biologic material, the forms they choose to take are constructs that they shape with their magic. These constructs act as a protective barrier around the Dûcarian's core- the magical essence that is their true form and their most vulnerable point.

That said, changing the appearance, size or shape of that construct is as easy as breathing. However, each time they shift, it costs energy, which means that they cannot shift over and over again without consequence. Expending too much energy at once will cause the Dûcar to fall into Stasis. The Dûcar are not limited to humanoid shapes, as they are more than capable of shifting into animal or bestial forms, large or small. Naturally, the larger the form they are shifting into, the more energy it expends. Of course, the reverse is true as well. The smaller the form they shift into, the less energy it consumes. Which, in turn, allows them to shift into small creatures many more times than they would be able to shift into large creatures without running out of energy. For example, Ari is able to shift into creatures that are roughly the size of a bear or smaller, with the larger transformations tiring her out much more quickly than the small critters.

When shifting into another species, the Dûcar gains all of the physiological benefits and vulnerabilities of said species- the warm fur and thick hide of a bear, for example. Although, the form they take is only as resilient as the creature they are copying, and they are not capable of making it more durable than the original.

When copying another person, however, genetic material (skin cells work just fine) is required for it to be an accurate portrayal. Compared to other shapeshifters, the main difference is the form a Dûcar takes is more... authentic. With a single touch to gather some genetic material, a Dûcar can copy the entire form of another person, mimicking them down to a cellular level. Looking at the original person and then the Dûcar would not reveal any differences. One glaring weakness in such a facade is if the Dûcar does not manage to copy the memories of the person they are mimicking, which is often the case, an in depth interrogation involving personal and intimate questions would quickly reveal that they are not who they claim to be. When absorbing the genetic material of another person to take their form, there is always a small chance that the Dûcar will receive a small portion of that person's memories in the process. They are always aware of the person's name and basic information, but sometimes they get more personal information, as well. Luckily, this does not happen often.

While genetic material is required to shift into the form of an existing person, the Dûcar are capable of forming their own personal constructs as well. For example, Aratiri has several identities and constructs that she has crafted, herself, that are not copies of other people but are her own designs. Each Dûcar forms their own personality, their own construct that they use when interacting with the outside world, as it is impossible to speak when in their true form as an orb of light. The most skilled among the Dûcar are able to craft many personalized constructs, treating their constructed bodies much like an artist uses a canvas. Ari is able to shift through her various constructs with ease, as she deems it necessary in her day to day life.

- Moderate Arcane Talent: Aratiri is no master of any type of magic, but she has picked up a few things here and there, through her travels and training. She knows several tracking spells that help quite a bit with hunting down bounties, as well as a summoning spell that she used to summon a single familiar. This summoning spell allows her to summon a spirit wolf that helps defend her. While Ari is more of a ranged fighter, Noir defends her jealously at close range. While the wolf will not outright attack, even if commanded, it will defend the summoner with fang and claw if she is attacked.

History: There are scarce records of a race of creatures that, in Al-Jalasa, are known as the Dûcar. In other cultures they are called many things- the Naagloshi, Skinwalkers, Shapeshifters, Doppelgangers, and so on. Aratiri is one such creature.

There are many types of shapeshifters in the world, but the Dûcar are the eldest. The Dûcar are beings of magic, born with the ability to freely manipulate every cell of their being. While some shapeshifters learn to change their form through studies of the arcane, or through the use of enchanted artifacts, it is as natural and fluid as breathing for the Dûcar.

Legends surrounding the Dûcar are rather vague, leaning into many different interactions with members of the species. Some are seen as monstrosities, who steal the identities of their victims, before devouring them whole, while some are peaceful and can easily co-exist with other races. In truth, some of Aratiri's kin do commit heinous acts, and these violent shifters are referred to as the Naagloshi, the Skinwalkers.

However, the tribe of shifters that Ari was born into were a peaceful lot, who had a small village that surrounded a large oasis near the center of the desert that Al-Jalasa is located within. Having spent the majority of her life isolated, communing only with those of her tribe, there was little surprise when she set out into the desert to travel, to meet new people, to see what the world had to offer beyond the reaches of the oasis she called home.

Ari spent many years traveling through various countries, studying the culture of humans and the other races she encountered, as well as picking up new skills and developing them. Despite her affinity for traveling, she has always returned to the desert.

