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Welcome to Once Upon a Time in El Paso - [Adult Freeform Western]

09:07, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Katie St.James

Name: Katie St. James
Occupation:  gunslinger/former bank robber
Age: 19
Sexual Orientation: Hetro mostly
Residence: The trial

Description: Katie is a tall (5’ 3”) beautiful woman with long reddish hair that hangs to her waist. She has deep blue eyes set in an innocent face. She has a slim build with broad shoulders and buxom bust line.  She has a fair complexion. She likes to wear dark (purple or blue) bustier to show off her figure along with leather pants and knee high boots. She wears a long duster and cowboy hat when out and about. She has a six iron strapped to her leg from her belt and unseen, a knife in one boot and in the small of her back.

Height: 5’3”
Weight: 110
Hair: long red hair
Eyes: Blue

Personality: She is friendly and outgoing with a strong will.  She also has a hot temper but has enough control so she does not just shoot people. She does not like to back down from anyone.  She is willing to try anything once and more if she likes it.  She likes to ride and shoot as hard as any man.  She sometimes likes to be more feminine and does not mind to wear a dress when she goes into town to scout out a target.  She has little modesty after working as a saloon girl and loves it when men watch her.

Sex appeal
Avoid STD's
Knife throwing
Fast Draw
Horse riding
Some Explosives and Demolitions (Dynamite)
Wilderness Survival
Fast Talk
First Aid
High pain endurance
Speaks Spanish and Apache

Has a black mare named Midnight

History/Background: Katie was born to some simple farmers who lived just outside of El Paso. She grew up on a farm that never seemed to make it, her father always drank too much. Her two brothers ran off after being accused of horse stealing and rustling. She saw her mother die and hated her life. She was invited to become a saloon girl due to her beauty and leapt at the chance. She hoped to meet someone to take her from this little town. She did not want to be some girl who never left her town and would never see the world. Then she saw a chance to leave the town forever.

There were rumors about her, as her family was mostly troublemakers and she had a bad temper. Then came her chance.  A handsome young man named Kelly George rode into town with his friends (gang). She was smitten with him and he with her beauty. Soon he learned she had a strong will and a fiery temper and would try anything. She learned he was a bank robber and train robber. She didn’t care and for several years, she learned his job so she was a member of the gang along with Kelly and his 4 men.

She quickly learned how to shoots and ride as well as any of the men or better. She was a natural quick draw. She soon also had a bounty on her head as the gang became better known in the Arizona Territory. Kelly also introduced her to the Apaches, who he sold guns too. Soon though it was getting that they could not go anywhere and not be recognized.  Kelly decided on one more big job, a bank in Phoenix that was said to have a large payroll.

The Kelly gang rode into town after Katie had scouted it out.  Unknown to the gang, Katie had been recognized by a bounty hunter and several waited anxiously in an alley. The  gang dismounted and Kelly, Katie and 2 men walked into the bank.  They announced it was a robbery but could not get into the safe due to a time lock. As they waited, the bounty hunters stepped out and opened fire, killing one man and wounding the other.  The rest of the gang suddenly burst out of the bank, firing at the bounty hunters. With the rest of the town, alerted more people where soon appearing with guns, firing at the robbers. Then gang tried to make it onto their horses as they fired at anyone with a gun.

Towns people were soon dropping as the gang fired but as the gang tried to ride out, first one man and then another dropped from their saddles. Katie felt a bullet rip though her shoulder and then one in her leg. She cringed in pain and rode on, shooting at anyone she could.  As the gang got to the edge of town, Kelly spurred Katie’s horse on as she rode out of town with one of the men who was also wounded.

Once in the woods, they stopped to look back to see if they were being followed and to reload.  It was then Katie realized Kelly was not there on his horse. She just cried as she sat in her saddle.  They rode on slowly and found a cave to hide in as they tended their wounds. Both were scared that a posse was after them.  The next day they rode east to get out of the territory. Later they would find out that Kelly and the other 3 men died in the town along with a dozen towns people and 2 of the bounty hunters.

Over the next month, several other major gangs were caught or killed.  The Arizona governor in Phoenix, decided to grant amnesty for any bandits still alive. He wanted to make the territory safer. Katie decided it was time to change her life and rode in and surrendered.  She was held for a month and then released. She swore she had no money and rode out of town, not sure what to do. She knew she had a bad rep and was known as a bandit.  She decided it was time to ride home one last time before figuring out what to do next.