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Welcome to Star Trek - Excelsus

03:56, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name      : Amaria Jondais Eldran
Gender    : F
Species   : Tierian*
Ethnicity : N/A
Age       : 35
Religion  : No affiliation
Sexuality : Heterosexual, disinclined
Homeworld : Rennath-Two (Tierian designation)
Occupation: Ship's Counselor; Lt. Commander

* pronounced t-year-een, third syllable emphasized.

Physical Description:

Amaria's species resembles an upright, sapient Terran wolf, although there is no known genetic relationship. She has snowy white fur, sparsely patterned with shades of light gray. As part of an officer exchange program she typically wears a tailored Starfleet uniform while on duty, with her Commonwealth rank insignia added just below the left lapel. Her voice is low-toned but clear, with a lightly flowing accent.


Amaria is typically perceived as calm, quiet, and relaxed under everyday circumstances, although she adopts a more businesslike and forceful demeanor when leading a team or dealing with dangerous circumstances.

Character History:

The Tierian Commonwealth is a polity that was encountered by Starfleet relatively recently, covering a large area of space at some distance from the Federation. A generally-compatible outlook has led to the establishment of friendly relations and a number of treaties, including the officer exchange program in which Amaria is currently taking part.

Amaria initially received security and tactical training and was attached to a unit that provided medical support in dangerous situations: battlefield trauma and evac, disaster intervention and relief, and so on. She was soon made a squad leader, and after serving in that capacity for several years, took a leave of absence to further study medicine and receive additional training in preparation for taking command of full relief unit. Her focus shifted to psychology during this time, and shortly after completing her training she was selected for the officer exchange program to serve in an entirely different capacity.