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Welcome to [Lone Wolf] Rebirth of the Kai

04:43, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Laughing Shark

The stories about Laughing Shark's past are as muddled as her heritage. Some rumors tell that she had been a pirate princess and had been captured by the Kai only to be raised as their servant, and if she ever left the order she would be hunted down and her head impaled on a pike. Others rumors told of how she had snuck aboard a a war galley and fought along side the Kai against the Darklords. The other, and perhaps more believable due to it's simplicity, was that she had been the daughter of an indistinct sailor who lost his life during the war and that the girl had presented herself to the order to extract revenge. Unsuprisingly, Laughing Shark is best known for her abilities at sea (if not also for her abilities to drink, cause a ruckus, and mouth)

Laughing Shark herself is of mixed origins, her skin is perpetually tan and her hair as dark as midnight, suggesting Vassa and maybe Stornland heritage. The only sign that there may be some Sommerlunder blood in her veins are her brilliantly blue eyes - like a clear sky after a raging ocean storm. She posses a lithe build and is of average height, her most distinctive features aside from her eyes are her smile, which no matter what abuse she faces never seems to leave her lips, and her laugh.

Shark's main affiliate in the order is the Kai Principalin, Summer Wasp. The two women can often be found occupying the mess hall exchanging drunken, and often bawdy, stories, which occasionally involve elaborate theatrics. Laughing Shark's rowdy behaviors are not limited to Wasp's company, the woman seems to attract attention where every she goes and is never shy.

Even on missions Shark maintains her attitude, never appearing to worry as she snaps witty remarks even in the face of death. Her daring actions have earned her more than a few serious injuries over the years, but no matter how many bones she breaks, neither her spirit nor will ever seem to crack. Shark has lept from the to off a ships mast onto the back of a giant and went on to fight a warlock, she has battled in the midst of a massive hurricane strong enough to tare the flesh from her face, but never amidst all this, did she forget to smile.