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18:05, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Victoria Montague

Name: Victoria “Tori” Montague
Age:  201
How long has the character known Archer/been a member of his family: 150 years
Supernatural Abnormality: Vampire (ex-Hunter)
Theme song: Victoria's Theme
Faceclaim: Chloe Grace Moretz
Physical Description:  Victoria has the appearance of a young woman in the middle of her 20s. . and once upon a time, she was. She remains in a frozen state at the peak of physical appearance. The shape of her form reveals she had shed the last remnants of her youth and transitioned into young adulthood. She is not tall by typical Montague standards. Instead, she stands at a mere 5 feet and 4 inches, making her less intimidating, which she used to her advantage in her years as a Hunter.

Like most vampires, her flesh is pale and poreless, giving it a porcelain-like appearance. There are remnants of her life before when she was able to spend time basking in the sun, which she did as often as she could. The sun-kissed appearance lays just beneath the surface. Her dirty blonde hair frames her features, and the tips of her locks barely brush against her shoulders. Over the years, it has been many colors and many styles. Thankfully, your hair keeps growing after you die. Currently, she has it as close to her natural hair color as she can get.

Her hazel-colored eyes are a mingling mixture of green, brown, and gold, framed by long, thick black lashes. Upon closer examination, one will see that her right eye is greener than the left, and the left has a small, brown birthmark at the bottom of the iris. One of her more noticeable features is the slight turn-up at the end of her nose that she has considered having cosmetically altered multiple times.

Her clothing choices vary and change with the seasons and fashion trends, but she leans more towards eclectic. She has never shied away from putting different patterns and colors together. She stopped caring long ago whether people agreed with her choices and dresses for herself.

Personality Description: A person can change a lot in 200 years. Over time, Victoria’s character traits and personality have ebbed and flowed. Determination was a word often used to describe her during her time as a Hunter. She was part of their ranks at a time when men dominated the positions in their society. She was determined to shift that mindset, and she did. Her determination and desire to succeed pushed her to do what she did, and it got her to the places she went during her time as a Hunter. Her ambition drove her to success, and women in the Hunter society are now considered equals after the path she started paving before she was removed from their organization.

A period of unpredictability and anger happened after her transition into vampirism. Her moral compass had been shattered by her death and soaked by the blood lust that comes after the turning.  Her personality was jaded during that time, and now she is grateful that some people saw past the dark parts she had embraced and helped pull her from the abyss.  After the initial rehabilitation period she experienced, the same determination she had shown as a Hunter came back into play. She was determined to control the monster that she had become.

Over the years, she has become more introverted than she was in her human years. The desire to spend time with many of her peers has gotten smaller, and while she still craves interaction with others, the number of people she wants to be with has gotten significantly smaller. The attack she experienced took her life and most of her trust with it. The number of people she trusts is as small as those she wants to spend time with.

She enjoys conversation and, closeness, laughing, but it is limited to that small number of people. She does not hesitate to speak her mind, and her tongue can be as sharp as the weapons she wields. She actively works on it, but she hasn’t had as long to practice as some people. .

While Victoria prefers her solitude or being with the people she considers close friends and family, that does not mean she doesn’t interact well with others. She has learned to be an ‘extroverted introvert’ because it benefits business. Her regular customers have labeled her a warm individual, and it is a description that follows her around the world – from time haggling in markets to learning how to perfect new treats from the best in the world to make those who come into her locations feel welcome. It exhausts her, though. Usually, when she is done in a very social setting, she needs time to decompress. She prefers to do that on a balcony over-looking the ocean, listening to the waves, and drinking specialty-made wine.

What are some of your character's likes and dislikes?

Likes:  Baked Goods/Baking Breads, cakes, cookies, etc.  In fact, she loves it so much that she has traveled all around the world to visit bakeries in different countries and regions.  They do not taste the same as they did when she was human but she still finds the beauty in a homemade loaf of bread. She also loves to bake (which is why she owns a bakery). While she isn't a great cook, she can bake some mouthwatering treats.  Even though she cannot appreciate them like she once did, that doesn’t mean she can’t create something that others will.

Traveling: She loves to go to new places and experience new cultures. She speaks a few different languages: German, Italian, and French because those are the three places she visits the most often.

