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Welcome to 09_PF1e: Beware the Night

02:09, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


AGE: 18
Gender: M
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Sea-green
Skin: Tanned
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 197 lbs

What do people see when they glance at you? A young adventuring mage, dressed in hard-wearing travel clothes, though unusually fit and athletic for a spellcaster

What will people find out if they ask around about you? Merdach is a curious sort of adventurer, though eccentricity is kind of expected with traveling wizards. He seems fascinated with the oddest sorts of things in the city, from baking bread to cleaning streets. Apparently he grew up with just his parents and siblings (two sisters) in the mountains at the east end of the Moonsea, so he hasn't seen a lot in the way of towns bigger than a few houses before. In spite of his youth he's apparently a skilled enough wizard to make his living by sometimes going into the wilds around Hillsfar and killing monsters. He's obviously disturbed by some of the more tyrannical laws of Hillsfar, but isn't known to be doing anything about them other than looking angry.

What will people find out if they talk to you? Merdach is a friendly, honest, curious sort of person, with some definite... quirks. He has odd gaps in his knowledge of how the city, and in fact cities in general, work, which he's quick to laugh off as due to the remoteness of his childhood home. While generally good-natured, and perhaps a bit immature at times, injustice and cruelty quickly draw a savage response from him, often just barely held back from violence. He takes his word and honor seriously.

What will people find out if they look into your past? Merdach has been in Hillsfar for only a short time. According to him, he traveled there from Elmwood, having found the village far too quiet for an adventurer like him. Visiting Elmwood and asking around reveals it's true that he spent several months in the village. People there found him odd, as much because of the strange questions he would ask about fairly common-place practices (like farming) as because he was an adventurer for some reason spending time in a small village. He claims he came straight there from his parents' home in the Galena Mountains on the east of the Moonsea. The area he claims to be from is not known for human habitation, though it's not impossible a few hardy folks live out there. A particularly diligent searcher might uncover stories of a young wizard matching Merdach's description but calling himself Daereth who appeared in Mulmaster a few months before Merdach arrived in Elmwood. He apparently made a bit of a stir talking about overthrowing the High Blade before vanishing as abruptly as he appeared.

Current Affairs include where, if anywhere, you live at the moment, how the character sees him- or herself (And what he or she would say his or her occupation is), any usual hangouts, your adventuring and civilian personas (if different), sexual preference, and any current mysteries or ongoing plots and schemes.

Uxdaereth hatched the youngest of three siblings and the only male of his clutch, to two bronze dragons who laired in the Galena mountains on the northeast side of the Moonsea. He was raised in fairly typical dragon fashion, learning to hunt and fish in the mountains and the Moonsea. However his parents also liked to tell their children about how foolish the humanoids are, with all of their gathering in towns and getting ruled over by (generally evil) humanoids who were generally not much stronger than the others. As the smallest and weakest of his siblings, Uxdaereth started dreaming of going to these humanoid cities and teaching them of dragon ways, overthrowing their stupid evil tyrants and generally making things better for them.
While Uxdaereth was not as strong as his two sisters, he showed an early talent for magic, casting his first spell at a far younger age than was normal for a bronze dragon. His bigger, stronger sisters tended to pick on him because of his smaller size, which drove him to further pursue magic and to grow somewhat introspective. Perhaps it was this that made him decide to leave the lair as soon as he was old enough (in his opinion) and venture into human lands.
Uxdaereth also developed the ability to assume human form young, or his attempt to make a difference in Mulmaster might have gone even worse than it did. The naive young dragon more or less assumed human form, walked into town, got the barest of understandings of who the tyrants in town were, and then immediately started talking about killing them. He was lucky to escape town with his life. He was even luckier to have drawn the attention of an adventuring wizard by the name of Rurkam. This wizard managed to track him down in the wilds even though he was in dragon form, and after a tense moment explained that he wanted to help the young dragon to learn. This started a fruitful partnership where Rurkam took Uxdaereth to Elmwood and helped him learn to act  human a bit better, in return for showing the wizard some of his draconic sorcery. Uxdaereth even found in time that he could combine his sorcery with wizardry to gain some of the strengths of both. After a few months, however, the young dragon got restless, wanting to get back to making a difference like he'd came here to do. Rurkam argued against it, but eventually Uxdaereth made his way to Hillsfar while his new friend went elsewhere. Since that time, Uxdaereth has stayed in Hillsfar, having learned to be more cautious from his first experience. He's been learning his way around town, trying to find people he can work with to start working against the tyrannical, specieist leadership of the city.
Curious, Honorable, Compassionate, Fierce

HOOKS: These give the GM an immediate "Ah ha, okay!" on how to quickly plug you into a group. We ask for three, and the reasons are varied.
Hook #1: Long-term, help humanoid civilization be less stupid and evil (in his draconic opinion). In the short term, mitigate or overturn some of the more egregiously speciest policies of Hillsfar
Hook #2: He enjoys learning about the weird things that humanoids do in their cities that never occurred to him to ask about.
Hook #3: Grow up big, strong, wealthy, and respected by humanoids for saving them from themselves

Remember, this is about making the character come alive.

Traits: min 1 and always equals 21 between the two pairs
Altruistic 16/5 Selfish
Chaste 20/1 Hedonistic
Cultured 11 / 10 Barbaric
Curious 15/6 Focused
Energetic 18/3 Apathetic
Enthusiastic 11 / 10 Steadfast
Faithful 20/1 Treacherous
Forgiving 11 / 10 Vengeful
Helpful 11 / 10 Argumentative
Honest 19/2 Manipulative
Leader 19/2 Follower
Merciful 15/6 Cruel
Modest 7/14 Proud
Mystic 8/13 Worldly
Objective 12/9 Prejudiced
Open 7/14 Secretive
Optimistic 17/4 Pessimistic
Organized 11 / 10 Anarchic
Patient 13/8 Restless
Physical 12/9 Cerebral
Principled 18/3 Expedient
Sociable 10/11 Antisocial
Stoic 9/12 Expressive
Temperate 12/9 Indulgent
Trusting 7/14 Suspicious
Valorous 20/1 Cautious
Naive or Innocent 11 / 10 Worldly

“Minor Traits” have relatively little social impact, and so are not rated, but they do add some detail to your character’s personality.
What does your character love? Fighting evil, hoarding weapons of defeated worthy foes
Like? Beautiful art objects made of precious metals, cool humanoid behaviors
Dislike? Being called young or small
Hate? Cruelty, especially petty cruelty
Do when bored? People-watching
Enjoy Eating? Seafood

Flesh out a character by giving him or her some everyday traits.

Personality Profile - From above ^^
When would you break your word? 1
When would you torture someone? 2
Lying is... 1
Your reputation and social status is... -1
What are you looking for in life? 2
When would you betray or abandon a family member, close friend, companion, liege, or ally? 1
You would defy the local laws and authorities... 1
Success can best be achieved through... 0
How much attention do you pay to faith and religion? 0
The welfare of other people is... 1
Tradition is... -1
The best way to achieve a widespread goal is... -1
Issues, competitions, and conflicts should be... 2
Power... 1
How often do you take time off? 1
How important to you are your possessions? -1
Fools, Criminals, and Enemies should be dealt with using... 1
Strangers and Foreigners are... 1
Personality SCORE: 11