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20:19, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Sean Reilly

Current Name: Sean Reilly

Nickname: Ask and he might consider telling.

Age: 400ish years.

Member of House Ashby: No

How long has the character known Archer/been a member of his family: N/A

Supernatural Abnormality: Many familiar with Irish myths and legends would classify him as a PĂșca.

Shape Shifting: He is capable of becoming a variety of animals, usually mammals with similar colors/patterns. This also provides the added benefit of utilizing animal characteristics in human form.

Fae Magic: His particular expertise is with the use of illusory magic and he is acutely aware of its usage (especially of the Fae variety). From the usual sensory parlor tricks, clouding minds, altering perceptions of those susceptible to such things, he can take a lot further by tapping into their emotional strengths and fears to better create and tailor-make vivid hallucinations.

The mortal mind has a funny way of being stubbornly creative when trying to reconcile the unbelievably fantastical, so he can simply help the senses instinctively avoid acknowledging his presence when it suits his convenience, thus becoming just another nondescript face in the crowd, an unmemorable body passed on the street. Sean's illusory glamour makes it incredibly difficult for mortals to accurately remember or describe him with any specificity or consistency after encountering him. When timed well, this an also give the amusing effect of mysteriously appearing and disappearing in plain sight.

Fae Longevity: Due to his magical heritage, he ages at an exponential rate and with his glamour, is capable of appearing to be of any age.

'The Puca's Burrow': When Sean's powers manifested, he found out he was able to create a small, personal pocket of Fae space to call his home. This first started as a typical underground burrow he could summon in the wild to become a home and resting place. As his powers grew in strength, so too did the sanctuary and the power to transplant it. (See "Other Info")

Mixology: Given all the years he's spent mixing and serving drinks, he's picked up on a few tips, tricks and methods from his fellows to enhance a variety of his beverages to better cater to his particular clientele. Enhanced fermentation techniques, a little bit of basic potion-brewing and a thaumaturgical infusion of his Fae magic for that extra zing. The man knows how to mix a delicious drink to satisfy the most discerning of palettes. Of course, the side effects of imbibing these drinks are a whole different story entirely...

Weakness: While he has been granted an ageless sense of immortality and better resilience and recovery than humans, he can still sustain physical injuries and die from them if lethal enough. Similarly, while he can be more aware of the use of magic, he's not fully immune to it.

Theme song: Omnia - Fee Ra Huri

Faceclaim: Tom Hardy

Physical Description: Without the use of his illusory skills, Sean stands at about six feet, usually looking like a fairly unassuming, middle-aged man in good health and visibly good physical condition. His close-cropped brown hair tends to always look a bit wind-swept, matched by his thick beard. Of course that's his average description at a glance. Given the nature of his heritage and gifts, he is capable of altering his physicality to look anywhere from his twenties to his forties by mortal standards and change his physical build from looking svelt and slender to brutishly muscular.

Distinguishing Features: His most prominent features are his unnaturally golden eyes. No matter what form he takes, his golden eyes are the one and only constant. He will also often bare certain physical characteristics of his animal forms and while they are usually fairly subtle to the casual eye, they become especially prominent when he uses any of their unique traits. Pronounced teeth, a more primal shape to his ears or nose, hair thick enough to be confused with fur, thick nails that might be mistaken as claws... It all depends on the time, day, how he's feeling and what he's doing, but the indicators are there.

Personality Description: While Sean can be a social chameleon, he is a generally a friendly and good natured fellow. Sporting a kind smile, offering a crisp drink and an ear to listen, he tends to be kindly straightforward and sociable. Yet there always seems to be a hidden gleam in his eye or an enigmatic smile threatening to pull at his lips that belies the mischievous nature that has earned him his place among the mythologies of man. Though not a child of true chaos, Sean usually prefers more beneficial forms of entertainment for those he may feel need a little something special to liven up their day or refresh their perspectives on life. That's not to say he hasn't dabbled in the darker arts of his repertoire to dispense a justified comeuppance for those who deserve it. Like his forebears of legend, he can be incredibly malicious towards those who provoke him, but he simply prefers to stay on the lighter side of things.

What are some of your character's likes and dislikes: He enjoys a good company, good conversation, good fun and good mischief (Not that any of them are mutually exclusive). He doesn't enjoy wet blankets, people who take themselves too seriously and/or lack a good sense of humor.

