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05:30, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Ash Graves

Name: Ashton Graves
Alt: Ash

Occupation: Enforcer for Thornwood Pack

Actual Age/Apparent Age: 50/28

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Demi - until the Fated Mate appears

Race/Species: werewolf

Appearance: While most would refer to him as Tall, Dark, and Broody, what truly catches the eye first is the way Ash’s eyes seem to glow. His silver eyes remind one of a full moon, shining bright from the darker complexion surrounding them. His nearly black hair is usually found in some sort of stylish messy look, his similarly colored brows and lashes only help to accent the sharp lines of his face and contrast with his eyes. Rarely taking the time to shave, Ash is often found with scruff on his face, but while he dislikes taking the time to shave, the time required to properly maintain a beard is equally annoying to him.

It doesn’t seem to matter whether he wears dark or light colors, due to the contrasts in his complexion, Ash is equally imposing in either dark or light clothes, though he tends to lean towards blacks and grays, as they help him blend in better when he needs to. His strong jaw leads into what many would consider a slender torso, until a feel for what is under the clothing can be assessed.

Ash maintains himself well, as any predator would, though his strength comes from usefulness. Built for speed as well as strength, he bears a leanness that often hides his true strength. While he is no gym rat, one might mistake him for one if able to judge by his strength alone. Otherwise, they would never assume it is there.

His wolf form is that of a large black beast with long fur. His huge paws help him not only gain traction when running, but also bare sharp claws able to be used when necessary. Shining from amidst all the black fur is clean white teeth when he snarls, and the same moonlit colored eyes from his human form, though with a more animalistic nature within the intelligence to them.

Personality: If one were to ask those around him, they would describe Ash as quiet. The one found against the wall observing instead of participating. A wallflower. Few have even seen the man smile. Granted, most of those around him have only seen him in the capacity of Enforcer, few getting the chance to see Ash as he is when able to relax.

Many would be surprised to learn Ash does smile. Not only does he smile, but it’s stunning when he does the slow smirk creasing his face while his eyes glimmer with humor, or teasing, or heat, depending on who he is smiling at, and why. While he is often stoic, outside of his role within the Pack, Ash is surprisingly easy to read, as if his features are simply tired of hiding it all behind a mask.

Far from the Ladies Man his looks would leave one to expect, Ash prefers a quiet life. He rarely goes out for parties or large group activities, except those held by the Pack, but even there, he finds it hard to unwind fully. Instead, he tends to prefer long drives through the winding trees surrounding Thornwood Hollows, or old black and white films. That isn’t to say the right person couldn’t convince him to do things, just that he hasn’t met her yet.

Elongated lifespan - werewolves are known to live much longer than humans, their usual lifespan topping out around 200 years on average. The oldest is considered to have nearly made it to 300, but in truth, most die fairly young due to I fighting among different packs and within their own, as well as hunters.

Heightened senses - even in human form, werewolves have better hearing, speed, and scent than humans.

Heightened strength - built much more durable than most, it takes either impaled with pure silver, or another werewolf to kill one.

Tracking - as a pack Enforcer, Ash has honed his tracking abilities beyond even that of a regular werewolf. This allows him to find who he needs to find efficiently, if not quickly.

Fighting - Another skill honed through his duties to the Pack, Ash has learned to fight and fight well. He expends as little energy as necessary, preferring speed and hard hits that drop his opponents to letting the fight stretch out.

History: Ash doesn’t remember much of his childhood. As one of the extremely rare werewolves that were born rather than created, Ash grew up as a pup rather than a kid. It wasn’t until his 13th birthday that he changed for the first time. Then, he had to come to terms with not only that he was human as well, but the wrenching emotions that came with being one. Especially when it comes to his mother. After all, a human woman is not exactly equipped to give birth to teeth and claws. Yet his did. Willingly, knowing it would be her end.

Young Ash had to learn that the hard way, making the subject a sore spot even today, though now he is able to talk about it, while it still tears at his heart when he does.

He learned she was a witch, however, one excommunicated from her coven once they learned she fell in love with his father - a werewolf. He also learned that after Ash was born, his father couldn’t tolerate the loss of his Mate, which drove him into a feral rage. It took the pack a while to find him, only learning of his location when an attack occurred eleven years ago, a young witch, they learned, living too close to the wolves’ territory, yet too far away to get help from them.

They knew the girl survived because of how the witches helped her, but not much more than that. Their job was to take care of the feral wolf that attacked, not worry about the victim if they didn’t come for help and hadn’t turned.

The story always sat heavily with Ash, knowing he had been the cause of not only his mother’s death, but indirectly the attack on a young woman. He swore to himself long ago to avoid witches at all costs, not out of fear of them, but rather fear for them, should history repeat itself.

He threw himself into the Pack, having been all but adopted by the Alpha once he was found alone in the house, a half starved werewolf pup, fully grown but not yet old enough to change. The Alpha took him under his care, helping him regain his strength, helping him find his way. Ash found comfort in the Pack and in his solitude, choosing to keep the darker side of his thoughts from the group. He found that an outlet waited in the role of the Pack Enforcer, allowing him to turn his rage and anger on something other than himself when called upon.

Now, he fills the role well, easily managing the tasks required of him, as well as others asked of him, all in the name of avoiding his past. It’s easier that way than to have to deal with the fact that his life took his mothers, and as the pack Enforcer, he had to kill his own father to keep anyone else from being injured by the feral wolf.

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