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Welcome to 01_A Simple Beginning

03:22, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

01_A Simple Beginning

~ A Simple Beginning ~

This game is based upon D&D 3.5 rules, using Eclipse d20 Classless Point Buy.

Character Creation is done WITH the GM. I will help everyone through the process till you are satisfied with your character.

All experience ranges are welcome to join, I only ask you are a mature player (Hence the Mature Flag). This game will be taking characters through the early life as they go from simple folk to heroes (Well, I hope heroes, but one can never tell).

The emphasis will be on role-playing. This isn't going to be a dungeon crawl, or typical hack/slash... I expect the players to guide their characters in creative ways. Most importantly, Have Fun!

Current Power Level is 2
Having faced the trials of the Fey, the group is now under the agreement of the FEY PACT, something their founder of the village entered into for a mutual agreement of protection and aid. Our intrepid bands have set off in search of a bandit menace to deprive them of a Staff that allows them to gain access to the Fey Realm and destroy Fey Sacred Sites.

Rules, yes rules: (Since this get's lost within a few days in OOC)
To keep the game flow steady, and advancing the plot, development, or whatever the current focus of the group is, the IN-CHARACTER Post rate is set to a minimal of every three (3) days. The GM will NPC any character who hasn't posted in three (3) days. Failure to post by six (6) days is considered character abandonment and the GM will remove the player from the game. You may submit another RTJ to rejoin.

The Exceptions:
#1 - The player notifies the GM of any planned or extended absence, this will suspend their requirement to post but does give control of the character(s) to the GM.

#2 - The player has been reliable in posting timely and is a productive contributor, and such a drop off would be considered abnormal behavior (Suspecting Internet Failure, Family Emergency, etc). The GM will grant some leeway.

The Bottom Line:
If you've lost interest in playing the game, I'd hope you'd have the courtesy to drop me a note saying so. I'm very open to player views and opinions about the game. If you are dissatisfied, let me know in a constructive manner and I'll try to rectify the situation. But if you don't tell me, I won't know. Simply dropping by post attrition is 'rude', not just to me as the GM, but your fellow players.


Minors are allowed but you must be a mature player.

Please Submit the following when requesting access:

How old are you?:
Your Gender:    (Male/Female, I like to know )
Experience with D&D/d20:    <Never/Beginner, Moderate, Experienced>
Have you ever played a Classless System:      (YES/NO)
How often can you post?:

Character Concept:
(We'll be starting as simple Level 1 villagers with staring life experience, so this is more of an idea of where you want to take the character... I'll accept 'My character has dreams of wielding mighty spells; or wants to be an adored ministrel'. Nothing is set into stone, but as we play, a concept will help shape your character.

Character Age?:    (15-17 Human equivalent; Adjust as appropriate if playing any other race)
Character Race:    (Human would be best, but other races are allowed, please list alternatives and we'll discuss options)
(Hair Color, Eye Color, Height, Weight, Gender)
Character Name:

Additional Notes you may want the GM to know?:

Plot Hooks: (Things that you find personally interesting for the GM to use for you)

Source Books for reference materials:
PHB (Core Races, and explanation of Skills. All Spells Available)
Spell Compendium (Spells)
The Psychic's Handbook [From Green Ronin] (Different set of Skills)
Eclipse: The Codex Persona -
  Pretty much everything you'll need to build the character is in this book.
The Practical Enchanter -
  An additional resource for spell casters and a few interesting tools.

Condensed Skill List
<th width="40%">Skill Name
Acrobatics (Dex)Balance + Escape Artist (DEX) + Tumble
Athletics (Str)Climb + Jump + Swim + Escape Artist (STR)
Deception (Cha)Bluff + Disguise
Perception (Wis)Search + Spot + Listen
Persuasion (Cha)Diplomacy + Intimidation
Stealth (Dex)Hide + Move Silently
Linguistics (Int)Speak Language + Decipher Script + Forgery
Thievery (Dex)Appraise + Disable Device + Open Locks + Pick Pocket / Sleight of Hand
Insight (Wis)Sense Motive + Gather Information
Arcana (Int)Spellcraft + Knowledge: Arcana
Background (Int)Covers any five Craft, Profession, or Perform skills.
Handle Animal (Cha)Handle Animal, Ride, Profession/Teamster, etc.
Religion (Wis)Knowledge/Religion, Knowledge/The Planes, Heal, and performing various religious services and rituals
Use Device (Cha)Use Magic Device, Use Psionic Device, and Use Technological Device. For practical purposes there isn't much difference.
Scholar (Int)Covers Knowledge / Architecture and Engineering, Geography, History, Local, and Nobility
Survival (Wis)Survival + Use Rope + Knowledge/Nature
Endurance (Con)Control Shape + Concentration + Endurance

* If a skill isn't on the above list, then it's unmodified. A full list of skills is found here: