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Welcome to State of Decay

10:59, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

State of Decay

Network Signal Broadcast:
 Hello to anyone out there. My name is Twain and I'm here to help shed a little light on what got us all into this mess. It seems like this plague we find ourselves in the middle of couldn't have been the doing of mother nature. Some scientific types we here at the Network have been talking to have been telling us some mighty frightening tales. Like for instance it seems as if this thing started from a lot of different places all at once. Let that sink in for a minute.

  It's been weeks since the military was ordered to withdraw, but nobody has seen them since then. Like they just vanished. Now where do you hide that many soldiers? And why is it that these politicians who couldn't do anything for the common people seem to care so well as they were whisked off to their cozy little bunkers?

  Something foul is afoot here my brothers. It stinks to high heaven of a conspiracy. But don't you worry. The Network is digging deep to get to the bottom of this messy stinking pile. We will get whatever we find out there to you just as soon as we get it.

  The world's still spinning and that big ol sun is still setting. Be careful my brothers. I'd sure like to see it rise again with every one of you. From the bottom of my heart I wish you a safe and secure night. This is Twain signing off until tomorrow...