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13:00, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Axel Arathorn

Love me or hate me, both are in my favor.

Name: Axel Arathorn
Nickname: None, and don't even try to make one.
Age: He appears to be in his late 20s, barely touching the early 30s, but looks can be deceiving in the supernatural realm - Axel is much, much older than that. Unlike their Nephilim family, the Archangel Descendents stop aging once fully mature.  So, even though they may appear youthful, they have typically been around for quite some time.

Supernatural Ability: Archangel Descendent/Angel of Death, "Glorified hunter, in most cases. ."

Abilites: Nephilim Abilities: Increased stamina, agility, heightened senses. Archangel Abilities: Although he has archangel abilities, Axel is very limited in how or what he can use them on. Once granted, though, Axel can take the life of almost anyone or anything using various means. Afterlife Transport: He is capable of taking the souls of others, willingly or otherwise, to the afterlife.Death Sense: He can sense the coming of death, determining when someone is dead or dying or if others have been killed in a specific location. This may extend to seeing the names and lifespans of those whose faces he sees.

1) Axel can't just go around killing whoever he chooses. His Superior gives him the names and locations. The only leniency that is given on this is when the person or supernatural is using their abilities for nefarious purposes. Then he can make a judgment call that he later must give an account for, and, quite frankly, the paperwork is not worth the power. Demons are fair game.

2) Even though Axel was sent from above, that does not give him immunity against the emotional instability that comes with his calling. Throughout his lifespan, he has led many to the afterlife, somewhere ready, and others were not.  This has affected his emotional state.

3) He can still die. It just takes much more to kill him than a bullet or car accident.  He is still plagued by human needs: food, water, etc. He still gets tired.

Affiliation:  Nephilim/Indepedent

Theme song: Original Me
Faceclaim: Jaime Campbell Bower
Physical Description: Usually, when people first see Axel, handsome is not the first thing that comes to mind. He does not have the 'movie star' appearance that many people - men or women - are attracted to. His face is thin and made up of sharp angles, pronounced cheekbones, and deep-set eyes decorated with dark circles from lack of sleep.

His hair is often disheveled. The mop of dirty-blonde locks that sit atop his head usually looks like it has never seen a brush; he has tried taming it, but like his spirit, it is rebellious. His sun-kissed skin reveals that he does not just keep to the shadows; he enjoys spending time outdoors. The sound of the ocean's waves can be soothing - the depths of a forest are where serenity is obtained.

Axel's eyes are bright, ethereal blue, and icy.

His six-foot frame is not intimidating and not what one would think of when picturing the one that carries out the execution. He is rather thin, with more of a lithe appearance than bulk, having more of a runner physique than a bodybuilder. Because of this, he is agile, quick on his feet, and maneuvers easily.

Axel's attire consists of t-shirts and denim jeans. He has a favorite pair of black boots that are scuffed, well-worn and have been around for a while. He does have a special outfit that he wears when he is carrying out orders - it washes easily and doesn't stain.

Distingushing Features:  Axel comes off as more of a bad boy than an angel. He has a piercing in the right nostril, one in his left eyebrow, and a lip ring (that he often plays with when he is deep in thought.)  Several tattoos mark his body. Some of them, like the shackles on his wrist, are just for decoration. Others, like the dots on each of his knuckles and the black curves that peek out from the collar of his shirt, were given to him by those with powers. They enhance Nephilim's abilities and give him a little more of an edge.

Axel has a realistic tattoo covering his entire back, from the base of his neck down to his hips. The intricate designs of the black wings make them look realistic.  It is from this tattoo that his very real wings extend and retract. When they are needed, Axel can roll his shoulders and cause them to expand, appearing from his person.  They shine blue and purple tint whenever the sun hits them, just like the feathers of a Raven.  They are incredibly soft to the touch but strong enough to lift his body off the ground.

Personality Description: People often refer to others who have an attitude of moral superiority as ‘holier-than-thou.’ In Axel’s case, he actually is. He holds himself as someone who knows his bloodline is basically Nephilim royalty. When he does speak, it is usually in a condescending manner.  He does not even try to impress people, so he does not worry if he is insulting someone or driving them away with honesty and sarcasm.

He is intolerant of people who are uneducated or act like they know something when they very clearly don't.  He has never hesitated to call someone out. Because of this, making life-long acquaintances has been hard (even when he made an effort), but those who look past the character flaws of his personality find someone loyal, almost to a fault.

He was given a divine appointment and works for power much higher than himself, but that does not keep his work from affecting his psyche. It is not easy to spend your life leading others across the threshold and into the arms of eternity, especially when they are not ready.  Their pleas haunt him, and because of this, he often comes off as neurotic.

What are some of your characters likes and dislikes?

Reading: He never really got into the technology movement, and while he believes it serves a purpose in today's society, he prefers to spend time lost within the pages of books. He will read anything, from the ingredients in the shampoo at the supermarket to more intellectual books.

People Watching: One of his favorite pastimes is watching mortals. They think, act, and even walk differently than the archangels, which is fascinating to him. Often, he will find a coffee shop and remain for hours, watching the people come and go.

Food: For someone who is a little on the scrawny side, Axel knows how to put away some food. He always has snacks hidden somewhere and can often be found at cafes, burger joints, and diners.   He loves to eat and is thankful for a ramped-up metabolism, or he would be the next contest on My 600-pound life.

Music: As cliche as it may sound, Axel enjoys music (doesn't everyone?) He will listen to anything, from classical to hard rock and everything in between.  He even enjoys a few pop songs. He plays the piano adequately but never plays for anyone other than himself.  Could you not ask him to sing, though? He knows that he can't carry a tune in a bucket.

Knitting/Crocheting: In the mundane mortal realm, Axel would be labeled as someone who has ADHD. He has trouble focusing on certain tasks, lacks time management skills, has difficulty navigating social relationships and can’t sit still. He uses knitting and crocheting to keep his hands busy.

Dislikes: Bad coffee, boy bands, sleeping without a fan on, vampires, mismatched socks, Monopoly (if that's you're favorite board game, get out), pumpkin spice, cats, he'd rather face a demon than snakes or spiders, Medians (they make his job complicated), Keto, cockroaches.