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11:44, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Peregrine Kincaid

Name: Peregrine Kincaid
Alt: Peri

Occupation: Currently unemployed

Actual Age/Apparent Age: 32 (She looks 22, because she had spent 10 years in a magic-induced coma, which sort of locked her in time

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Hetero

Race/Species: Human Witch

Face claim: Mackenzie Foy

Appearance: Petite and slender, Peri is one of those people who are easily overlooked. Usually drowning herself in neutral colors and clothes a size too big, her mousy appearance is more a choice, than any lack of fashion sense, given that she's aware of the danger posed when staying in another "super's" territory. When not hooded or hidden with a convenient masking spell, Peri's face is very youthful and delicate looking, heart-shaped and pale, framed with long tresses of auburn hair.

She has big, expressive, hazel eyes and a soft smile when she's relaxed. Though, most often, Peri carries an expression of cold indifference, or looks downright haunted at times, when her mask slips.

The reason for that haunted look becomes apparent once one discovers the two sections where her fair skin is marred. One resides on the left side of her face - two pale scars lift from her eye and disappear into her hair, one of them splitting her eyebrow in two, the other marking her cheekbone. The second is a companion to the first; a large bite mark encasing the left side of her waistline, just below her ribs. It looks as if something tried to bite a chunk of the soft section of her midriff out, but was perhaps interrupted or stopped somehow. Nonetheless, the scar left behind is not a pretty sight, and it proves to be a hindrance sometimes, as there's tightness around that area, reacting to certain things.

Personality: Though witches are usually solitary by nature, lingering in covens scattered over a large area, sometimes even the entire country, Peri would sooner call it lonely, rather than anything else. A survivor of a vicious attack a decade ago, due to the trauma suffered, she had isolated herself even more, missing the yearly coven gatherings as well. And the coven... moved on. Especially since many of them thought her dead, the attack claiming her life, when in fact, one of her witch-sisters took her in and - to save her life - placed her in a magical coma, in order to heal the wounds which would otherwise end her.

And now, paranoid, alone, and unsure of what was happening to her, Peri hesitates to form connections, and even more so, to rekindle the ones she had before the attack. Instead, she buries herself in her research and hopes that her solitude will be enough to protect her until she finds a way to spark her magic and memory back to what it was before she was attacked.

On top of that, she occasionally suffers from nightmares and night terrors, constantly dreaming of what she assumes are fragments of the attack - which were either removed, or sealed away in her mind.

However, once she accepts someone into her circle, she is loyal to the last, caring for those she trusts and slowly opening up to them.


Witch - Like all witches, Peri's magic heavily depends on natural conditions. The entire system is deeply complex and takes a long time to master, but the gist of it is that certain types of magic are stronger at certain times of day or year, as well as in certain weather conditions. So, creationist and growth magic works best during the spring, while destructive and decaying works best in winter. Fire-based magic works best during clear, sunny days, and healing or nurturing during rainy days. Light and airy magic prefer daytime, while dark and concealing magic leans toward nighttime. The strongest blessings are cast at midday, while the worst curses are at midnight, etc.

The rest works on the usual; herbs, crystals, gemstones, chants, and spellbooks. The more powerful witches can even summon familiars, but Peri is not there yet.

History: Again, as all witches, born to a witch single mother, Peri remembers the first half of her life being fairly happy. It was only her mother and her, in their little cottage, at the very edge of the suburbs, where the rural area started. She was a normal child and a normal teen, going to school, having hobbies, and a few people she could call friends. And even though her schoolmates considered her to be somewhat strange, no one had ever figured out that the strangeness they felt was the magic coursing through her. Her mother started teaching her early, insisting that with them living so close to the city (too close, by witch standards), she had to know how to take care of herself, because at 15, she was to be introduced to the coven, and will slowly have to detach from her parental home and seek her own place.

So did it happen. At 15, she pledged herself to the Stormlight coven, and at 16 was already living on her own, maybe an hour away from her mother's house. Still considered a child in some ways, her expenses were taken care of by the coven, so she could finish her education and find her own way through the vast sea of magic which only grew as she became older. Life was simple and peaceful then.

That is, until one stormy night, when she was just 21 years old. Try as she might, the only times she remembers any details from that night is when she has one of her nightmares and it's always the same. Darkness all around, the stormy wind howling around the house like a living, tormented thing. Except, the howling soon sounded as if it was coming from inside the house, and then-... Something big and heavy was on her chest, and her head hurt, and her stomach hurt and it bit, and it chewed, and death came.

A little over a year ago, Peri woke up in that same house, finding herself lying on the floor, atop an elaborate spell circle, a letter from one of her witch-sisters stating that she was hurt badly and was put into a magical sleep, underneath a protective dome, so she could heal, and that if she woke up, that means the spell had worn off, and she could only pray that it was enough to pull her through.

To Peri's shock, she discovered that a whole decade had passed since that night, and now she's... not the same. She looked the same, but there was something within her now, clawing at her and disrupting the natural flow of magic she was so used to by now. Desperate for answers, she ventured into the city against her better judgment, trying to find answers.

Other information: She greatly fears wolves, though she has no idea why. Her guess is that it has something to do with her scars.