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10:51, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Wei Ying

Name: Wei Ying

Nickname: Wei

Age: 33

Member of House Ashby: No

How long has the character known Archer/been a member of his family: N/A

Supernatural Abnormality: WereEagle of the Bloodline Inheritance Strain

Avian types of lycans are rare, and are unheard of in the West. They hail from the exotic East, where they have lived in tales for millennia. Lycanthropes in general, as concerned with Chinese lore, do not exist, and the people view them instead as spirits. The same can be said of vampires and a wide variety of supernatural beings. If one's family was predisposed to hold amongst them any of these spirits then that family might be considered blessed or cursed depending on how the spirit was viewed, and the place it held in nature. Eagles do not hunt men and were viewed as a benevolent force.

Because they were spirits they could not be killed nor harmed in any meaningful way (lycan's voracious regeneration), though particular spells or blessed items could defeat them (silver or other items).

In Wei's case, his lycanthropy passed through his paternal side and as soon as he was born his condition was well known.


Eyesight: This and the next ability are Wei's bread and butter. His eyesight is, without mechanical aid, able to pinpoint prey roughly two miles away in his human form. In his animal and hybrid forms this jumps to roughly 5 miles away. He can focus on this prey and determine a number of things. Though he lacks the sense of smell of others of his kin, his attention to detail while tracking easily matches theirs, having veritable microscopes when tracking. This ability is what allows him to be such an adept marksman.

Speed: What he lacks in strength and sheer toughness that other lycans possess he makes up for in speed. In human form he is faster than his cousins, but it is in his animal and hybrid forms where he shines, especially in his hybrid form. His hand speed and foot speed defy conventional description. Against regular humans, even Hunters, he has an edge in strength, but his speed is really what he puts to use. Against other lycans it is his saving grace. They can't kill what they can't touch, so there is an inevitable stalemate unless by luck he can inflict death by a thousand cuts. Unlikely.

Pinions: This is a two fold ability. The offensive use of his wings allows him to hurl feathers, harder and sharper than steel, to attack enemies. The defensive use of his wings allows him to cloak himself so that they act as shields, becoming impervious to conventional weaponry. However, if this technique is used it is as a last resort and he is looking for an escape. The use of his wings in these ways can only be used in his hybrid form.


Peach Wood: Unlike other lycans Wei is not subject to the aversion to silver. It has no more affect on him than any other metal. Though this might seem like a boon, his particular weakness is perhaps more strange. Peach wood. Of course hitting him with a mortal blow from such a thing is horribly difficult, but arrows from peach wood or other such means will kill him if they pierce vital areas, and wounds inflicted by such things heal at a rate that a normal human would heal.

Claustrophobic: As an avian he is claustrophobic, and riding in a car can only be tolerated for a few minutes at a time. He owns no cars and refuses to do so, making use of only motorcycles, of which he has several. This fear can lead to a complete freeze-up of his body, or more likely, a frenzied and berserker lashing out until freed.

Though these might not seem like traditional vulnerabilities, the fact he is only as strong as he is, and does not carry the high senses like others of his kind could be seen as weaknesses.

Motto and Theme Song:
The Crow

Faceclaim: Donnie Yen

Physical Description:
As a human Wei easily blends in with the populace. He's not like other lycans who sometimes stick out due to their size or even their perceived strength. Oh, he's faster than most, lighter on his feet than most, but how do you tell that just by looking? No, he looks absolutely normal, standing at a respectable 5'10", just a little above average. His build is lean, but athletic, just like any practicing martial artist or even any halfway respectable athlete. He eats well, works out, it all makes sense. He shows a little less body fat, with a musculature that shows through his skin; abs and definition.

Obviously Asian in his heritage, Wei is a man with a Chinese bloodline. Dark hair and dark eyes as are the norm. Because of this all colors seem to look good on him, though he tends to darker colors. His personal fashion runs the gamut from sleep easy raggedy clothing to the finest tailored suits money can buy. It's easy to envision him in just about anything.

In the form of an eagle Wei Ying is larger than the natural version of his kind. A black eagle, which hails from China. A majestic animal, they are exactly how they sound; an eagle clad with black feathers. Wei measures 107cm (42") in length, with a wingspan of 213cm (7'). He weighs about 1.8kg (4lbs). This is an exceptional size for an eagle of his species, and an expert could tell the difference, though most would see him as some other large raptor. Of course, in this form he keeps to the skies, only landing in secure places to change.

