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00:47, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Yuvarax Tren

The Basics

Name: Yuvarax Tren

Race: Dragonborn

Gender: Male

Age: 21

The Physical

Physical Description: Yuvarax is a large, imposing slab of scaly muscle. Standing at a smidge above 7 feet and broad of shoulder, he has the build of one who has made a life out of building up his body. His scales are varying shades of red, from dull to an almost ruby shine like depending on how the light shines on him. He has a wide, strong jaw that tapers into a narrow snout. Above his forehead hehas two dark horns that curve back, giving his head a triangular, streamlined look.
His deep set eyes are dark with bright yellow, reptilian pupils.
He usually wears pants that are easy to move in, and vests that allow him to show of his large arms. His clothes are usually in a state between threadbare and straight up tatters.

Distinguishing Marks: Yuvarax has a black tattoo of a dragon on his right shoulder.

Under the Hood

Weapons Training: Yuvarax has basic skill in handling knives, but has the most skill and experience in bareknuckle brawling and wrestling. He has a natural talent for turning any part of his body, be it first, foot, knee or tail into a deadly weapon.

Magic Affinity: Body magic

The Juicy Bits

Yuvarax is a jovial person, with a personality as large and boisterous as his body. Loud and quick to laughter and contrary to his intimidating looks, he is kind and often willing to lend a hand or help those weaker than him. He is also singlemindedly driven when it comes to his interests. Chief among these being working out and training. He lives by the adage "work hard and play hard", determined to live a full life of action and revelry in equal measure.

since early childhood Yuvarax has been fascinated by dragons and his relation to them. He would read and listen to stories of their might and Majesty, and daydream about it. And thus his life goal was born. He would build his body through hard work and magic, until he too boasted the magnificent might of his greater cousins. He might not be able to fly, or breathe fire, but sheer strength? That could be built up. And using magic to aid him wasn't even cheating, since dragons are all sorts of magical, too.
That was how Yuvarax would eventually gain a reputation among his kin as a musclehead of rare stubborness. And how he ended up joining the Hecate family, and unlocking an affinity for body enhancing magic. Which should perhaps have been obvious. Now among like minded individuals who similarly sought strength in different ways, Yuvarax happily found his place among the future champions.

Writing Sample:
"You know, if you worked on your core more, you'd have an easier time hauling me off." Yuvarax supplied helpfully to the increasingly frustrated guards who'd tried for the last ten minutes to shoo him away from his current workout spot. He didn't see the problem. It wasn't illegal to work out on the statue in the Plaza. He'd checked. Well, it wasn't explicitly illegal, anyway. Maybe they were angry because he disturbed businesses? Nah, that couldn't be it. If anything the ladies at the nearby café appreciated the entertainment of seeing his bulging muscles flex, if the catcalls were anything to go by. It was flattering.
No, Yuvarax was beginning to suspect that what had the guards angry was that he hadn't stopped doing pull ups on the statues arm while he talked with them. They'd tried pulling at him. He'd taken the extra weight as a challenge. Yes, that might be the reason. "Sorry fellas, I'm almost done. just one more rep, then I'll get out of your hair."