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11:03, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Wade Wilson ~ Deadpool NEEDS A PLAYER

Name: Wade Winston Wilson Aka Deadpool: Can we forget the Winston Part?
Identity: Public
Height: 6'2"
Weight: It’s rude to ask a lady their weight.
Hair: Yeah, that ship has sailed
Eyes: Breathtaking Blue
Distinguishing Characteristics: Ryan Reynolds looks a lot like me.
Date of Birth: November 22, 1973 (yeesh, now I feel old)
Marital Status: Single

Occupation: General badass mother f*cker
Legal Status:  It’s illegal to be this handsome

Personality Profile: Known as “The merc with the mouth” Deadpool talks too much. Blah Blah He's really handsome and awesome and women swoon when they see him. Listen, just know that if we cross paths there is going to be some serious, maybe not so serious trash talking. Honestly, it might be best to avoid me so that I don’t have to embarrass you in a game of checkers. King me!

Powers and Abilities:

Super Human Strength and Agility: Heck yeah, Im strong as the hulk and I’m fast as f*ck Boiiiiiiii.

Regenerative ability: This means if I get an owie, my body heals itself like Wolvie.

Extended Longevity: Yup, We’re going to live forever. *oh great*

Master Marksman and Swordsmanship: I use my dope sword skills and shooty abilities to take people down. Impressed yet?

Fourth wall breaks: I feel like this is less of a power and more just for comedic relief? Whatever I’ll take what I can get. *You need all the help you can get*

Master Assassin: This means that I get a message on craigslist, and if someone is mad at you, I come and unalive you expertly. Comprende?

Teleportation Devices and Holographic Technology: Listen it’s simple, I can go from one place to another in the blink of an eye. I was here. Ta da! Now I’m over there. *You didn’t move* It was just a demonstration. “Maybe you should have demonstrated” Ugh. You two need to disappear.

Background: It’s simple really. A strange man in a suit offered me a chance to get rid of the cancer I was diagnosed with. So me, being the handsome, Albeit STUPID IDIOT that I am accepted. Instead of living a wholesome, wonderful life. My beautiful hair disappeared and I gained all these weird abilities that are shockingly similar to my good pal Wolverine. Right buddy? Love you. Only if anyone asks, I’m much more mentally stable then he is.

Side note: The strange man in the suit is no longer among the living, should anyone else want to reach out for similar enhancements. Compliments of yours truly!

Notable Equipment:

Dual Katanas: Not one, but two. Watch out they’re sharp.

Various firearms and explosives: Shooty things and big booms are so fun.

Utility Belt: This is where I keep all my batman gadgets and accessories. Pretty sure I also left yesterdays lunch in there….

Lastly, lets not forget my badass supersuit. It’s red and black all over. You’re going to love it.

Oh, I should maybe mention the voices in my head. They’re loud. And you’ll hear everything they say due to some unnatural force. They’re harmless and semi annoying. I’ve been trying to figure out how to get rid of them. I have been unsuccessful in my attempts thus far.