Any other information you would like to share:
The Goodfellow: This Pub is the evolved version of his burrow. A personal pocket of the Fae Realm that he has learned how to transplant throughout the mortal world.

Sean is able to alter the varying details of its decor or change it's layout which gives it a surreal ever-shifting design reminiscent of the Fae Realm's dynamic nature. Preferring the theme of a rustic pub styled in the old-world Irish with splashes of contemporary aesthetics. A fitting venue to share with the locals of supernatural persuasion for a bit of relaxing revelry (especially those who find it more difficult to hide among the mortals).

They are more than welcome to frequent the establishment, kick back, take a load off, relax and enjoy a good drink along with the company of their peers. Gifted mortals are also welcome though they may have a more difficult time of locating an entrance. This is mostly because his home (like Fae themselves) was designed to exist just outside of the peripheral awareness of the ungifted mortal world.

Its entrances can inexplicably appear anywhere throughout the downtown area of the city where it resides in unassuming locations where there was naught but wall and sidewalk a moment ago. The door always opens to reveal a clean, well-lit stairwell that leads to the basement level of whichever building it's found by.

It is easily overlooked and unnoticed by normal mortals, though once every so often, one will suddenly find themselves wandering in to find a common room filled with people that might look a bit off and end up ordering a drink from a friendly bartender that sends them on a truly surreal experience only to find themselves back up street side as if nothing happened with naught but the uncanny recollection of what felt like a vivid dream. Did it really happen or was it a result of an alcohol-induced bender? Few mortals have ever been able to figure it out.


Once upon a time, within the deep countryside of the Emerald Isle, an unremarkably normal boy was born to a family of unremarkable provincial farmers. People of such insignificance, they wouldn't warrant an aside in a footnote of a passing mention in the appendices of history. Remarkably unremarkable save that they lived on the edge of what many would argue was the untamed lands of Ireland. Wilds that still held still held sway over the fervent and the superstitious. There was nary a tree, hill, moor or creek for miles that didn't have a story behind it steeped in the mythology of their forebears and it was upon these lands Sean Reilly grew up.

The second youngest of seven, he was easily lost in the shuffle of his siblings and this caused him to develop an impish personality to help him stand out and find a bit of fun in an otherwise simple life. With a knack for outspoken humor and high jinks, it came as no surprise that he ended up developing a reputation for mischief and encouraged the other kids his age to participate. One of their favorite games was daring each other to enter the vast forest just beyond the village.

It was widely accepted by the village that it was forbidden for children to enter what was known as the Wild Wood. Even the grown-ups were reluctant to enter unless it was absolutely necessary. Aside from its untamed nature, it was also the source of many superstitious legends, warnings and cautionary tales told by the villagers of disappearances and deaths that resulted from its exploration by the naive or ignorant. Some told tales of a malevolent auras, strange noises, lights or creatures that had been witnessed upon the outskirts after nightfall.

All such activity were attributed to the mercurial Aos Si working their dark fairy magics. Many of these stories were laughed off as tall-tales from the unnerved or drunk, but deep down all believed there were enough grains of truth to keep a very mindful head.

One day Sean had been dared to enter the forest and found to his surprise a woodland paradise. So captivated he was, he made it a point to visit and explore as often as he was able until one fateful day when he lost track of time and fell asleep in a flowery glade. When night fell, the forest had awoken and the boy had yet to return home. It wasn't until midnight that he finally stumbled out through the brush of the treeline, dirty, disheveled, exhausted and terrified of his experience.

It wasn't until his parents were cleaning him up that they noticed he now had bright golden eyes. Such a thing created a bit of a conundrum. Had he been blessed or cursed? The Fae were infamously known to be quite capricious in nature and were wont to take compliment or offense in anything as they saw fit. Sean couldn't remember exactly what had happened nor would he speak of what little he could recall, so they didn't press him for if he had born witness to the secrets of the Aos Si, it would certainly behoove him to keep them.

After a week, Sean was allowed out of the house again, but word had spread. The children knew of his trips into the forest and spoke of them to their parents out of fear and it wasn't long before new rumors were abound. Most of the kids tended to avoid Sean from that point on, those that didn't were quickly scolded by their parents. As a result, he ended up spending most of his time alone or watching his younger sister, Shea, who always had an innocent fondness for his golden eyes.

