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Welcome to Elswin's School for Exceptional Students

19:14, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Sofia Moreno

Name: Sofia Giulia Moreno
Alias: None yet.
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Student, teacher, or Other Occupation: Student
Education Level Before Entering the School: Poor. The education system in Belize was only just adequate, and having been taken out of school early, her education has been accordingly poor. She is literate, of course, and intelligent, but her knowledge is significantly lower in science, history, mathematics, and several other subjects, than one might expect for an American of her age. She also has dyscalculia, and finds mathematics especially hard.
Basic Description of Powers: Sofia can shapeshift into an anthropomorphised ant person, gaining many of the abilities of an ant, scaled up accordingly by size.

Height: 5ft6 in normal form, 5ft10 in Enhanced form.
Weight: Normal 120 lbs. Enhanced 200 lbs.
Eye Color: Dark brown.
Hair Color and Style: Midnight black. It is actually very thick and rich, and quite long, but she wears it in a pony tail most of the time.
Facial Hair, if any: None.
Skin Tone: Latina medium brown in Normal form with patches of scarlet scales, entirely scarlet scales in Enhanced form.
Body Build: Slim, even underweight but nonetheless fit normally, extremely athletic when transformed.
Blood Type: Originally A-, her DNA is now corrupted, and her blood also contains insectoid hemolymph. Consequently, she can only assimilate type O blood.
Common Outfit Choices: Usually, Sofia wears a halter top if she has wings, or a muscle top, or something else that can leave her back and shoulders free. If she has no wings at the time, t-shirts or sweaters are preferred. She wears loose trousers or sweats, or loose skirts, with shorts underneath, and slip on flat shoes. Clothes she can easily remove at speed to falicitate her full shapeshift.
Common Outfit Colors: Red and black, usually, but she will take whatever she can get, she does not usually have much choice.
Notable Physical Alterations: Her skin is made of very tiny scales. In her normal form, these are more cosmetic than resilient, though they can absorb some punching damage safely. Her normal form includes wings for roughly two thirds of any given month.
Any Markings or Scars: Given that she has skin that looks scaled all the time, either in flesh or scarlet tones of crystal scales, she could definitely be said to have some distinctive markings.
Any Tattoos or Piercings: None.
Alternative Form: Body size scaled up by several inches. She also develops antenna on her head. Her skin scales become full crystal scales of vivid red.

Personality: Sofia is a very pleasant woman, but she lacks confidence. Her abusive life the past few years have made her a little shy at first, but she opens up greatly to those who befriend her. She desperately needs friends, having lacked them for so long. She is a stalwart defender of those she cares about, but prefers to avoid interpersonal relationships that might be confrontational. She does not respond well to bullies. She has a desire to be helpful, but her lack of education and experience means she can often get confused, or misunderstand people. She has also developed a considerable negative inclination towards religion. She was raised strictly Roman Catholic, but after six years of captivity, and unanswered prayers, as well as no mention of people being altered in the Bible, she has come to look on it all as a tissue of lies. She is now quite firmly an atheist.

What Are Your Abilities?
* These are the scaled-up equivalent of a leaf cutter ant. so, in short:
* The ability to climb vertical surfaces and crawl along narrow things like cables, as well as walk on the ceiling. Her strength and speed are also very significantly enhanced.
* Incredibly sensitive antennae that can detect scent, vibration, temperature, and powerful tactile sensors. They give her a sort of infra-red sense over a limited distance.
* The ability to fly - but only at very specific times, linked to her menstrual cycle. (See Drawbacks) In flight, her maximum possible speed is roughly 70 mph. At the moment, her speed is more like 30 mph.
* The ability to spit phenylacetic acid in concentrated form. Unlike the formic acid of many ants, this acid is not corrosive. Instead, it has a powerful anaesthetic effect. One good shot to a target is usually enough to render them unconscious for several hours. She can also produce a less potent version that is an excellent analgesic.
* A bio-mineral exoskeleton made of a substance similar to dolomite, formed of many tiny crystals rather than large plates, allowing for freedom of movement. In her normal form, these are able to stop around 50% of all blunt or unarmed damage. In her enhanced form, the scales will stop around 90% blunt and unarmed damage, and function as both a stab proof and bullet proof vest. They do not however confer any pain reduction, so she can still feel the pain of those attacks, and as with vests, while the attack may not penetrate her hide, it can still break bones or rupture organs, and as such she has to avoid being hit at close range.
* And oddly, she has the ability to predict when it is going to rain several hours in advance. Nobody knows how, or why, she has this power, but it is unfailingly accurate.

