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15:37, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Jameson Gevaudan 2

General Information

Name: Jameson Gévaudan

Nickname: James or Jay to his friends/family.

Species of Shifter: Wolf

Sexual Orientation: Asexual

Physical information

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Human Hair Color: Brown

Human Eye Color: Light Blue

Human Distinguishing Marks: Little of note, other than a scar along his left side and a birthmark near his right shoulder blade.

Human Description of General Appearance: Overall, Jameson would be considered attractive by human standards- piercing blue eyes, a strong jaw line and a charming smile can work wonders in a social interaction.

Clocking in at 5'9" and 150lbs, he is a fairly average male specimen. At least on the outside. Jameson has a wiry musculature that suits his form quite well. He does not have the massive, overly large muscles of a body builder, or the toning of someone who regularly works out. Rather, he has the lean muscles of a working man, someone who has worked their whole life to get what they want.

Jameson is generally dressed pretty casually in jeans, a t-shirt and some jacket or another. Though he is lacking a little in the manners department, and few would ever expect him to play dress up, he does clean up nicely when necessary. Though he does prefer to remain clean shaven, it's not uncommon to spot the beginnings of a beard on his chin when he's been working overtime.

Shifter Color: A mix of gray and brown, darker on the back than on the underside.

Shifter Eye Color: Light Blue

Shifter Distinguishing Patterns or Marks: The scar along his left side seems to follow him through his shift, and is visible on the wolf as well, if one were to brush back the fur.

Shifter Description of General Appearance: Visually, Jameson's wolf form is indistinguishable from a common grey wolf. Although, it is on the larger side of the breed- weighing in at 130lbs, and roughly 6 1/2 feet from his nose to the tip of his tail.

Society Information

Would your character optimally be an Alpha, Beta, Omega, or Other? Beta. James is the eldest of his many siblings, even if only by a few minutes, and is considered to be second in command. Naturally, leadership of the clan falls to his father, but he is trusted to run things when his old man is away.

Occupation in Society: James primarily works as a scout, under Longclaw, and as extra security when needed elsewhere in Three Valleys. Although, he has picked up the odd job on occasion, when a pair strong arms or a good head on one's shoulders was a prerequisite for the job in question. He wholeheartedly supports what Longclaw is trying to do, in his attempt to broker peace between the various clans.

What was your position in your former pack (if applicable) The Gévaudan Pack was once part of the Brady Clan out west. Wishing to retire from the constant conflict in those parts, they broke ranks and moved east once they caught word of Three Valleys and what it represented- peace, at least in theory.

What brought you to Three Valleys? A pipe dream for a peaceful life, where the family could die of old age, rather than due to pack politics or human aggression.

Love History (If applicable) Before and after the fall of society, the Gévaudans seemed to be on a mission to repopulate the world with shifters. One might think that they were rabbit shifters, rather than wolves, if they managed to find the family tree. James, on the other hand, was the outlier in the rowdy bunch. While he's shared a few close emotional connections over the years, he's never sought or felt the need to seek a physical connection with his lovers.

Shifter Designation: Follower

Personality Details

Personality: Jameson is gruff, quirky and can be difficult to read. Many would consider him standoffish or grouchy even, but the truth is- he tends to drive people away on purpose, a clear defense mechanism. Deep down, he is a wise-ass with a penchant for dry humor and witty retorts. Which could be seen as another defense mechanism- if he makes people laugh, maybe they won't be laughing at him.

Jameson once had an unmatched love for the world and the people in it, but ever since the outbreak started and people started to show their true colors, there's not so much love for the people in him anymore. Despite this, he does his best to get along with others, even if he holds them at arm's length.

While he may not have the book smarts that some do, there's an obvious intelligence behind his eyes, as well as an ever-present curiosity.

Strengths: Jameson is a loyal and trustworthy man, willing to do nearly anything for a friend in need, even risk his own life.

Weaknesses: See "Strengths".

Fears: While there are other smaller fears, like drowning or falling from a great height, Jameson's greatest fear is betrayal.

Background/History: There is very little of interest or out of the norm in Jameson's life, other than the fact that he isn't a normal human, and he's an identical twin to boot. Where shifters are concerned, his upbringing was fairly normal. He was taught at an early age to control his shifting, and to never reveal what he truly was to the masses, lest it spark a witch hunt.

However, his family was quite well-off before the outbreak. Jameson's father owned a beach house out in California, where they would stay during the warmer months, and a second home up in the mountains where they'd go once autumn rolled around. Unlike many shifters, Jameson had plenty of time and space to roam the wilds in his beast form, and become accustomed to life in both forms.

Jameson and his siblings were all home-schooled, as one might expect. Their parents were wealthy enough to hire the best tutors, on top of spending their own time to teach the children the ways of the world. Some of his siblings went off to college after the fact, but Jameson never had much interest in schooling- preferring to spend his time out in the wilds, when he could break away from society.

All of that said, he adapted pretty well when the world went to shit, and the government shattered into pieces. The Gévaudan pack was strong before the outbreak, so they were recruited early into the pandemic by Sam Brady and his lot. They fought alongside the Brady Clan, until word of Three Valleys spread west. At which point, they said their farewells and headed east, burning a few bridges in the process.

While there is little out of place in Jameson's own life, the same could not be said about his ancestors. As one might expect by his surname, he and his family are descendants of the Beast of Gévaudan- a beast that was rumored to have terrorized the territory of Gévaudan in southern France centuries prior. Of course, their family name was not always Gévaudan, but it was changed as a mark of pride as well as a disguise. If anyone came after them, there wouldn't be a trail to follow, if the pursuer was after someone with their previous name. When his ancestor fled France, they went into hiding in Great Britain for a few years before hitching a ride on a ship that was headed for the New World- and the rest is history.