Time passed and Sean grew older and reaching the cusp of manhood began to realize he had a certain knack for things. Whenever he wanted to avoid the staring townsfolk who would usually whisper hushed words as he passed, people tended to not notice he was there. He could go so far as to bump into them and they would immediately brush it off as if it hadn't happened at all. They just would just lose track of him or forget seeing him entirely if he willed it hard enough. Sean's senses also began to sharpen. He was able to hear, see and smell things most other folks weren't receptive to.

These were as much blessings as they were curses for as much as he had tried to downplay these talents, unpleasant rumors stirred anew about Sean and people began to openly show their aversion. Aversion became disapproval which turned to dislike until becoming all but animosity. Tensions were at their tipping point when some hot-tempered young men finally mustered the nerve to set upon him. The resulting brawl pushed him to a brink that resulted in the full awakening his fae heritage. Sean manifested a plethora of feasome animal features to become a living creature of Irish myth and legend.

After a sound thrashing, he dispensed a warning to spread throughout the town that ill consequences awaited any who would seek to harm his family. When he finally reverted back to his human form, he knew he couldn't remain. He had questions that needed answers and they would only be found in the Wild Wood. So after saying goodbye to his parents and siblings that remained, he disappeared into the forest to join the world of the Fae. (It should be mentioned that in the years that followed, it came to pass that the Reilly's crops were always in abundance and their livestock always fat and healthy.)

Sean developed a love for traveling as he explored the whole of Ireland, spending the next few decades meeting fellow Fae as well as other supernatural creatures that existed among the mortals. Much time was spent honing his abilities and fully embracing the essence of his newfound existence. Eventually he learned how to travel to the Fae realm itself and bore witness to the splendor of the Royal Court. Though never having been one for politics, he preferred returning to the human realm to make friends, aid the kindhearted and visit misfortune upon the vile and so it was until he had seen the whole of Ireland. As much as he loved his home, he was soon overtaken by a strong wanderlust. Coupled with the advent of the Industrial Revolution, a lot of the natural world was being stripped bare and the power of belief began to wane in the face of technological progress and he wanted to see as much of what remained before it was too late.

So he began to travel the world, often times finding places to settle for a spell to meet people from all walks and have a bit of fun before moving along. He found the best way to facilitate this was to frequent the local watering holes. Bars, taverns, pubs and the like where people weren't afraid to reveal their true natures. Where stiff drinks loosened tongues, brought levity and encouraged all to find a modicum of comfort and commraderie in their fellows. As enamored as he was with the concept as a whole, he found it was difficult for folks of the supernatural persuasion to gather under similar circumstances without a good deal of effort or conflict, so he returned to the Realm to focus upon a project that would become his livelihood.

By now, what had once started as a burrow could now become a very sizeable living space that he could modify to suit his whims and once preparations had been made, he transplanted the first iteration of his pub into the heart of Dublin. It started out as a fairly modest and unassuming tavern. Calling in favors and friendships, he was able to stock ample food and drink to provide for mortal and supernatural alike and once everything was in place, he opened the ways for the locals. Things went fairly well enough. Mistakes were made, lessons were learned, but for the most part, it proved to be a worthwhile venture. So when he felt ready, he resumed his worldly travels once more. Whenever he found a place that looked to be in need of his particular fare, his establishment would unceremoniously appear and provide until he felt it was time to move along.

So it was and continued to be. The World Wars saw Sean's focus shift and for a time, he delved into the darker aspects of his being as the world raged. In the aftermath, he learned that he had no taste for such conflicts. When factions of mortals and Supernaturals formed and continued to fight each other and amongst themselves, he chose to withdraw. Many attempted to convince him to return and take a side to which he would always respectfully decline well aware of the consequences that sort of trouble brought. After so many raids from chapters of over-zealous hunters dealing with the fallout (a couple of which Sean may have arguably brought upon himself), Sean began to take a far more discerning stance in only admitting those who respected the neutrality of his grounds.

The world recovered and rebuilt as it usually does and Sean continued along in his travels about the world, taking the occasional sojourn within the Fairy Realm in order to recuperate the power needed to relocate his pub. On his latest stayover, the realm was simply abuzz with delicious rumors and talk concerning the happenings at the Royal Court. Given his natural curiosity, he couldn't help but follow the trail to see where it would lead and it is here he now finds himself upon the outskirts of New Orleans, a city known quite well for its frivolity and hardships among the New Worlders.

And he always wanted the chance to experience their Mardis Gras...