What Are The Drawbacks of Your Abilities?
* Firstly, the powers require a very high degree of energy, which is usually taken in through food. They require the consumption of up to four times the amount of calories a day as a normal human of the same age and build as a baseline. If she is being active, this figure can rise considerably. Pushed to her limit, or working on a mission where her powers are in constant use, she will require anything up to thirty or forty thousand calories in a day, as well as a substantial quantity of electrolytes. Constantly eating is the only real way to maintain this, or consuming truly enormous meals in one go, which is limited by the actual physical size of her stomach. She consumes vast amounts of caffeine and energy drinks as the most efficient means of fuelling her abilities. Fortunately, her metabolism absorbs this fuel with incredible efficiency, and she only produces a normal amaount of waste, otherwise she would spend half her life eating, and the other half stuck in the bathroom.
* Also, flight in leaf cutter ants only occurs during mating. Ant reproduction and human reproduction are entirely different, however, as humans can reproduce almost constantly. The result is that wings are only available when she is sexually receptive. When she reaches the pre-menstrual stage of her cycle, her wings will wither and fall off, and will not grow back again until the end of her menstruation, meaning that she goes seven to ten days in any given month without wings.
* Phenylacetic acid can have a very powerful scent. It is often described as being like honey, but can be as strong as overpowering geranium. She needs to eject a dose of the acid on a daily basis to prevent the scent being unpleasant for everybody around her. On the positive side, the ejected acid can be kept in the infirmary as a painkiller or anaesthetic. Or, if someone is that way inclined, a recreational drug with similar properties to crystal meth.
* Sofia does not sleep... or rather, she does, in an unconventional manner. Most worker ants do not shut down and sleep for long periods. Rather, they take many micro-naps of a minute here and there, and can usually manage on four hours of sleep in total in a twenty four hour period. Sofia does the same, and finds it very difficult to actually sleep for more than fifteen minutes at a time.
* It is also virtually impossible for her to pass as human. Her modifications are simply too extreme.

What Other Skills Do You Have?
Sofia is an excellent swimmer, as the family spent all her childhood vacations at the coast, and she spent a lot of time before her metamorphosis began at the public pool. She is a reasonably good cook, as food is very important to her for obvious reasons, so she tries to keep it interesting. She speaks English, Spanish, and the Belize creole dialect fluently, and is fairly good at picking up other languages as a result of being raised multi-lingual. She is very athletic, and in particular is good at parkour, as it was her only real form of training up to this time. She is also exceptionally good at a wide variety of computer games, a skill she picked up owing to be practically a prisoner for the past few years, with very little else to do.


Sofia has several physical powers. The following stats show her abilities for both her Normal and Enhanced forms, at her current level, and at her well trained level, which she will work towards over time.


Untrained 13 - 16 mphUntrained 20 - 25 mph
Trained 20 - 25 mphTrained 30 - 35 mph

* Speed can be maintained more or less indefinitely.


Untrained 20 mphUntrained 25 mph
Trained 30 mphTrained 40 mph

* Speed can be maintained for a reasonable time.

Max Possible Speed: 400 mph. Speed achieveable only after a lot of training, and can only be produced for bursts of a few minutes.


Untrained 650 lbsUntrained 2000 lbs
Trained 1000 lbsTrained 9000 lbs

* 9000 lbs = 4.5 US Tonnes.


Untrained 10 ftUntrained 20 ft
Trained 20 ftTrained 30 ft


Untrained 20 ftUntrained 30 ft
Trained 40 ftTrained 60 ft


Untrained 5 ftUntrained 10 ft
Trained 15 ftTrained 30 ft


Untrained 10 ftUntrained 20 ft
Trained 20 ftTrained 40 ft