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Welcome to Mongoose Traveller: The Gallaxtican Paradox

09:47, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Elderado Stout

Eldorado "Fatboy" Stout is as much a paradox in character, as is his name.  He is human.  He is stout at six foot and weighs in at around four hundred-ish pounds (~180 kg).  He doesn't know for sure what his official weight is, but he lost 100 pounds recently, bringing him to ~135 kg.

He has a rotund, round, hairless, cratered face from his teenage years of severe acne.  He still enjoys chocolate and greasy foods, and eats it regularly. They just do not affect him as much as it used to.  He has a wheezing guffaw of a laugh that is contagious.

He sports a dark hair that is kept short, near to the skull.  He has dark, moody eyes, yet is congenial and polite to those he meets, no matter their heritage.
He has not found an alien yet he did not like, not that he's looking for them.

Fatboi prefers large utility work clothes with heavy mag-boots, for you know, just in case.

He is a bit of a paranoid when it comes to traveling in space.  Hates it.  Hates other worlds too - well, hates visiting them planet-side because of his weight, unless their gravity well is on the near side of zero-Gs.