Adrenaline Rushes: Maybe it was her time spent as a Hunter. Maybe it was the Montague blood that ran through her veins. Whatever it was, she carried it into her new life as a vampire. She has lived for adrenaline rushes since she was a child. If it causes an adrenaline spike, then Victoria has participated. It is another thing that doesn't have the same impact that it once did, but she still participates.

Different Weapons: Another trait she carried over from her days as a Hunter – her love for different weapons. While she is rusty from her Hunter training, she still can appreciate a good sword or even the sleek appearance of a firearm. Bows are her favorite to practice with.

Dislikes: The Hunters (and their holier-than-thou attitude), doing laundry (but it’s a necessary evil), giant houses, clutter, lousy music, men with big trucks (they are compensating for something), and a lot of other things that she will happily discuss with anyone willing to listen.

History: For centuries, the Montague name has held weight in the Hunter society.  They can trace their lineage back to the first Hunters that were blessed by higher beings to help keep order in the supernatural world.  There has never been a time when one of the four branches did not have a Sentinel in charge or a seat on the High Assembly not filled by one of them.

Victoria Montague was born in a time when men dominated Hunter society. Even if they had Hunter blood, their wives were not taught to be help meets for their husbands by raising their children, and their daughters were taught the same. It was a different time, even in the human realm, but Victoria Montague was born with a rebellious fire in her veins. From an early age, she was determined to do everything that the boys could do. . but better. . all while keeping a touch of femineity to the art – she succeeded.  Her skills could not be ignored, even by the Hunters, who were stubbornly set in their ways.

She was at the top of her class during her time at school and, after graduation, rose quickly through the Hunter ranks.  She was on track to becoming the first woman to sit in a High Assembly seat.

One night changed everything.

A vampire coven was getting a little out of hand, and Victoria and her partner, Theodore, were sent to patrol the area.  The coven did not appreciate their monitoring or presence that evening, and things went south.  As far as Victoria knows, Theodore was killed in the attack, but she was not granted such grace.  She has suppressed many of the memories that happened that evening, but she does remember (vividly) feeling like her entire body was on fire.

When she finally came to, everything was different.

Vampires are not allowed to be Hunters considering their unpredictability and blood-driven instincts.  Monsters. Not even a Montague received special treatment in this circumstance.  Victoria lost everything she had worked hard for in the Hunter society.Her family and 'friends' turned their back on her. .

A few short days after her awakening, the hunger set in. It controlled her for twenty-five years. She had an advantage, not everyone had – all her training as a Hunter. She traveled and wreaked havoc wherever she went, never getting caught by the Hunters who would try to clean up the messes she made. She was always one step ahead of them. The humanity was gone, and she thrived on everything that came with its absence - the lust, the blood - until she met Archer Ashby.

Like he tends to do, Archer took Victoria in and helped her regain the control she needed over her vampire instincts.  While she did not subscribe to all his teachings, she allowed him to help her, and slowly, over time, she regained part of what she had lost – a family, a community, her humanity.

It did not keep her from seeking revenge on the coven that killed Theodore and took everything from her. Without Archer’s knowledge, she has spent years picking off member by member of the vampire coven that attacked her.  It is something that has taken her all over the world throughout the years.

This has not kept her from establishing some roots in areas and creating something for herself, which is her bakery. She has opened three worldwide (one in Europe, one in New Orleans, and one in Washington state).  Tori travels all around the world to get new ideas for it, and she brings desserts from all her travels under one roof.  She is not popular with just the humans who have a sweet tooth but also caters to the supernatural as well.

Relationship with the Hunters: Victoria has a strained relationship with the Hunter society.  Once upon a time, she was a prominent member of their community, and she had the last name to back it up.  As soon as she was attacked and turned into a vampire, they turned their back on her.  A few even tried to hunt her down, fearing that her knowledge from her years as a Hunter would make her too dangerous.  Over the years, they have stopped chasing her, but they keep a close eye on her, especially the New Orleans branch. They will allow her to walk through their doors, but any meetings are usually tense.

Relationship with the NOLA Coven: While elite groups, the covens are supposed to welcome other vampires with open arms and family hospitality. It has never been that way for Victoria Montague. She is a Hunter by birth and not just any Hunter - she is a Montague. The name is like royalty to the Hunter’s; some of their bests have come from that lineage.  Over the years, many vampires have been killed by the family, and because of that, most of them turn their back on Victoria as soon as they find out who she is.

She is an anomaly, and she is known in both circles.