Family: Alexander (Father- age 45), Chloe (Mother- age 47), Benjamin (Jameson's Twin Brother- age 24), Marie (Sister- age 23), Jackson/Philip/Oliver (Triplets- Age 22), Elizabeth (Sister- age 20), Thomas (Brother- age 19), August/April (Twins- age 18), Noah (Brother- age 17), William (Brother- age 17), Trevor/Charlotte (Twins- age 15), Christian (Uncle- age 46), Clara (Aunt- age 43), Arthur (Cousin- age 23), Jennifer (Cousin- age 21), Amelia (Cousin- age 19)

Skills and Abilities

Is your Shifter Pure or Halfling? Pure

If Halfling- Which parent was Human and which was Shifter? N/A

Were you mentored or trained in your abilities?  If so, by whom? Yes, James was mentored by both of his parents, on how to live off of the land- how to hunt, fish, etc. That said, he's quite a good shot with a hunting rifle, and is more than capable of using a bow and arrow in the absence of a firearm. His family owned a cabin where he would often spend his summers living there by himself, or with a couple of his siblings when they wanted to tag along.

Education: Jameson was home-schooled

Special Learning Prior to fall of Society: There was nothing special about his education. Generally speaking, James is street smart rather than book smart.

If Pure:

Would you like to be considered for a special ability?  Yes

If Yes, which ability are you interested in having? Seer/Oracle abilities

Proposed way that the ability works for your Shifter: This ability works in two ways- a sort of danger sense where Jameson gets a strong gut feeling when danger is approaching in some form or another, as well as visions/dreams/etc. that can be of a more serious nature. The danger sense is used on a smaller scale, like when there's a fight about to break out, or something similar, while the visions are used for story purposes, and can be treated as a plot device.

Proposed price that your character has to pay for that ability: While the danger sense/gut feeling wouldn't have much in the way of repercussions, the visions would cause Jameson to have debilitating migraines, to the point where he can't think straight. On top of that, the stress brought on by these visions could very well be shortening his lifespan, may start seeing gray hairs pretty soon.

Writing Sample:

Longclaw was no fool. Old perhaps, as long in tooth as he was in claw, but not foolish or senile. The meeting location was a prime area for an ambush, plenty of cover in nearly every direction for a gunman to lie in wait. With that in mind, the old bear had sent James and his twin brother Benjamin out to scout the surrounding area early that morning.

As the eldest of the two, James took lead and put Benjamin to work, making rounds around the meeting area for the next few hours. James, on the other hand, laid in wait for the hyenas. The territorial nature of shifters made it easy to mark out territories, and narrow down exactly what route a pack would take when going to meet with another, especially with a pre-set meeting place decided upon.

With that in mind, James waited out the morning in the woods along the road he figured the hyenas would take, and then followed the Suburban at a distance once it passed by. A wolf was able to move through the trees much easier than the vehicle driving along the winding roads, so he was able to keep pace, and remain out of sight.

One of the many perks of being a scout, rather than a goon in the thick of it, was that you were often out of the action for the most part. They moved in tandem for the better part of an hour, before the Suburban pulled over on the side of the road and the trunk opened. A middle-aged man climbed out, collected a bag and a rifle out of the trunk and proceeded to hike off into the woods. A moment later, the others drove off toward the meeting spot.

Rather than following the Suburban, James broke off and tailed the gunman, making sure to move as silently as he could to avoid being spotted. Despite knowing that this man was there for one purpose and one purpose only, James couldn't act yet. The old bear was no fool but, by god, was he stubborn and set in his ways. Longclaw always insisted that James allow the other side to start a fight, rather than the other way around.

That said, James wasn't a fool either. He wouldn't let the man get a shot off. He knew he was quick enough to take the hyena out before he could line up a shot and pull the trigger. But, he would wait to strike until the stranger's intentions were clear.

After the gunman had gotten in position, crouching behind a tree with the rifle resting in the crook of a branch and the trunk, James only needed to wait a few minutes before the first shot rang out. CRACK! Eyes trained on the gunman maybe twenty feet in front of him, he lowered himself and the muscles in his legs tensed as he prepared to pounce.

James exploded out of the brush that he had been hiding behind and sped toward the gunman, snarling as he moved to draw his eyes away from the scope on his rifle. The man's head snapped to the side and they locked eyes as James moved. The gunman fumbled with his gun as he tried to stand, the rifle wedged in that nook and making him either lift it up or back away from the tree to attempt to train his gun on the approaching wolf.

A few more shots echoed through the area as Longclaw's crew finished off the other hyenas, but James was on the fourth hyena before he could get a shot off, as he'd expected. It took but a moment for the large grey wolf to lock his maw around the gunman's throat and shake his head until he heard a snap. The taste of blood spurred on his bestial side, but he pushed it down and pulled away from his prey to turn his attention to the task at hand. James glanced at his kill, then to the meeting area and considered his options. Benjamin would be along shortly, no doubt, so he could handle the cleanup of this one. With that in mind, James took off.

It only took the wolf a few seconds to clear the hundred yards from the deceased gunman's position to the road, where he took up position behind the suburban as the scene unfolded before him. Moving unseen was easy in all of the commotion, with everyone's eyes trained on the stranger approaching with a shotgun trained on Longclaw. The muscles in his legs tensed again as he watched the woman with the shotgun. If the gun went off, he'd take out her right ankle first, her trigger hand second.