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Welcome to New Genesis

01:02, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Raven

Age: 25

Gender: female

Sexuality: Demisexual

Profession: Finder of the Lost, Procurror of the Shiny, Participant of the Playful

Type of Variation: Corvid Shifter

Appearance:Fmc265  nca032
Deep red hair falls just below her shoulders, making her brown eyes stand out bright enough that they almost seem to have a reddish tint. Raven often wears black making her skin come across as more pale than she truly is, but it’s the color she’s most comfortable in. While not tall, she isn’t short either, standing just below average height with a slim build. Smooth skin leads one to believe she’s never smiled a day in her life, which is almost true, but to be honest, it’s simply impossible to smile with a beak.

Personality: Raven can come across as a bit harsh sometimes, but the truth is she really just doesn’t trust easily. Because of how she ended up alone in the world, she finds it hard to trust humans, leaving her to appear as either shy and reserved or much more brash than warranted. She does so as a means of protecting herself from being let down so fully all over again. However, once she decides to trust, that trust is given fully, letting the person see that what once seemed like jerk moves is actually hiding a vulnerable girl inside.

Shifter - Raven can turn from human to a regular crow. However, in order to go from one to the other, there is an exchange of mass that occurs, often with trees. When going from a human to a crow, a broken branch weighing the difference between her human form and her crow form will appear, often mistaken as a broken branch that fell out of the nearby trees, and to go back to her human form, the amount of mass is taken from a nearby tree. (think Jane Yellowrock and her boulders)

Animal Communication - Raven can communicate with other corvids, and only corvids. She can also get them to assist her as well, ie: function as spies, provide cover, etc. as she is seen as part of the group.

Communal Memory - Because of her variation, Raven shares in the corvid communal memory. She might consider someone is bad because they did something that scared the birds at one point, the memory carrying through to the generations to now, or know someone can be trusted because they were kind to birds. She knows which part of the city is safe and which to avoid, where the good leftovers can be found, etc all through this shared memory with the birds.

Weaknesses: Raven spent the majority of her formative years as a bird during the day and a human at night. It has given her a skewed personality where her logic and world view doesn’t always match up with others. Raven is also alone in the world, save for the birds.

History: Life was okay in New Genesis, Raven being too young to know anything else about it. Then, her name was something else, but she had long forgotten it, choosing instead to name herself for the form she took. She was aware that there were others out there that were different, but honestly thought everyone could hear what the birds said. She spent much of her time at her windowsill watching the birds play and feeding them scraps of her meals hidden away in her pockets as she left the table, while she listened to them tell her about their day. It always sounded much more interesting than her own life, leaving the young girl wishing she could fly away on adventures with her friends.

It wasn’t until she was in her 11th year that she realized there was something about her that was different, dangerous, even more so than her own family. She woke up to screaming, not understanding what the problem was, until her father tried to grab her. Raven cawed loudly and flew up on top of the light fixture hanging down over the dining table where he couldn’t reach her.

Only then did she realize that she could change forms.

This led to her parents shooing her from the house and slamming the door. She couldn’t get back in, and didn’t know what had happened. As the day drew into night, she found herself getting hungry and followed the other birds to where they ate. Time passed spent as a raven until she saw a paper tacked onto a wall with a picture of a girl. A missing girl.

It took her a moment, but she finally realized that the missing girl was actually her. Raven made her way back to the apartment that had been her home her entire life. It took her about a week to figure out how to return to her old human form, leaving her standing naked on her old front step not quite sure why people were upset.

She was home, after all. Why weren’t they happy?

Time in the form of a bird worked differently than that of a human. It didn’t freeze her features, and having to defend herself as a bird had left scars on her human body that her family didn’t recognize. Words like “liar” and “cruel” were tossed around, along with “false claims” and “taking advantage of their pain”.

They slammed the door in her face, leaving Raven alone in the world.

She had seen time and time again others who could do impossible things taken away by men in suits. One who could make sparks come out of his fingers, and another who the other corvids knew as “the bear,” who sometimes let them eat the bugs that had infested his fur, and other times came around to feed them scraps in the garden levels but stopped returning after the men in suits escorted him away.

She had learned that those men were dangerous and to avoid them. It was easier to live as a bird, but it wasn’t a form Raven could hold forever. She had to return to her human form often. She spent her life from then on living as a bird during the day and sleeping as a human at night.

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