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Welcome to Signs of the Times

18:31, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Signs of the Times

Years ago there was a time when people could walk the streets freely without fearing the monsters that now lurk in the shadows. These creatures were portrayed in movies, on television, and in books - entertainment that people enjoyed for pleasure. Until one day, the grim fairytales reached through the imagination and became a real threat to society.

To this day, no one has claimed the release of the airborne virus. Some believe it was an attempt to initiate the third world war, some think it was an intentional genocide,  while others were sure it was released from above as punishment for all the wrongdoings that infected the world.  As the virus spread, the monsters began to wear the faces of friends, family, neighbors, people that were once lovers wanted to tear each other apart. The virus ate away the mind and then dug into the body, causing the very flesh to decay while the victim clung to life in an animalistic attempt at survival.

Some of the population were not affected by the virus, either they were just in the right place at the right time, or they felt like something was coming and took shelter before it hit; whatever the case may be, there was something in their mind that was unaffected by the nightmare that crept through the air, unseen and seeking to devour.

Then there were the others,  a small percentage of the populace that were affected but their minds and body did not fade away - the virus mutated in their systems and created something different, but not hellish.  They were special and harbored new abilities that could only be dreamed up and illustrated in comic books - extreme strength, enhanced speed, able to move things with a simple thought, even people that could control and contort the emotions of others.

Now, 10 years after the virus, this minority is being targeted.  For them, the inside of the safety compounds can be just as dangerous as the outside...