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Welcome to Naked an Afraid XL Tv show (Survival, Minor dice rolls)

03:50, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Martina Ana Luciana Perez

Are you of legal age to view adult materials in your place of residence: Yes (*must answer)

Name: Martina Ana Luciana Perez

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Leave this blank if you would prefer this to be found out from in game conversations.

Previous Occupation: Mexican Street food Vendor


Vibrant and louder then life, Martina is a funny woman who lives life at 100 miles an hour, she's always going something, she doesn't know how to stay idle, or be quiet for that matter. Her laugh is infectious an she loves abit of back an forth banter though she can take it too far hitting abit close to home and perhaps doesn't take the banter as well as she gives it, or she has a couple of sore points perhaps making her an easy target.

Martina has a cheeky smile that makes you just want to laugh, her confidence shines bright on her lips an in her animated face, her deep brown eyes express a warmth, her complexion is divine a smooth bronze with a firmness to her cuddly figure the woman does not have a wrinkle, while her teeth aren't perfect they are a bright white, Matrina is average height an has a healthy hourglass figure with plenty to cuddle.


When her mother died at a young age, her father did the best he could, but he disappeared when she was the age of 16 she had limited options, She had basically raised herself learning to cook for the family, she knew she had a talent for it and it was after a dodgy burrito from a street vendor in San Diego that she said she thought she could do better in abit of that banter with the Vendor, she had lied about her age and changed her name and got false papers, for all intensive purposes her life is a lie, being homeless and underage from a poor family who always had flown under the radar, even to the point of a home birth, it wasn't hard to create a new identity. .

The vendor Eduaro told her to put her money where her mouth was an cook for him, so was the start of her cash in hand career, she put in huge hours an devoted herself to this life even sleeping in the food truck to save money.

Years later she has her own food truck, well the same one, having bought Eduaro out, Eduara having sold out when he retired. The food truck had been hired for the production crew on the Mexican addition of Naked an Afraid and Martina fell in love with the concept, being a naturalist always walking around home naked, an who didn't love sun baking naked, the concept of a survival experience called to her, not to mention the potential prize money.

Skills: Urban Survival, Cooking, Beauty therapist

The image Martina sent with her application to the show for a laugh