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Welcome to Ashen Stars: All We Have Forgotten

01:03, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Ashen Stars: All We Have Forgotten

They call you lasers. Or scrubbers. Or regulators. Or, out in the Scylla Outzone, shinestars. To the lawless denizens of the Bleed, whether they be pirates, gangsters or tyrants, you're known in less flattering terms. According to official Combine terminology, the members of your hard-bitten starship crew are known as Licensed Autonomous Zone Effectuators. You're the seasoned freelancers local leaders call when a situation proves too tough, too baffling, or simply too weird to handle on their own. In the abandoned fringe of inhabited planets known as the Bleed, you're as close to a federal authority as they come.

Sometimes that's not saying much. Nearly any planetsider can tell you a horror story of effectuators gone wrong. Motivated by profit and operating on razor-thin margins, laser crews are all too tempted to cross the line, to become the kind of scum they're paid to hunt. You may despise the crooked contractors who give your profession a bad name and make it harder to win the trust of honest citizens. Or you might be hanging on the edge of corruption yourselves. However deep your ethical commitments, you struggle to maintain at least the appearance of a sparkling reputation. The value of your next contract depends on it.

The Bleed wasn't always the untamed fringe it is today. Less than a generation ago, it was the glamorous frontier of an interstellar, culture-spanning government dedicated to peace, understanding, and self-determination. The Combine, an amalgamation of interstellar empires founded two centuries ago, had achieved its apex. With humanity at the forefront, its united peoples expanded throughout the dense belt of solar systems then known as the Wave. Sleek, generously-manned star vessels patrolled its FTL corridors, keeping the peace, confronting anomalies, and solving problems. Shielded by their universal ideology of cooperation, the peoples of the Wave slumbered safe in their beds.

Then came the Mohilar War. For the first time in a century, the Combine faced an enemy strong enough to threaten its very existence. The Mohilar arose suddenly, on planets throughout Combine space which were thought to be uninhabitable. Due to a bizarre psychic effect dubbed the Bogey Conundrum, memories of the Mohilar race have grown indistinct and contradictory, even though the last of them vanished less than a decade ago. What they did is remembered all too well. Mastering a strange and incompatible material technology, they roused vast war fleets, attacking without warning or mercy. They rampaged through Combine space. The atmospheres of its core planets, including Earth, were irreparably poisoned. Billions of civilians died, on both sides. Industrial production flat-lined, provoking economic collapse in a society that had transcended the need for currency. The Combine's glittering fleets of patrol vessels, pressed into unfamiliar service as military ships, were largely destroyed.

Seven years ago, the war ended. After suffering a surprise defeat in a decisive last-ditch engagement at Myndaro Station, the Mohilar abruptly vanished. Fears of their return remain high. In the meantime, a reconstituted, decentralized Combine has begun the tortuous process of rebuilding its economy, government, and war fleet. Barely able to administer its surviving core worlds, the Combine has abandoned central control over its far-flung frontiers. More than any other sector, the once-proud Bleed has been left largely on its own. Combine vessels venture here only in direst emergency — usually to investigate signs of a possible Mohilar resurgence. The Bleed's various planets are now essentially autonomous, though united by a common currency and various economic and cultural ties.

The old duties of Combine patrols are now outsourced to private contractors like you. You may cruise around the spacelanes waiting to respond to emergency distress calls. This activity, known as "swooping", is looked down on by higher-end lasers, who pick and choose their missions. Through this procedure, a distress call is routed through a Combine outpost. The outpost then sends a proffer to all registered laser ships within hailing range. Each ship bids on the contract. The Combine authorizes the winner to proceed to the site of the call and solve whatever problem the locals report. The bid system takes into account the reputations of the bidding vessels, giving the scrubbers incentive to keep it honest. Or what passes for honest in the Bleed.

Ashen Stars is a space opera setting in which the player-characters are freelance operatives policing the farthest reaches of an interstellar federation recovering after a war with an unknown foe. It is the fifth in the Gumshoe line of investigative and mystery roleplaying games, created by Robin D. Laws and published by Pelgrane Press.