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21:34, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Katja Stahlfaust

Name: Katja Stahlfaust
Gender: Female

Hair: Blonde
Eyes:  Blue
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 125 lbs

Background: Old Money
Primary Clique: Gunners
Secondary Clique: Nerds
Sexuality: Bisexual

Major, if decided: Molecular Biology
Minor, or Second Major, if applicable: Business
Goals/Aspirations: Rebuild her dynasty with flesh instead of steel. Doing this will take money, though, and nowhere is the almighty dollar stronger than here.
Assets and Strengths: A name older than most of the governments on Earth. Razor-sharp intellect, burning ambition, and family connections to some of the most famous and wealthy people of Europe. Extensive knowledge of etiquette. A clear notion of the route she will take to success. A wicked ability with bladed weaponry, which earned her an Olympic silver medal.
Liabilities and Weaknesses: Barely-concealed disdain for anyone and anything who catches her ire. Being the child of mere millionaires in a world where billionaires are having a dozen children at a time. Simultaneous disdain for the degenerate behavior of her family and the vulgarity of their more modern counterparts. Deeply-buried insecurity, symbolized by the silver color of her Olympic medal.

Physical: 4
Social: 2
Mental: 4

Katja Stahlfaust is a short, incredibly fit woman with an aquiline nose and long blonde hair most commonly carried as a thick braid down her back. When she smiles, it rarely reaches her eyes, and it's common to see a look of hawkish intensity in her gaze when she's roused to anger. She usually wears athleisure clothing as her sole wardrobe, though she'll grudgingly switch to more (or less) formal clothing when the situation calls for it. She never seems entirely comfortable in a dress or a suit, though, as if it's a costume she's putting on for a play.


Katja is a woman raised to understand that she must perform many roles, in an echo of the long-lost fortune and power her family held. To people she meets in passing, she is polite but distant. To superiors, she is deferential and flattering. To peers, she is friendly, but probing. Those who turn out to be assets might see her attempting to be truly affable, while those who serve no purpose find themselves ignored. The only people who see the "real" Katja (if there is such a thing) are her sparring partners. To them, she unleashes her pent-up fury, her naked competitiveness, even the streak of vulgarity.

True enemies, she tries to avoid making. But if they present themselves, she'll brood on her revenge for a long time before finally acting with a cold clarity.


The House of Stahlfaust is centuries old. History says the earliest records place the founder of the house as a knight married to the daughter of Gottfried von Berlichingen, the famous iron-fisted mercenary of Swabia. Over the centuries, they scrapped and clawed their way up the ladder from mere barons to dukes. They reached the height of their power just after World War One, where their Silesian steelworks were some of the few not damaged or occupied during or after the war. But they lost control of their business empire in '29, and since then the remaining fortune has been squandered bit by bit on club memberships, get-rich-quick schemes, cocktails and mistresses.

Katja learned all this from her parents, delivered in alternating bitterness and wistfulness. Not, of course, that either of them were going hungry as corporate attorneys. But at family gatherings and visits to their old holdings, there was a deep sense that they were owed more by the world. But while some in the family dabbled in politics or business as routes back to the top, Katja found far more interest in her studies. She had a natural facility for mathematics and chemistry in particular, but truly excelled at athletics. Her parents hired the finest instructors money could buy, and after years of aching labor she made it to the Summer Olympics, where she won a silver medal in saber fencing.

It should have been the greatest moment of her life-to make it to the Olympics, and to make it onto the podium? Most never even got that far. And for a few days, it was. But after the initial high wore off, it inspired in her a deep depression. What was the point of it all? To break her back training for a half-kilo of silver and a pat on the back? Her friends expressed jealousy and congratulations, but it was so shallow. The promise that she might land a better husband with this accolade, maybe even a royal. Another little achievement to wave over her peers, in their constant sniping for position among the decayed remains of aristocracy.

It wasn't enough. It would never be enough. She needed more. She needed everything.

From that day forward, she set aside her fencing. She redoubled her dedication to her studies, focusing in particular on the promising field of genetics. Fortunes were being made off the spun sugar confections of finance and software, but Katja sees biology as the real wave of the future. Gene therapy, designer babies, life extension...there's not a person on Earth who doesn't want what these promise, at least among those who have the means to pay.

Entering this field takes money, though. Money she couldn't get from her family if they ante'd up every last pfennig they had. So she forsook her family's usual legacy admission to the University of Freiburg, and decided instead to go for an institution even the elite spoke of in hushed whispers. A place she could make fresh contacts in the new world, and move on to any college she wanted. With some time at Lockheath, she wouldn't be begging billionaires to invest in her firm when she started it...they'd be jostling against each other to invest their money with the wunderkind.


Katja attended the most recent Summer Olympics. She may have met others there, or else friends or trainers of theirs.

Katja is of ancient but relatively poor European nobility. She won't have been invited to Prince Harry's birthday party, but she has met the people who were. Additionally, anyone whose family has done business in Central Europe might have run into hers.

Katja is a regular in both the gym and the science lab, where her passions seem to be concentrated on sword practice and the colonies of white-furred, red-eyed mice maintained for experiments.

Katja's family most commonly vacationed in the Austrian alps and Monaco, and might have been encountered there. In Austria they enjoyed an old palatial cabin shared by members of the Stahlfaust family, but in Monaco their lodgings have been decidedly second-rate. It's been a long time since even a spendthrift Stahlfaust could afford the best in Monte Carlo.