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Welcome to Welcome to Orario

00:44, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)


The Basics

Name: Crello

Race: Beastkin (Frog)

Gender: Male

Age: 22

The Physical

Physical Description: Crello is a fairly small humanoid, standing at only  3’9” tall. Despite his small frame he appears to be in decent shape and his legs are extremely powerful. His frog heritage is fairly strong for a beastkin. His appendages are webbed, his oily skin is a deep green, and his eyes are a particularly fetching shade of red according to other frog beastkin. His attire seems a bit patchwork with no one piece of armor or clothing looking like they match the other. Although all the pieces seem well maintained they look crudely tailored to fit his unique proportions

Distinguishing Marks: Wide brimmed feathered cap, patchwork armor, large red eyes, and a disarming smile.

Under the Hood

Weapons Training: Rapiers, Daggers

Magic Affinity: Water

The Juicy Bits

Personality: Crello not only aspires to be successful but desires to be a chivalrous knight from his childhood stories. He is always polite, kind, and helpful to those around him. He is insecure about his place as an adventurer and tries to overcompensate by diving head first into any task necessary. He has a tendency to be a bit dramatic, exaggerating even mundane encounters so they fit his idea of a heroic task.

Backstory: Crello was raised far from Orario in a rural farm in the middle of nowhere. One of a dozen children, the young beastkin rarely got to see anything outside of the land his family owned and worked. Of the few books owned was a tale of heroic knights. Crello was obsessed  with the storybook and dreamed of becoming a knight. He trained with toy swords and fought his siblings as they pretended to be heroes. While his siblings grew out of the phase, Crello continued his unofficial training. Despite his parents' protests Crello left his family when  he was an adult.

With nothing but the clothes on his back he traveled to Orario where he hoped to become an adventurer.  However he soon found that no group would be willing to team up with him. His small stature and amateur skills were seen as a liability, not to mention his lack of equipment. He was forced to find work doing menial labor  to support himself. For the next two years he saved every spare Valis he earned, bought used equipment, and learned to sew so he could repair and resize what he had. Meanwhile he spied on other adventurers as they practiced so he could learn proper fighting form.

Crello thought perhaps he would be doomed to never be accepted as an adventurer, until he found the Hectate Family. Where others saw weakness she saw his potential and allowed him to join. Thus Crello swore to serve as her knight and champion, to serve the family in whatever way they requested.