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02:18, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Nathan Pryor-Osborn ~ Hobgoblin

Character Name: Hobgoblin
Aliases: Nathan Osborn, Nathan Pryor, Nathan Charles Christopher Pryor-Osborn (public)
Character Model: Stephen Lang
Affiliation: Heroic. Formerly Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy in his home timeline.
Relationship Status: Single (Widowed/Divorced)
Legal Status: Nathan has no current legal identity; he holds dual citizenship in the USA and Genosha of his home timeline.
Birthplace: Anchorage, Alaska USA. (alternate timeline)
Occupation: Formerly: Full-time Avenger. Chief Security Officer and Board of Directors for OSCORP Defense Industries and the charitable Anodyne Foundation. Prophet and founder of the Universal Liberation Temple of the Goblin Mysteries; leader of a minority religious organization recognized in over a dozen countries. Currently: Homeless street preacher.
Education: Homeschooled with high school diploma equivalent. MBA from Empire State University. Honorary Doctorate of the Applied Mystical Arts from Doomstadt Univerzhta Polyteknik.

Physical Attributes:

Character Voice: "Spoken dialog." Internal thoughts. ~~Telepathic communication.~~

Personality: Nathan Osborn is heavily task- and goal-oriented; he's a soldier of fortune and knight errant who observes a situation for as long as he needs to, quickly decides what he wants out of that situation and what he's going to do about it, and then happens to everyone and everything in that situation until he gets what he wants. Luckily for most people, what Nathan wants most is for as many other people as possible-- good, decent people-- to be able to do the same thing and he prefers enabling people to do it for themselves to doing it for them.

Nathan presents an extremely terse, all-business persona to the world. He rarely uses two words to say something when a grunt will do, though he can be provoked into some epic, unhinged rants when he's not being held back by the need to offer someone "a teaching moment". He's a harsh taskmaster, far harsher on himself than anyone else-- though notably, also, harshest on the people he values most-- but he understands the importance of rest & recreation and what we're fighting for to the prospects of long-term performance and survival. He knows love and joy as deeply as any living human, but he's possibly the only goblin in the universe without a functioning sense of humor.

Nathan is a stern but loving father figure who gives his many surrogate "nieces and nephews" wise advice about picking their battles, finding the right balance between "fighting the good fight" and "the people we're fighting for", and knowing when to take a break and lick your wounds to come back stronger... but he can never seem to take that good advice himself without someone (often someone he's given it to) practically forcing him to. Nathan cannot back down from protecting the innocent from harm, the righteous from slander, or integrity from expedience; he can't "let it go" or "forgive and forget" or "go along to get along" without someone to remind him of the Greater Good.

History: Nate is from a timeline a lot like ours. Only some time, in the distant past, where the X-Men defeated Madelyne Pryor and N'Astirh and Baby Nathan's father and stepmother sent him into the distant future to save his life from Sinister's techno-organic virus... Nathan's mother escaped and swore revenge on those who'd tried to take her child away, and succeeded at taking everything else. She swore dark, blasphemous pacts to save Nathan's life and even darker pacts to save his soul. The first few years of Nathan's life were a blur of seedy motels and flophouses, mobsters' couches and cultists' lairs, while Madelyne taught Nathan everything she could about surviving in the cutthroat world he'd been born into.

Nathan's first big break came from an unexpected source-- you can't run around the world at the height of OSCORP's power calling yourself the "Goblin Queen" without drawing the attention of the goblin who would be king. Norman and Madelyne had a lot in common, especially their enemies, and what started as an alliance of convenience proved to be a match made in Hell. The Black King and Queen of the Hellfire Club showered their sons with wealth, privilege, and real power... but for Nathan's sixteenth birthday, his stepfather gave him a brand-new Porsche 911 Turbo S and the greatest gift he'd ever been given: a framed birth certificate that identified him as OSBORN, NATHAN C.C., the legitimate and cherished son of Norman and Madelyne.

Harry and Nathan spent their late teens and early twenties terrorizing Spider-Man and the X-Men, but after the death of their childhood friend Gwen Stacy and the kidnapping of Peter Parker's infant daughter, the Osborn brothers found themselves more and more often forced to side with the Parkers against their own family. It was Nathan who gave the ruthless assassin Kaine the location and access codes to the Osborns' Swiss chalet, where Mayday Parker was being held, and it was this act of betrayal that led to Madelyne's death and Harry, Nathan,  and Peter forming the core of Luke Cage's new Avengers.

That was years and years ago. Nathan is oldest and most senior member of the team, after Peter was crippled and Harry killed in their final confrontation with Norman. Shannon and Mayday have stepped up to fill Steve and Harry's enormous shoes, Vali is the Sorceress Supreme and Reilly is the chief legal counsel for OSCORP and the chairman of the Anodyne Foundation. The Green Goblin, little Normie, is challenging Wilson Fisk to become the mayor of New York City. His world doesn't need a Hobgoblin anymore... but bright gods, this timeline is a mess and every old horse soldier knows that the best reward for a job well done is another job.

Skills & Powers: (effectively those of Demogoblin and Darkdevil minus Reilly's spider-specific powers.)
