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19:30, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Lucas Arden

Name: Lucas Arden
Nickname: Luke
Gender: Male
Birthdate: November 7th

Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 185

Background: New Money
Primary Clique: Populars
Secondary Clique: Jocks
Sexuality: Straight

Major, if decided: Undecided
Minor, or Second Major, if applicable: N/A

Goals/Aspirations: Lucas's motives and pursuits might take many forms, but when you strip them down to their barest components they're the same primitive urges that drove Neanderthals living in caves. To win, to dominate, to seize, to take. If he crushes someone's spirit with a remark, he's succeeded. If he fucks some girl only to never see her again, he's succeeded. If he smashes someone's face into the nearest locker hard enough to leave a dent, he's succeeded. He lives moment to moment, victory to victory, with little regard for the big picture or the long run. If he has true aspirations, he hasn't shared them. Then again, considering the almost-incomprehensible wealth he stands to inherit without so much as ever lifting a finger, he might simply have none.

Assets and Strengths: Attractive, athletic, charming when he wants to be. Charismatic even when he doesn't. He's never been a big fan of intellectual pursuits, but physical ones come naturally to him. But beyond all that, Lucas has the sheer, staggering scope of his family's wealth: twelve figures. If you spent a dollar a second, $86400 a day every day, it'd take more than three thousand years to drain the pot. As far in the future as King David was in the past. Except not even then could you spend it all, because in actuality compounding interest would balloon that wealth so far beyond your expenditures you'd never actually catch up. An inexhaustible fund: that's twelve figures. That's true wealth.

Liabilities and Weaknesses: Short on empathy. Short on kindness. Carelessly cruel, and chiefly concerned with his own selfish ends. Unaccustomed to having to work for anything at all. If he were born into an average household, he wouldn't get very far. But he wasn't, was he?

Physical: 5
Social: 4
Mental: 1

Tall. Lean. Impeccable jawline, strong nose, cheekbones that could cut glass. Hair that's quite dark when cropped short, which takes on a golden sheen when he lets it grow out. Dark eyes, hazelish, something lazy about the look. Maybe it's pretty privilege, maybe it's actual fucking privilege, but there's an air of icy, apathetic assurance about him that verges on untouchability.

Cool, aloof, and subtly contemptuous. Lucas doesn't speak more than he has to, and it has nothing to do with shyness. What little he says is rarely kind. Curiously, that seems to make people try all the harder to earn what few crumbs of approval he might give. The efforts are almost always in vain. In someone else, that standoffishness might've easily made him a pariah. But in Luke, that disdain and indifference somehow underpins his undeniable charisma.

The Arden fortune is exactly one generation old. Lucas's grandparents were barely even middle class: an insurance salesman, a schoolteacher, a deliveryman, a secretary. But James Arden is a self-made billionaire, the founder and CEO of a manufacturing empire. Most people wouldn't even recognize the company name: Fabrikon. They're not Apple. They're not Honda. They're not even Boeing. They're humble, utilitarian, unassuming, cheap - and absolutely ubiquitous. Their plants stamp out the circuitboards and semiconductors that underpin countless devices from countless other corporations. On the back of that ever-expanding reach, the Ardens' net worth has cracked a hundred billion.

Luke is the third of James's five children. The first two are half-siblings, a brother and a sister from James's first wife, both of them some twenty or so years older than Luke. Lucas's mother, Cecily, was James's mid-life crisis: a gorgeous twenty-something model and unabashed trophy wife who'd nonetheless had the cunning to edge out the first wife. Luke is her eldest child. She bore James a daughter as well, five years younger than Luke, before she herself was ousted by the inevitable third wife. From that stepmother Lucas has another half-brother, ten years his junior. Since then James has moved on to a fourth wife, now barely older than Lucas and some forty-odd years younger than James.

His father's cavalier attitude toward women has obviously gone some way to shape Luke's own views toward women, and more broadly, toward people in general. James's wealth, the power of it, the weight of his name, looms large over Luke's outlook. In Lucas's world, money is paramount. People, possessions, privileges, even raw power itself - they're all commodities, and everything has its price. It's just economics. It's just dealcrafting. Supply and demand, wants and needs. Any wish can be fulfilled if you add enough zeroes. Or if you find a weakness, and squeeze.

Unsurprisingly, Luke is not particularly close to his mother or his siblings. He's not close to his father either because no one is. He was raised by an army of nannies. His father gave him everything money could buy, everything money should have, and very little else. Primary school came in the form of private tutors. Secondary school was unsurprisingly some Upper East Side prep school, which he rarely attended because he was either partying or hung over.

And now: Lockheath. Not because Lucas particularly cares where his education comes from, or if he's educated at all. Not even because James Arden values the connections that come part and parcel with an education at Lockheath. Lucas is at Lockheath for the same reason he knows how to play chess, and which fork to use, and how to waltz, and how to ride. For the same reason he wears eight hundred dollar logoless t-shirts, dates lingerie models and actresses, crashes Bugattis and capsizes yachts.

Because, as far as the Ardens are concerned, it's just what you do when you've attained this echelon. It's as inevitable as his future trophy wives times four, his cut of his father's corporate empire, his unearned success in a world where it's almost impossible for his kind to fail.


Trigger Warning/Disclaimer: This character is currently involved in a very toxic situationship involving blackmail and other highly questionable behavior. All parties involved are oocly on board. All encounters are and will always be icly consensual. And for the record, this is no way for anyone to behave or be treated irl.