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Welcome to New Genesis

08:09, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Doc
Formerly: Dr. Thomas Blake

Age: unknown - looks as if he's in his early thirties

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Profession: Underground's resident doctor

Type of Variation: Healer

Appearance: Despite not overly happy to stand out, Doc still cuts a striking figure. Standing at about 6'2", with a well-proportioned lean yet muscular frame, he possesses a naturally commanding stature, which usually makes him to be the first person people turn to when things go sour. His high cheekbones give him an air of sophistication, and his square jawline is usually covered in a well-maintained scruff. When his neatly cut brown hair is taken into account as well, one could say that he's a man who takes personal hygiene and grooming very seriously. Though, despite the somewhat rugged handsomeness, perhaps the most striking part of his face are the blue-gray eyes. Often described as "mesmerizing", they seem to hold a wealth of emotions and intensity, which he rarely expresses verbally.

Personality: Doc is a man of many regrets. Most of them stemming from his life before he had lost his name, his license and the life he had before coming to live at the Hope Decks. He rarely speaks, and when he does, it is in a soft, calm voice, warm for those that need to hear it. Nobody ever heard Doc raise his voice, except when the situation demanded for it, which is rare. Instead, Doc seems to be a withdrawn, somewhat solitary creature. He dislikes speaking about his past, and he has a soft spot for those whom the society had shunned for whatever reason. His expressive eyes, albeit cold and guarded most of the time, seem to hold a world of bad memories, once he allows for someone to peek behind the walls he had built around himself.


Diagnosis and Healing - The most prominent talent he has is tied to locating, examining and healing inflicted physical issues on a person's body, regardless if they are a regular human or someone who had acquired some special abelites. He seems to draw a lot of his knowledge from actual medicine, but the was he utilizes his power is through simple use of his own ability. He can do most of the work without even touching the person he is attempting to heal.

Physical prowess - Even though Doc is the last person to resort to physical effort or  violence, he is surprisingly well equipped for it. His skin appears to be thicker than most, his muscles and bones denser, which makes him weigh more than one would guess from his height and build. He has no knowledge of fighting beyond a common street brawl, but he knows where and how to hit you. And with his added weight and strength behind it, his strategy is to either land the first blow and knock you out, or outlast you. However, he always does it in a way where you don't end up hurt too badly, because he's also the one that has to patch you up afterward.

Slowed aging - Nobody actually knows Doc's real age, but a few individuals close to him have been told in confidence that he thinks his looks and age really don't match. He theorizes it's the same thing that makes him heal a bit faster.


No healing of diseases - Though he is quite proficient with sorting out any physical injuries, sets broken bones and closes open wounds with ease, Doc can't do much if you come in with a bacterial or a viral infection, beyond what regular medicine can offer to help with it. He's not sure why his power is not working on those, and he can't even say if he'll ever develop that trait, but so far, it doesn't seem like it.

Hidden identity - Doc forgot his name for a reason. Involved with things he'd rather keep to himself, his greatest fear is that someone from his former life is going to show up and recognize him, thus taking apart everything he was trying to achieve since he left.

History: Born as Thomas Blake, the first son of a prominent family living high above on the Prosperity Decks, young Thomas was always interested in pursuing a career in medicine. From his first years studying, much to the great dismay of his parents, he found himself a mentor who treated the "low-born" folk, also known as the people living in the decks below his own. To prevent their son's potential "ruined future" if he continued down that path, they pulled some strings and had him transferred to a research center that focused on treating people from all decks, particularly those who appeared different from the regular folk.

Initially convinced that he had been given an opportunity to genuinely help these people, it took Thomas some time before he realized that he had been brought on board under false pretenses. The individuals brought in were not there voluntarily; instead, they were hunted, captured, and delivered to the scientists to be examined and eventually dissected, all in an attempt to understand the origins of their new abilities, which the general public had no idea how to handle.

Furthermore, around the same time, Thomas discovered that he possessed a unique set of talents himself. He experienced sudden physical growth and development, and any bruises or cuts he sustained would vanish within a few hours. Additionally, he found that he could diagnose someone's ailments with a mere glance, but it wasn't until he faced a would-be robber one day—resulting in the assailant breaking their fist while attempting to threaten Thomas with a knife—that he realized he could also repair injuries.

He kept these newfound abilities a secret, but shortly afterward, as he was formally called upon to participate in what was meant to be his first step in becoming one of these researchers himself, Thomas saw the situation for what it truly was and promptly departed. Fearing that he might one day find himself on the same examination table, he left his family, abandoned his name, and spent several years scraping by on the Hope Decks. Eventually, he encountered a few like-minded individuals, and together, they established what is now known as The Underground—a network of concealed chambers and cleaned-out sewer passages that served as temporary homes for those who had nowhere else to turn.

Other Information: Doc's real identity is unknown to those that he lives among, but "Doc" himself is one of the few people known to form the Underground. He's jokingly calling it his "celebrity status", but other than that, gives it no importance.