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Welcome to Andalite Bandits (Animorphs)

20:47, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


HP: 30

Morph time         5 seconds morph     3 seconds demorph
Blend              +0 morphed          -10 demorphed          -3 Human

       morphed: [dice=3d6+0 text="What you're rolling to do"]
       demorphed: [dice=3d6-10 text="What you're rolling to do"]
       Human morph: [dice=3d6-3 text="What you're rolling to do"]
       If lying to Tobias: [dice=3d6-4 text="What you're rolling to do"]

Flight             +0 to flying creatures

       Moving quickly: [dice=3d6+0 text="What you're rolling to do"]
       Continuing to move for more than 20 minutes: [dice=3d6+2 text="What you're rolling to do"]
       Catching thrown objects: [dice=3d6-6 text="What you're rolling to do"]

Self-Control       -1 morphed          +3 demorphed

       morphed: [dice=3d6-1 text="What you're rolling to do"]
       demorphed: [dice=3d6+3 text="What you're rolling to do"]
       Gain control of a new morph: [dice=3d6+0 text="What you're rolling to do"]
       Gain control of a familiar morph: [dice=3d6+0 text="What you're rolling to do"]

Vigilance          +0

       Determine current vigilance level: [dice=3d6+0 text="What you're rolling to do"]
       Understand a situation better: [dice=3d6+0 text="What you're rolling to do"]

Human Weirdo
If you are in human shape, and talking to another human who is not a controller, then you can choose to re-roll any failed Blend check to stop acting innocuous and start acting weird. On a successful roll (7 - 20) against a human civilian, you act bizarre or nonhuman enough that the person is intimidated into leaving you alone without further trouble. On a failed roll (1- 6) against a human civilian, the person becomes concerned and calls 911 or tries to get a doctor to help you. On any roll against a previously-unknown human-controller, you create the impression of being an andalite in morph and must immediately make a Blend saving throw.

Any time you encounter a flighted craft (Bug fighter, airplane, etc.), roll 3d6 to see if you succeed in flying it. On any end result of 5 or
higher, you manage to get the craft started and off the ground, at a level of success determined by the Ellimist’s interpretation of your roll.

Andalite Academy Science Class
When encountering unfamiliar alien or physics-related phenomena, roll 3d6 to see if you covered this in school. Your level of knowledge of the phenomenon will be determined by the Ellimist’s interpretation of your roll. Roll at +3 for anything directly related to human, andalite, or yeerk

Can contest a retreat order.

Time Check
At any point in the game, the player using Ax may request a time check to know how long anyone in morph has been in morph. Ax can have this information about any individual whom he saw morph (including NPCs) but cannot have it for any individual whom he did not initially see morph.

Saving Throws (don't forget your morph modifiers!)
Blend: [dice=1d6+0 target=3]
Dodge: [dice=3d6+0]

Morphs Acquired
MorphStat ModifiersSpecial Abilities
Andalite (base form)Speed: extremely fast (+6 to all Dodge rolls; enemies roll at -2 Dodge)
Hit dice: does 3d6 slashing damage
Endurance: 4 rounds, after which you must disengage for 1 round
Environments: woods, other wild areas; cannot enter human-populated areas; can
survive for 30 minutes in desert, arctic, or deep water
Extra mechanics: use opposable thumbs to operate machinery; impossible to take by surprise and so gets the chance to roll Dodge for all attacks
SharkSpeed: extremely fast (+6 to all Dodge rolls; enemies roll at -2 Dodge)
Hit dice: does 3d6 slashing damage
Endurance: 4 rounds, after which you must disengage for 1 round
Environments: woods, other wild areas; cannot enter human-populated areas; can
survive for 30 minutes in desert, arctic, or deep water
Extra mechanics: use opposable thumbs to operate machinery; impossible to take by surprise and so gets the chance to roll Dodge for all attacks
AntSpeed: moderate-slow (-1 to all Dodge rolls; enemies are at +2 Dodge)
Hit dice: does 1d6 damage to smaller or proportionate opponents; cannot damage opponents more than 3x larger than itself
Endurance: indefinite
Health points: 3
Environments: air and dry surfaces; cannot float in water and will take damage from rain
Self-Control rolls: must make every 5 minutes at a -6 to retain one’s sense of self, and become lost to the will of the queen for 5 minutes after every failed roll