Wei's hybrid form is altogether different from most lycans. For most their hybridized form is mostly that of an anthropomorphic animal. Upright, and though without speech, much like what many would see as 'furries'. Though never say that to their faces. They'll bite yours off. Wei's form is wholly human, with great black wings and a giant eagles head. Like other lycans he loses the ability to speak, but retains his intelligence and can use weapons and tools just as easily as his fully human form. Other than his wings he gains no height nor weight, though his reflexes and speed are now capable of monumental limits.

Distinguishing Features: Wei is rather nondescript in his features, having no tattoos of any kind. He's also of a normal height and weight. His eagle and hybrid forms speak for themselves.

Personality Description:
A man of few words, most consider Wei to be stoic. This may or may not be true, or he simply only speaks when he feels he has something to contribute. On the other hand, his mind is a maelstrom of thoughts and him talking to himself. Regardless, there's a simple casualness about him, like he gets in no hurry to get anything done. But when he moves, he moves.

There are few he allows in his life, but he does have a few acquaintances. No friends. Just acquaintances. There are few he is latched to that he cannot grab a bag and simply walk away from, or fly.

Despite all this he loves the good things in life. Fast bikes. Fast women. Great Food.

How he views humans is where he and a lot of others he knows differs. They are lesser. That they dare to ruse up against their betters has lead him to his current occupation. Their technology and weaponry is something he has trained in, to allow himself to adapt to them, perfecting them. He then uses this to kill them.

What are some of your character's likes and dislikes?
Any other information you would like to share:
Expert motorcycle mechanic
Decent cook (superlative knife skills)
Skilled seamster (he often adjusts his clothing to accommodate wings)
World class Marksman (due to his nature he has no peer in long range riflery)
World class Melee Arms Master
World class CQC Fighter and Master of various styles*
*(Practitioner of all animal styles of kung fu, especially Eagle's Claw; Wing Chun etc.)

Contract Killer*
*(Specifically a Hunter of human Hunters)

Born in southeast China and always living with extended family, Wei was brought to the States as an infant, all his living relatives freeing themselves from China's hold. It was only himself, his mother and father, and his grandparents on his father's side. They had long been involved with the Tongs on U.S. soil, but now felt the need to look into things more directly.

His grandfather was a Ghost Shadow, those known to run the Tongs behind the scenes, and a man of considerable influence and power. They were involved in a particular facet of the Tongs; killing for hire. However, there was a certain honor and code that they upheld. Or were supposed to. No women. No children. No animals. No elderly. The newer generation needed a lesson in this apparently. Thus the Yings went to show them the proper way.

Wei had been born with the finest feathers of down upon his head, looking like dark hair. They soon fell out as his human hair began to grow, but the feathers immediately showed what he was. From that moment on Wei was his grandfather's protege and immersed in the world of the Ghost Shadows and the Tongs.

He was raised from a very young age to maximize his gifts and minimize his weaknesses. His bloodline runs back through centuries, and though archery and blades used to be the preferred methods, things have now changed. There are always uses for melee weapons, and even archery is still practiced, but now firearms have been added to the list of requisite weapons to master.

Wei was afforded the finest education, and he was a fine student. He took to all his studies with aplomb, but made few friends. Quiet and keeping to himself he found that relating to others was difficult. He was different. The world seemed so slow. It was like he had to consciously slow himself down just to feel normalcy. Which in itself felt abnormal.

He moved upward through the ranks of the Tongs, and his peers hated him for it. They felt it was unearned and nepotism of the most brash sort. Yet when he was challenged for his position he handily beat all comers. Usually in fine displays of godlike speed. It did not take long for him to be left alone to his own devices, which also left him to special training from all instructors. He was taught everything they knew, and then showed by his grandfather to put it all into practice.

So when his grandfather died it crumbled one part of Wei's world. It took months for him to recover, but he inherited his grandfather's sword. A long handled dao named Shǎndiàn, which simply means "Lightning".

Though he checks in on the Tongs, and is still considered a Ghost Shadow, Wei has gone into business for himself and the last decade has been on his own. He finds himself in New Orleans after word has reached him about a particular mark. No word yet on if the bounty has been accepted, but Wei is deadly curious.