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Welcome to / M I N D P U N K / 2 0 9 2 / [Headspace]

04:38, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

/ M I N D P U N K / 2 0 9 2 / [Headspace]


Earth is wrecked - ecologically, economically, socially. Mentally too, maybe. Corporations rule everything. Any timid attempt at resisting them is ruthlessly squashed.

You should know. You used to do the squashing.

Not any more. Your days as a sanctioned killer for Servus Security Solutions are done. One black op too many. Enough was enough. They trained you to be a top operative, and you still are. They put experimental cyberware in your body, and it's still there. And they connected your mind to the minds of your teammates so you worked as one single mind, one single unit, one single Headspace - and you still are.

There is no out when you're a corporate commando, so you and your cell have just defected. To fight against the very corporations that created you, that gave you everything and took everything from you, that rule the present of Earth while they ruin its future. Time to fight back. Time to reclaim Earth for humanity.


This is a cyberpunk game, in the actual sense of the word: not just the neon aesthetic and cool tech, but the fuck-the-system ethos. WARNING! Might contain traces of politics!

The seas have risen, the world is Balkanized, nation states have mostly faded away or become more like corporations, while corporations have shamelessly stolen the place of elected governments. It is a nasty and unfair world, and you are fighting the unfairness with nastiness.

It is rated Adult because the setting and story are inherently violent, not just in splashed guts and suchlike, but in the injustice of the system you are fighting. I expect all players to be decent to each other, and to address both violence and (hypothetical) sex in a mature way. Not doing so will get you kicked out, fast. So will any sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc bullshit. If any of this baffles you, it's not your game, move along.

We will use Headspace, a Powered-by-the-Apocalypse system. It is pretty rules-lite and I will explain everything, so ownership of the manual is recommended (it is a cool ruleset, after all) but not required. Newbies are welcome (coming clean: it's also my first time GMing it). The main idea is

I am looking for 6 players, to fill well-defined specialist roles in a cell of crack rogue operatives. I am looking for committed, competent writers, willing to play cooperatively ('cooperation' meaning not just amongst players, but also with me: Headspace leaves a lot of leeway for players to have their own inputs into the fiction and the game world.) Acceptance will NOT be on a first-come first-served basis: I want to make sure players are the right fit for the game. Please only apply if you see yourself committing longterm to the game: ghosting is not fun for anyone involved. Thanks.