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Welcome to Arcane & Auras

12:56, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Appearance: At an imposing six feet tall of curves and muscles, Reyna certainly doesn't pass unnoticed. The broad shoulders and taut muscles of a brawler with the swagger of one too. Naturally bronze tan skin matches her dark brown hair, often weaved into long wild braids that swing down to her lower back. Her upper arms are covered in weaving patterns of tattoos of a blood red color that probably cost a pretty penny to create.

Her Trauma Warden armor is covered in more than the standard ward, cruder runes etched along the sides, and her gauntlets have reinforced steel across the knuckles that have seen a lot of use. Outside of her armor, she prefers loose, simple clothes that are easy to shed, though she has a taste for expensive furs: coats, cloaks and bedding.

Her forearms and hands are usually hidden in cloth wraps or gloves and bracers, especially out in public, and it becomes obvious if one were brave enough to inspect her closely. Most noticeable is her yellow eyes, large and oval shaped. The pointed end of her ears are hidden by her hair. Her nose runs straighter than most, more pronounced. But when she smiles and reveals sharp fangs or removes her handwraps to reveal sharp nails and a band of fur running down the side of her forearms does her bestial blood become much more obvious.

Personality: Reyna always seems to be running on a low simmer that threatens to boil over into passion, violence or disaster. The wild runs through her blood, and though she can keep a stamp on it, when she's allowed to cut loose, she'll do so like a dog off its chain. But the rest of the time, she's more low key, preferring a few cutting words or meaningful glance over long monologues, and the shortest, most direct solution to any problem. It's obvious she comes from a not-so-nice part of town, lacking the social graces of the rich and powerful, but makes up for it with blunt honesty and a fierce loyalty for the few friends she has.

There are two reasons she's with the Trauma Wardens: she burned a lot of bridges with some bad people, and she likes coin and all the nice things it buys. She's quite content to be seen as the dim muscle with the fur and the sharp teeth, the drunk and gluttonous bone-breaker, the one that eats the bullet so others don't have to... It makes people underestimate her, and those who know her better know there's a lot more going in that skull of hers than she lets on.