Some centuries ago, Ari learned of the settlement that would eventually come to be known as Al-Jalasa in later years- a new trading post that had cropped up during her most recent stasis. Stasis is a state similar to a bear's hibernation cycle, that allows her to regain any energy or life force that was expended during recent years. While stasis can be avoided by devouring humans and absorbing their life force. That foul act is only performed by the Naagloshi. As one of the Dûcar, Ari is resigned to drifting into stasis when necessary, rather than murdering innocents when she needs to regenerate. At least, she held onto that conviction as long as she was able, until she was forced to abandon it along with a piece of herself.

After awakening and learning of the trading post, she traveled to the budding city, intending to introduce herself to those who lived there, and potentially act as an ambassador for her people in order to develop friendly relations with the city's inhabitants. Unfortunately, that wasn't to be.

Aratiri was visiting the town as slave trade was booming. As an outsider with no connections, slavers saw her as a ripe fruit to be picked. She was captured and enslaved. Eventually, she was purchased by the Merciful Sisters and there she remained for three centuries. At first, she was trapped and the Sister's 'mercies' were forced on her. However, they were unaware of the fact that she was a shapeshifter, and she used that to her advantage- shifting into the form of one of the Sisters one day, and acting like one of their prisoners had escaped. When they let her out, she broke the laws of her tribe and devoured the Sister who had mistakenly freed her, and took her place among the order. The shame she felt for consuming her victim, as the Naagloshi do, kept her in Al-Jalasa and she could not will herself to escape and go back to her tribe. Instead, she leaned into her hatred for the Order, for forcing her to act like a caged animal.

Ari remained in the Order, having taken the place of one of her captors, and studied them, attempting to find a weakness in their ranks that could be exploited. And so it was until the event of the 'Golden Sister'. Rumors of the Golden Sister had the order in an uproar, silent as it may have been, and they were off their guard. It was during this time that Ari finally made her escape.

Since that day, she has been on the move, never remaining in the same place for long. These days, she works as a bounty hunter known as 'the Huntress,' turning in criminals for coin. Although, that is only one of her many identities. Her identity changes frequently, in order to keep the order from pinning her down, but she has been working in secret for some time to undermine the Sisters at any turn.

Other information: The tribe of Dûcar that Aratiri hails from is the oldest, by far, and is one of the largest remaining tribes. Having originated in the desert, many of the Dûcar spread throughout the world, migrating from country to country until they found a place where they could live comfortably, away from civilization.

The village in which Ari was born is the first of its kind, though it is still nameless to this day. Ari simply refers to it as 'home,' on the rare occasions that she speaks of her people. Though the village has no name given to it by its inhabitants, others who are familiar with it have called it 'Xane,' which is the Dûcarian word for home.

Xane is incredibly isolated. It was built around the largest oasis in the desert over the course of centuries. Ageless and isolated from most of the various civilizations, the Dûcar of Xane do not do things quickly. Despite their constantly shifting nature and forms, change comes to them quite slowly, as a whole. Although, that is not to say that they are primitive in any sense of the word. A visitor might find that their architecture and weaponry are actually quite advanced. The Dûcar started as nomads, moving from place to place, picking up skills and techniques from various different civilizations, and it shows in their craftsmanship.

While the Dûcar of Xane rarely reach out to others, the laws of the desert that they follow require them to accept visitors, and help them. If they find someone wandering the desert in need of water, they will go out of their way to help them. It is simply their way.

Such kindness has led Aratiri's people to form a close bond with the Naga who also live deep in the desert, as well as make a trade agreement that has lasted between the two societies for centuries.

There is little that happens in the depths of the desert that is not known by the Dûcar. Though they are not widely known, their scouts are widespread. A bird flying overhead could just as easily be a Dûcarian scout, as a passing nomad.

Alternate Aliases

Nahla - Nahla is an Orphan, no older than eight or nine, who can often be found around the Agate Bazaar. She is a small, rail-thin girl with bronzed skin, dark shoulder-length hair and a spattering of freckles across her nose and cheeks.

Nahla received the Whispering Coin from the Bone Dice Prophet.

(More will be added, as they are introduced in game)

Notable Items

The Bone Dice Prophet:
When one unwrapped the cloth, they would reveal what seemed like an equally unremarkable flat leather pouch, with something solid hidden within. And when investigating further, a silver coin would fall out. Somewhat bigger than it was the regular Al-Jalasan currency, and carved with much more details on one side, on the other, instead of more savings, would be an impression of words in the Common tongue:

You speak your words.

I listen.

I speak your words.

OOC: The Whispering Coin - This enchanted coin allows the holder to speak a message into it. The message will be heard by the next person who holds the coin, no matter the distance between them, and it will repeat the message with every exchange between hands, until the original speaker changes the message.