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22:51, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Judita Amsel

Name: Judita Amsel
Gender: Female

Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Weight:135 lbs

Background: Old Money
Primary Clique: Nerds
Secondary Clique: Not sure
Sexuality: Bisexual

Major, if decided: Music Performance
Minor, or Second Major, if applicable: Mathematics
Goals/Aspirations: To make it on her own, and prove to herself and her parents that she can shine outside the family's business interests. To enjoy herself.
Assets and Strengths: Dita has a brilliant mind for science and math. She is a world class violinist coming toward the peak of her talents. She is attractive for a girl who doesn't have hours to spend on her looks. Her family is fabulously wealthy and she has never wanted for much. Speaks German and English fluently.
Liabilities and Weaknesses: She has a handful of quirks related to her performance that could sink her if she falters to follow them. She will not engage in physical intimacy for a few days before big performances or tests. The longer she goes without the better she will play.


Description Dita has a pale complexion and medium black hair. She has blue eyes that are almost grey, and a physique that while healthy is clearly on the thin side. She dresses well for events and performances, but wears clothes that are more comfortable and practical when she can get away with it.

Personality Coming from wealth has left Dita with a false sense of confidence and a quick wit. She is a natural leader, and is used to getting what she wants. She is well educated, and has a deep appreciation for art and literature. Her mother's constant doting has left her with a rebellious streak, and she longs to bend if not break every rule she can without endangering her position at the academy. Even for her need to act out Dita is absolutely devoted to her playing, and has maintained a four to six hour practice schedule since she was in her early teens.

While Dita has had rivals at the conservatory, she is not at all used to insolence. Her reaction will be slow at first, but will range from verbally hostile to passive aggressive if she thinks she is being stepped on.

Dita is the youngest of three children born to an extremely wealthy German family. Throughout her life, Her father has been standoffish, but kind, and her mother a doting failed actress who lives through her children's accomplishments. She was raised in Frankfurt, but traveled extensively in her youth meeting few friends while growing up. She has been largely sheltered from the unpleasantness of the outside world. She began playing the violin at five and through talent, hard work, and money entered the conservatory to complete her education. Her two older brothers have always jockeyed for position involving the family business leaving the uninterested Dita alone to pursue her own interests.

Her acceptance to Lockheath Academy will allow her to study at the feet of one of the world's premiere violinists, and will free Dita from the clutches of her overbearing and controlling mother. If she succeeds and becomes a virtuoso violinist then all the better, and if for some reason she fails her mother will arrange for her to be married into another wealthy family in order to lessen the blow of her missteps.

Dita would love to be a jock, but can't participate in anything that might endanger her ability to perform.

She really wants to live it up and experience life out from under the thumb of her mother. Dita would love to indulge herself a bit at partying and other social events.

She has traveled extensively.

She might know a fellow musician