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Welcome to Elswin's School for Exceptional Students

22:51, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Eric Ascott

The Basics

Name: Eric Ascott
Alias: Frostbite
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Student, teacher, or Other Occupation: Student
Education Level Before Entering the School: Recently High school graduate
Basic description of power: Cryokinesis. He can Freezee objects and create ice. It also gives him resistance to very low temperature

The Looks

Height: 1,63 m
Weight: 57,2 kg
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color and Style: Messy black hair
Facial Hair, if any:
Skin Tone: Pale
Body Build: Skinny
Blood Type: AB+
Common Outfit Choices: Comfy clothes, normally sweaters and cargo pants
Common Outfit Colors: Red and overall warm colours

The Mind

Eric is a very easygoing person. He's very approachable and friendly, and tends to make people laugh. If you are his friend, he will do as much as he can to spend time with you and help you as much as he can. However if you get on his bad side, he will be ruthless to you and show no mercy, no matter what you do.

Eric has always wanted to pursue theatre. Despite there not being any kind of theatre activity in his small town highschool, he was able to convince his parents to let him pursue a carreer in it in college.

From the outside out, Eric looks like a confident and witty guy, the kind that you can hangout and have a fun time with. In his mind however, he feels a lot less confident about himself and has a lot of self doubt about his abilities and what is trully his.

The Mechanics

What Are Your Abilities?: Cryokinesis. He can Freezee objects and create ice. It also gives him resistance to very low temperature

What is their Average Limits?: He can freeze things, the speed of it depending on its size, and can create small objects or proyectiles made of ice

What Is The Furthest You Have Pushed Your Abilities?: He laerned through more experimentation, that he could create ice but it was harder than just freezing an objects. The furthest he has taken his power was the time he actually turned a slab of Woody into pure ice. After doing so he felt the worst migrante of his life and nevera tried again. He tested once how much resistance to low temperatura he had  by dumping a Lost of ice cubes into a bathtub  and getting inside it. He felt fine until -50°C and only resisted until -100°C

What Is The Drawbacks of Your Abilities?: Overuse of their abillities, causes a migrane and a lot of overuse causes mild temporary body paralysys

What Other Skills Do You Have?: He is and avid reader and due to his studies knows a little tap dancing and singing

How Do Your Abilities make You Feel?: Eric doesn't like using his abbilites, and always tries to hide the fact that he has an hability, fearing the repercusions of said revelation

The History

Eric was born on an average family. The son of two doctors and brother of a baby sister, he lived a normal life with a pretty average relation with his parents, who lived in a small town in the north. However he does keep a lot of secrets from them like his ability for example. He lived a pretty normal life even though for most of his pre-teen and teen years he didn't make a deep conection with any of his school friends. He was friends with everyone but had no best friend. That didn't change until his last year of highschool where he manage to make a group of really close friends that made him feel really included.

The ability manifested during his first year of highschool. After he came out of the closet, a bully cornered him outside of the building to beat him out. It was raining and when the bully was beating Eric Up suddenly the bully felt something hard hitting him on the head. The rain had suddenly turned into balls of solido ice. The bully ran away and Eric realised that It only started hailibg on the bully. He felt dread in his stomach. Later at home he took a glass of wáter and when he was able to Freeze It, he realised that he had an ability

He knew about CRASH and about abilities, a guy from his class could control fire and was very popular for it. He really didn't want to have anything to do with them, so he always tried to keep himslef under the radar, only using his abilities for very minor things. Everytihng seemed fine. He graduated and was ready to go to college until fate knocked on his door